Chapter 648 Perfection
In this world, there must be nothing that Mo Qingcheng can't do!

However, Gongxiyu also knew that so many things were too difficult, and there must be such a big commotion in the Disciplinary Hall, it must be very tiring, so Gongxiyu only said a few words and let Mo Qingcheng rest.

The corner of Mo Qingcheng's mouth was smiling. After coming to Taiyuan Academy for so long, he felt very warm when he came back to this small courtyard.

Guan Qing didn't leave, and only looked at Mo Qingcheng after the girls left.

The corner of Mo Qingcheng's mouth curled up, and he looked at Guan Qing strangely: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Guan Qing looked at Mo Qingcheng, pondered for a moment, and slowly said: "The Discipline Hall is not as simple as you think. people's resentment."

Guan Qing is worried about Mo Qingcheng, the people who can enter the discipline hall are not ordinary people, their identities are very unusual, if Mo Qingcheng offends those forces, it may not matter when he is in Taiyuan Academy, but it will be dangerous after he goes out up.

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, his smile deepened immediately: "Thank you for the reminder, senior brother, I will be careful, but I was assigned by the dean, if I don't do anything, I am afraid the dean is not willing to let me go."

Mo Qingcheng had wondered for a long time that the dean wanted to let him enter the discipline hall just to shoot the goal. After all, he was a newcomer. No matter where he came from, he couldn't convince the crowd, but the dean looked like a newcomer himself. Mo Qingcheng himself was speechless.

Now that he heard Guan Qing's words, Mo Qingcheng finally understood that the dean wanted to use him to deal with those who were difficult to deal with in the Taiyuan Academy.

When did the Tai Academy become so corrupt? Could it be that I thought too well of the Tai Academy?

Seeing that there was no surprise on Mo Qingcheng's face, Guan Qing knew that Mo Qingcheng knew everything. Since Mo Qingcheng knew everything, if he wanted to do this, Guan Qing believed that Mo Qingcheng must have his own considerations.

"You're welcome. When Master left, let me take good care of you. You are the youngest junior sister in the yard, so I should take care of you."

Guan Qing usually doesn't like to talk, but he really treats Mo Qingcheng as a younger sister to dote on him. Although Mo Qingcheng's ability is here, but he always subconsciously treats Mo Qingcheng as a child, and people can't help but want to protect him. .

Mo Qingcheng nodded with a smile, watched Guan Qing leave, then sat on his bed, grabbed the sleeping little snake from the space, and threw it on the bed.

The little snake only felt dizzy, and then felt dizzy from the impact. He opened his eyes, looked at Mo Qingcheng's ugly face, and said impatiently: "Didn't you be asked to enter the Discipline Hall? Why? Looking unhappy?"

Xiao Snake knows a lot about mortal affairs. After all, he is several thousand years old now. What he doesn't understand is that what he has seen is really more rice than Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Qingcheng said with a cold face: "Have you investigated the matter that you are asked to investigate clearly? Do you have the top ten magic medicines here? Little snake, have you been too comfortable recently, so your skin is itchy."

This little snake, the purpose of Mo Qingcheng's coming here is for the magic medicine, not for studying at all, so the serious business can't be forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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