Chapter 622

What a smart person Di Jiuyang is, he immediately understood that Mo Qingcheng said that on purpose before, but he just didn't want to get angry.

"I really can't do anything about you!"

After falling into the yard, Di Jiuyang put the man on the bed, and after giving orders, he fell asleep with his arms around Mo Qingcheng.

He was also tired all night, and now he can rest well.

The grading work is completed, and the people from the Taiyuan Academy will leave soon. This time, Mo Qingcheng will leave with these people.

And the strangest thing these two days was that Mo Chengguang fell ill, and it was still a serious illness. Mo Tianyao had been busy taking care of her father, so she only felt strange about Mo Chengguang's coma.

However, Mo Tianyao did not delay her return to Taiyuan Academy because of this incident.

In the teahouse, Mo Qingcheng had already come. Originally, Mo Qingcheng thought that Di Jiuyang would be reluctant in various ways, but what he didn't expect was that Di Jiuyang left earlier than himself, and went far away earlier.

Mo Qingcheng didn't know what Di Jiuyang was going to do, but he was a little worried in his heart, always feeling that it was a very dangerous thing.

Everyone was waiting for Mo Tianyao. When Mo Tianyao arrived, when he saw Mo Qingcheng, he immediately walked towards Mo Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, my father is sick. If possible, can I ask you to go back and see my father."

Mo Tianyao's eyes were sincere, and there was nothing wrong with the request. Everyone felt that such a request was understandable, because Mo Chengguang was also Mo Qingcheng's father, and now that he was sick, Mo Qingcheng should go back and have a look.

Gongxiyu did not speak, neither did Hong Ling, who was the most lively, Dan Yao was used to silence, and Guan Qing was not very familiar with Mo Qingcheng, but Zhu Qiqi gave Mo Qingcheng a cold look, and sneered: "My father is sick. , if you won’t go, your heart is too cruel.”


Then be ruthless!

"Although I have said some things many times, some people just have a bad memory. Mo Tianyao, let me say it again, I have nothing to do with the prime minister's mansion. I dare not to say that a father who wants my life over and over again. Yes, I'm afraid that if I go back this time, I'll lose my life again."

Mo Qingcheng directly refused. As for other people's opinions, Mo Qingcheng didn't care at all. If she cared about other people's opinions, Mo Qingcheng would not stick to her principles in her previous life.

What's more, Mo Qingcheng knew why Mo Chengguang was angry. Seeing that his gold and dragon robes and chairs were gone, it was no wonder that he vomited blood, but Mo Qingcheng had no sympathy for Mo Chengguang.

Mo Qingcheng is already amazing without adding a pack of poison, so it is impossible to expect Mo Qingcheng to go back to see Mo Chengguang.

Mo Tianyao knew that Mo Qingcheng would not agree, and a sneer suddenly rose in her heart. She knew that a person as inflexible as Mo Qingcheng would definitely reject her directly, and it really was.

"Qingcheng, are you really so cruel? Although my father is wrong, but my father is your father after all."

Mo Qingcheng glanced at Mo Tianyao mockingly, and sneered: "Mo Tianyao, if father regrets it, he told me these words himself, and besides, no one told me that father wanted to see me! It was you who came to me and said you were sure father wanted to see me."

Mo Tianyao was a little guilty when Mo Qingcheng looked at her, so she turned her eyes away.

(End of this chapter)

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