Chapter 597 Too Weak
"Little beauty, what are you afraid of? Our brothers won't hurt you. As long as you have fun with us, how about we let you go back?"

The gangsters' eyes lit up when they saw You Ru, such a pretty little beauty is really rare.

You Ru kept backing away until his back was against the wall, and then he covered his face and began to cry.

Mo Qingcheng stepped back, walked into the alley, and said coldly, "Wait."

A few hooligans turned around and found a more beautiful little beauty, and immediately said with a smile: "Oh, we brothers are really lucky, we just met a little beauty, and at this time another little beauty came .”

The leader of the hooligans winked at his little brothers, and immediately someone passed from behind and surrounded Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng walked forward leisurely, and when Youru saw Mo Qingcheng, she cried and threw herself into Mo Qingcheng's arms.

Mo Qingcheng patted You Ru on the back helplessly, glanced at the hooligans, and said coldly: "Should you go away by yourself, or should I help you go, but if you just want my help, it won't be so easy for you. "

When the hooligans heard this, they were immediately amused by Mo Qingcheng's words: "Little beauty, why don't you leave it to us, how to get out, we really like to roll on the ground with you!"

Mo Qingcheng pushed You Ru away: "You just wait by yourself, I will send you home after I clean up these people."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng stepped forward, kicked the man out, and then stepped on the man's chest. The man immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and Mo Qingcheng directly threw a pill into the man's mouth.

"Since you like looking for girls so much, then I'll make it happen for you. Anyway, if you leave that thing to you, it's a waste for you. Why don't you waste it for you today."

The few people behind him didn't expect that Mo Qingcheng's shot would be so neat, and he subdued the man with one kick, and immediately rushed forward. Mo Qingcheng didn't practice martial arts, so it was no problem to deal with these people, and it was said that now he had internal strength in his hands.

After several rounds, several people were all beaten to the ground by Mo Qingcheng, and all of them were given pills without exception.

This kind of pill is to make people unable to do bad things, but it is not permanent. Within a year, these people will have no way to do bad things.

"If you don't get out, if you don't get out, I don't know if you are still alive or not, and you have walked out of here."

This time, what Mo Qingcheng said no longer dared to doubt whether it was true or not. The gangsters believed it. If they dared not enter or leave this place, Mo Qingcheng would change his mind at any time. When Mo Qingcheng changed his mind, It's really possible to get out of here alive.

"Brother, let's go."

Several hooligans supported each other and left the alley while rolling and crawling.

You Ru looked at Mo Qingcheng and cried into tears: "Qingcheng, it's lucky to have you, otherwise, I don't know what will happen today."

Mo Qingcheng took a look at You Ru, and frowned immediately: "You are a lady of the general's mansion, remember to bring your subordinates when you go out, and don't come out alone in the future. It's quite chaotic outside, next time something happens, but no People are in charge of you."

"Besides, your body is too much. If you have nothing to do, you can learn a few more tricks from your elder brother. At least you won't be at a loss when you encounter such a thing."

(End of this chapter)

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