Chapter 589
Royal Palace.

Above the Daxiong Palace!

On the icy floor, the slightest bit of chill passed through the government to the skin and into Prime Minister Mo's heart.

Mo Chengguang obviously felt cold all over his body, but beads of sweat couldn't stop dripping from his forehead, he didn't dare to look up at the emperor on the dragon chair, he was so angry that he was dying.

Di Yuanmin seemed to have not seen Mo Chengguang, and continued to review the memorial calmly. After two full hours, Di Yuanmin put down the brush in his hand, as if he had just seen Mo Chengguang.

"Prime Minister Mo, it has spread throughout the capital, and your official authority is greater than mine."

Mo Chengguang was startled, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "The emperor is clear, I really don't know about this matter, I know that there have been some conflicts between Tianlan and Qingcheng, the two are just joking, not It's really as rumored, please the emperor to check it out."

After hearing this, Emperor Yuanmin threw the teacup in his hand fiercely beside Mo Chengguang, and said in a cold voice: "Mingcha, the common people have said so, what do you want me to investigate, no matter what grievances the prime minister's mansion has? , now that Mo Qingcheng is married to Jiu'er, and will be the Twelve Princess in the future, you'd better take care of your daughter, and don't take my imperial decree seriously."

Di Yuanmin used to be very satisfied with Mo Chengguang, the prime minister, but the more things happened recently, the more Di Yuanmin disliked Mo Chengguang. Mo Chengguang could be so cruel to his daughter, and he could Do you expect such a person to be faithful to you?
Mo Chengguang was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, he could only nod his head: "Your Majesty, it's all the fault of this humble minister. When I return, I will definitely investigate and make my daughter realize my mistake."

Di Yuanmin was too lazy to look at Mo Chengguang, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "I think you are too tired recently, go back and have a good rest! Go back and think about your past behind closed doors, don't let such a thing happen again, Mo Chengguang The first-rank prime minister, Bian is the second-rank governor, and the decree is to close the door at home for seven days."

"Okay, back off!"

With a wave of his hand, Di Yuanmin drove Mo Chengguang away.

Mo Chengguang knew that he had no reason to intercede at all, so he could only obey the imperial decree and leave, his face was gloomy all the way, how much effort he spent to achieve the position of today's first-rank prime minister, now because of Mo Tianlan, He was reduced to a second-rank governor.

Mo Chengguang was so angry that he was about to die, but he couldn't attack.

As for the imperial study room, after Di Yuanmin punished Mo Chengguang, he looked at the curtain beside him with a smile on his face. Di Jiuyang came out from inside and looked at the direction Mo Chengguang was leaving with a hint of danger in his eyes.

Di Yuanmin was very happy to see Di Jiuyang, and immediately greeted Di Jiuyang to him: "Jiu'er, come over and make it. This is the fruit that just came as a tribute. You can try it."

Di Jiuyang stepped forward, sat opposite to Di Yuanmin, and said coldly: "Mo Chengguang is not a simple person. Although you are the emperor, you should be more careful."

Di Yuanmin was immediately overjoyed. This son finally began to worry about his father, and his care for Di Jiuyang was not in vain: "Father knows, but do you really like your concubine? In order to give her To vent my anger, I came to the palace to look for my father."

Di Jiuyang suddenly said helplessly: "I want to deal with Mo Chengguang, so I still need to find my father? It's just that Mo Chengguang is really too arrogant. Those who don't know think that he can call the shots in the capital." !"

(End of this chapter)

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