The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 593 Return this sentence to you

Chapter 593 Return This Sentence to You
"You're ruined, you can keep it for yourself." Mo Qingcheng didn't take Zhu Qiqi's threats at all. For people like Zhu Qiqi, Mo Qingcheng had always had a dislike for him.

When Zhu Qiqi spoke, he spoke in Mo Qingcheng's ear. Seeing that Mo Qingcheng didn't care at all, he turned cold and bumped into Mo Qingcheng's shoulder, and then left.

Seeing that Mo Qingcheng was being bullied by Zhu Qiqi, Gong Xiyu immediately stepped forward to protect Mo Qingcheng: "Zhu Qiqi, what do you mean by this? You rate yourself. What Qingcheng wants to do has nothing to do with you."

So what if it's level one, they can solve the plague that you can't end, if you can, then see the real chapter in your real ability, what kind of ability is this.

Zhu Qiqi gave Gong Xiyu a hard look, then turned and left.

At the second level, it is not a test together, but an individual test.

Among these people in the palace, only Mo Qingcheng has no rating. As long as you want to participate in the test of Beisheng Kingdom, you can come here to rate if you reach a certain level. Only those who can rate can participate in the test.

Hong Ling also came to Mo Qingcheng curiously, and said strangely: "Qingcheng, what's going on with you! You are so good, why are you so weak?"

Mo Qingcheng could only smile awkwardly, and said helplessly: "I just have poor foundation."

No matter what she said about this matter, and if she said it, no one would believe it.

Next, since it is a person-by-person rating, everything is easy.

Zhu Qiqi took the third-level sign and came out. When passing by Mo Qingcheng, his face was full of arrogance and arrogance. Gongxi wanted to speak in a tone, but was stopped by Mo Qingcheng.

For such a person, the more you take it to heart, the more proud the other person will be.

Yu Yan took the fifth-level brand, and immediately received a lot of envious looks.

However, Yu Yan has been in the Taiyuan Academy for three years, and Zhu Qiqi has only been in one year, so the two have some experience in their grades, while the others' grades are much more mediocre.

Soon it was Mo Qingcheng's turn. Gongxiyu was the first to go in, and soon came out, holding a third-level sign in his hand.

Gongxi has this score, which is already very good.

As for Hong Ling and Danyao, they both had grade four badges, only the elder brother went in and got a grade six badge.

When Yu Yan saw the sixth-level badge in Guan Qing's hand, he felt powerless jealousy in his heart. The two had the same starting point, but Guan Qing was able to surpass himself because he was favored by Wen Er.

Yu Yan was a little unconvinced. Why did Wen Er choose Guan Qing instead of himself? His talent is even stronger than Guan Qing's.

Mo Qingcheng was the last one. Wen Er didn't say a word, but he couldn't help telling Mo Qingcheng: "It doesn't matter if you can't make it through. Don't worry about it. We all know your ability. After strengthening the foundation in the future, naturally It's over."

Mo Qingcheng nodded. He didn't really care about this rating. Anyway, as long as he was eligible to enter the palace, Mo Qingcheng must investigate clearly about the events of the year.

"It's okay, I don't care."

When Zhu Qiqi heard Mo Qingcheng's words, he couldn't help but sneered: "It's really nice to say, I don't care at all, I think I don't have the ability to answer the questions correctly!"

(End of this chapter)

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