Chapter 545
"What's the rush? We've been waiting here since the Amethyst shot, and we haven't seen that kid come out at all, so how could we leave early! We definitely didn't leave!"

The elder twins had a gloomy face, staring fiercely at the auction with a pair of depressed eyes, as if they wanted to stare a hole out of the auction.

The twin brother couldn't help shaking his body, and wiped his nose with his hands. It's so cold, and he's wearing such thin clothes, he must be catching a cold tomorrow.

"Brother, are we just waiting here?"

Although the twins look the same, if you take a closer look, you will find that they are somewhat different. The eyes of the elder brother of the twins always have a gloomy taste, very sinister, and they are not good people when they look at each other. As long as one of them looks at each other, The kind of person who makes people feel cold all over.

As for the twin brother, with sunken eye sockets, he looks like a person who hangs around flowers all year round and has a somewhat flimsy body.

The two spent a lot of money and painstaking efforts to steal the treasure from the Southern Demon Kingdom. They still don't know why the people of the Southern Demon Kingdom care so much about a piece of amethyst, and chased and killed them in several cities.

Before discovering the secret, the two discovered that they were poisoned.

On the way, they met a doctor with excellent medical skills. They gave each other the volume on their bodies in exchange for a wrong prescription. They wanted to try their luck here, but they didn't expect the amethyst to be gone.

"Damn it, that brat, don't let me catch him. After you catch him, let him have a good taste of what life is better than death."

For so many years, the two of them have done a lot of dirty things, and there are many ways to make life worse than death. When you catch that brat, you must let the other party have a hard time.

After the twin brothers heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they said leeringly: "Brother, don't be in a hurry to kill him after you catch him, and hand him over to me first, that kid's skin is worse than that of the oiran in the brothel." It has to be tender and smooth, and it is young, and it looks green, so the taste will be ecstasy."

Hearing this, the twin brothers immediately scolded with a cold face: "Don't think about those goofy things all day long, when we have money in the future, we can't have any kind of beauties you want, and boys, how many brothers do you want for you?" Find how much."

The two talked nonsense about meat and vegetables, and there was a disgusting smile in their voices. It turned out that the two of them not only played with women, but also liked to play with boys. There are also many boys who have been persecuted for so many years.

After waiting for another two hours, the twin brothers couldn't hold back anymore: "Brother, I want a woman."

The twin brothers glanced at the auction. At this time, no one should come out, but what if the other party leaves at this time!
"Okay, you go to find a woman, but if you find a woman, hurry back and guard."

The twin brothers responded immediately, turned around and left.

The man flew over the eaves and walls to a brothel, flew straight up, and came to a room where a man and a woman were having fun, the man stepped forward, knocked the man unconscious, covered the woman's terrified face, and took The woman leaves.

Then came to a remote dilapidated house, and the brothel woman knelt on the ground in fear: "Master, please spare me! I beg you to forgive me! I have never offended anyone before!"

(End of this chapter)

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