Chapter 620
Mo Chengguang walked in all the way along the path, and the places Mo Qingcheng had experienced before were still shot from behind. It was not because he found someone coming in, but because someone who didn't know would definitely be caught.

Mo Chengguang waited for the stab in the back to pass, and continued to walk forward, but his heart became more and more doubtful.

Along the way, there were many traps, but there were no traces of fighting or corpses. Could it be that I was wrong, that no one broke into the prime minister's mansion, and no one entered the study?

Mo Chengguang heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was really overwhelmed. No one could come here, and there were no traces of opening the organs before. Even a master of organs came here. May not touch a mechanism.

Even when Mo Chengguang walked in, he had to be careful, as long as he took a wrong step, it would definitely touch the deadly mechanism.

Walking in front of the dark room, Mo Chengguang showed a smile on his face. This is all his capital. As long as he has the things in it, he can withdraw troops and buy horses. When the time comes, everything in the entire Beisheng Kingdom will be my own.

The more Mo Chengguang thought about it, the more satisfied his eyes became. He turned the mechanism and walked in.

The moment he walked in, he froze in place, and then his face slowly turned livid. Mo Chengguang rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The mountain of gold, silver and jewelry that had been piled up before had all disappeared.

Mo Chengguang had an unbelievable expression on his face, he immediately covered his heart, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Who, exactly who did it, who took my gold."

It's no wonder that Mo Chengguang was so impatient, he was so angry that he vomited blood. He worked so hard for so many years, just for that day, and now I don't know who took all his silver away. If he didn't stay, Mo Chengguang's plan would have been broken.

Now everything is ready, and now all the plans will be stopped because of the money, and the decades-long dream of being an emperor has been shattered like this, Mo Chengguang rolled his eyes and passed out.

Mo Qingcheng took the little snake and left from the other side of the secret passage, just in time to miss Mo Chengguang.

Coming out of the study again, Mo Qingcheng found that the sky was getting a little brighter all day, and it was really because of the affairs of the prime minister's mansion that he had been tossing all night.

It was very easy when they came out, because this time was the most sleepy time, and many soldiers were in a daze. After all, the rockery in the backyard was blown up last night, and the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion worked all night to fix it.

With a flash, Mo Qingcheng climbed onto the roof, and then left the Prime Minister's Mansion all the way.

Just after leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion, Mo Qingcheng bumped into a warm embrace. Mo Qingcheng was just about to struggle, but when he smelled a familiar smell, he hugged the other person's body firmly.

"Are you here to pick me up?"

Di Jiuyang tore Mo Qingcheng off his body, looked Mo Qingcheng up and down, and found that Mo Qingcheng was not injured, and his face looked better: "How did you promise me yesterday?"


Mo Qingcheng remembered that when he left, it only took an hour to complete it, and he went back obediently. An hour in ancient times is now two hours. It is only a camera, so there is no difficulty.

But Mo Qingcheng did not expect that there would be a secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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