Chapter 614 Doubt
The woman in blue stopped immediately, how to answer this sentence.

"Young master, please go back! Assassination of court officials is something we will not do. We have not violated the court water for so many years. We cannot break the rules because of this incident."

"Although our people are very powerful, once they are found out, too much will be involved."

Mo Qingcheng was not surprised. He just stood up and chuckled: "Before I came, I came here for the name of your mercenary association. Besides, did the mercenary association really never assassinate a court official? Really, they never did such a thing." Is it business? Or did the rules change when Prime Minister Mo came here? "

The expression of the woman in blue remained unchanged: "Prime Minister Mo is different, Prime Minister Mo has high authority and cannot be moved."

Mo Qingcheng nodded, agreeing with the woman in blue: "Since this is the case, then forget about this list. I will find someone else later, so I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingcheng left with An Yi, and before the two of them left the black market, An Yi cautiously said, "Princess, someone is following us."

Mo Qingcheng nodded, as if he didn't know the people behind him, and let him walk forward leisurely: "Let people follow! Let's go out of the city."

An Yi didn't know what Mo Qingcheng was going to do, but he followed Mo Qingcheng except for the city gate, and outside the city gate, two horses had already been prepared, and the two got on the horses, and then galloped away.

The two people behind were a little at a loss for such an accident, and lost them just like that.

"What should we do? We can't catch up with people riding horses."

"What else can we do? We can only go back. This matter is clearly planned, and we can't expose ourselves. It will be even more troublesome if the other party finds out."

After the two left, An Yi and Mo Qingcheng returned to their original colors, and the two returned to the palace in a fair and honest manner.

After returning to his room, Mo Qingcheng immediately entered the space. On the screen of the space, Mo Qingcheng saw the woman in blue and quickly left his room, and then asked someone to send a letter to the prime minister's mansion.

Prime Minister Mo, who was fined and confinement by the emperor, appeared on the black market.

It was only then that Mo Qingcheng discovered that the distance between the Prime Minister's Mansion and the black market was only two streets. If you walked from the front, you would need to go around half the imperial capital, but if you walked from the secret passage, it would be really easy.

Prime Minister Mo appeared in the room, and the woman in blue immediately knelt down: "Master."

Prime Minister Mo waved his hand: "What's the matter, you called me here in such a hurry, but what happened?"

Mo Chengguang usually looks elegant, but now he is strong, looking at the woman on the ground, he has taken the lead.

The woman in blue didn't dare to hide anything, so she told Mo Qingcheng all the tasks she wanted to release when she came to the black market, and the person who sent them out also lost him.

Mo Chengguang's expression turned ugly immediately: "Could it be that my identity was discovered, but who the hell is it? I hid it so well, I shouldn't be discovered again."

Mo Chengguang couldn't believe that he would be discovered by others, or that the other party was just probing, or he was afraid of the treasure in his hands.

But he has released the news that the treasure has been stolen, who wants to investigate him, is it the emperor's person?

(End of this chapter)

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