The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 580 What a powerful martial art

Chapter 580 What a powerful martial art
It turned out that Di Jiuyang's swordsmanship was too fast, so there was a momentary freeze.

The twin brothers didn't expect that their elder brother was actually dead, and immediately rushed towards An Yi like crazy. He wanted to kill all these people, all of them, and he wanted to avenge his elder brother.

"I'm going to kill you, you bitches."

The twin brothers are already crazy, their eyes are red, their long hair is messed up, and their robes are even more messed up. They thought they were backlashed and bloodstains were everywhere, and they looked disgusting and permeable.

Di Jiuyang dealt with the twin brothers, looked at the twin brothers, his eyes flashed coldly: "You are not from Beisheng Kingdom, who are you?"

Gushu, this kind of sinister martial art, can only be practiced in small tribes. In Beisheng Kingdom, although there is no explicit prohibition, everyone excludes people who practice Gushu.

Therefore, there are very few people practicing Gu in Beisheng country. As long as they are known, there will definitely be no good end.

Moreover, the man's evil skills have already reached perfection. Obviously, he has been practicing evil skills since he was a child. Obviously, he has this condition to be able to practice evil skills since he was a child. There are only some small countries or remote tribes that are not restricted. It also advocates practicing evil skills.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that their tribe will not be destroyed.

Seeing that their elder brother was dead, the twin brothers already hated Di Jiuyang to death in their hearts, but they did not expect that Di Jiuyang was so smart that he guessed that they were not from Beisheng Kingdom.

"Yes, we are not from Beisheng Kingdom, but we are very powerful. Sooner or later, Beisheng Kingdom will also belong to us. As for who we are, I will not tell you."

"Hahaha, even if our brothers die here today, our people will occupy here sooner or later, not only this, but the Three Kingdoms."


Such arrogant words, but people can't help but feel dignified. The man is so arrogant, but it can be heard that this is his belief.

Who is it that hides behind and wants to unify the Three Kingdoms.

The twin brother's Gu worm is useless for experts, but it is still very useful for ordinary soldiers. Many soldiers were bitten and suffered terribly. However, the twin brother has the determination to die, obviously he has already prepared to die preparations, wanting to kill as many people as possible before dying.

"Be careful, don't let him turn into a move."

When Mo Qingcheng saw the actions of the twin brothers, he was startled and immediately yelled.

The man actually wanted to use his own flesh and blood to feed the Gu worms, causing the Gu worms to kill crazily. Once this move is formed, there will be blood flowing here.

Di Jiuyang's eyes fell on the man's body, his hands were put together, and a strong wind blasted towards the man. The movement that the man had just formed suddenly dissipated, and his body hit the big tree fiercely, and then bounced back.

"Pu Chi" spurted out a mouthful of blood, the man looked at Di Jiuyang viciously, who is this person?It was able to break his own full blow.

Di Jiuyang's icy eyes swept across the man. Even though he was dying, that kind of fear could penetrate the soul. The man felt the trembling from the soul. Di Jiuyang raised the long sword and cut off the man's chest. Meridians, looking at Song Wuya: "Take it."

The man was taken into a prison car, surrounded by soft iron, invulnerable.

 Sorry, six in the evening is later
(End of this chapter)

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