Chapter 642 The Swordsman

Elder Hu suddenly shouted, forget about other things, let’s forget about their Disciplinary Hall, but it’s normal for them to lose to Xidu Kingdom, Elder Hu can’t stand it anymore.

Mo Qingcheng glanced at Elder Hu mockingly: "It doesn't matter if the freshmen are suppressed. If the freshmen don't understand, it's good to do more, but why should the old students make a pill in the same way as it should be? , the freshmen are capable, but they can’t even make further progress in the pharmacy, no matter how good their talents are, they will be worn out.”

"There is nothing wrong with the basics of learning, but everyone's level is different. Some people have been studying with the master for more than ten years, and they are treated the same as the students who just entered the school. One of them has stayed in the academy for a year and dares to continue learning. I have been showing off in front of people for more than ten years, and the condition is that I go to school early."

"There is also dignity, Elder Hu, men and women love this, maybe there is something wrong, but you can deal with it privately, but let people admit their mistakes in front of thousands of people, everyone didn't know it, they didn't know how to ridicule, no meeting Argument."

"But because of you, I was lucky enough to let everyone know about it. Others took it as a joke, ridiculed, ridiculed, and in the end people went crazy. You drove them crazy. Why didn't you feel that you made a mistake! ?”

"Fortunately, this is Tai Academy, otherwise maybe people are not crazy, but dead!"

"People in the discipline hall are no different from robbers. If you offend the people in the discipline hall, you are being targeted by the people in the discipline hall. Don't people make mistakes?"

"Any little thing can be exaggerated to the sky. If you don't know it, you think that if you are in love with a man and a woman, it will ruin your college."

Mo Qingcheng spoke indifferently, but each sentence ruthlessly hit everyone present. The current Tai Academy is clearly a sick and unhealthy Tai Academy.

There is no joy of learning here, only depression, so much depression, Mo Qingcheng really regrets coming here.

When Elder Hu heard Mo Qingcheng's words, he sat down on the stool, his eyes glazed over. Did he really do something wrong for so many years?Really wrong?

"For so many years, the discipline hall has indeed lost its original intention. If it were you, what would you do?"

The dean suddenly looked at Mo Qingcheng, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't mean to be joking at all. Mo Qingcheng was also surprised, and then smiled and said: "Dean, the discipline hall should be resolved by the discipline hall." I'm not a member of the Disciplinary Hall, so it doesn't matter how I feel."

"Really? Well, you are now a member of the discipline hall. Regarding the matter of the discipline hall, you should rectify it. As for the punishment, this is your punishment this time." The dean immediately stroked his beard , with a deep smile on his face.

Mo Qingcheng immediately raised his eyebrows, this is punishment, others can't wait to enter the discipline hall!If someone else found out, they would probably be pissed off.

However, if the dean wants to let him help solve the problems of the Disciplinary Hall, in the end, he will earn money from the Academy, but he will offend others. This is a hard job, haha!
"Dean, may I know why you chose me?" Mo Qingcheng was still very curious. Everyone wanted to enter the discipline hall, not to mention that there were many people who were better than Mo Qingcheng. Why did you choose yourself? Woolen cloth!
(End of this chapter)

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