Chapter 657

"Hong Ling, you are so heartless. When Junior Sister Qingcheng didn't come, didn't we people listen to your nagging every day? Now that we meet Junior Sister Qingcheng, we turn our faces and deny people, cross the river and tear down the bridge. Are you so serious?" Is it okay?"

Although Danyao spoke with a heartbroken expression, his eyes were shining brightly, and he no longer needed to be pestered by Hong Ling to talk, Danyao felt that life was beautiful.

Hong Ling immediately changed into a smile, walked to Dan Yao, and said with a smile: "Dan Yao, we haven't chatted in a long time, why don't we have a good talk."

Dan Yao shook his body immediately, and immediately walked to Wen Er who was on the side: "You should go find Junior Sister Qingcheng! I have something important to ask the teacher."

After finishing speaking, Dan Yao walked over to Wen Er, and it seemed that he really had something to say.

Gongxiyu snickered behind him: "Senior Sister Hongling, is Qingcheng really good? She can do everything, and there is nothing in the world that Qingcheng can't do!"

Ever since Mo Qingcheng helped their family last time, Gongxiyu has a kind of superstitious confidence in Mo Qingcheng, thinking that if Mo Qingcheng can't do something in this world, then there is really no way to do it.

Hong Ling knew that Gongxiyu was Mo Qingcheng's brainless admirer at all, as long as Mo Qingcheng said and did it, it was right. As for other things, let's talk about it later.

He glanced at Gongxiyu, and immediately said helplessly: "Junior Sister Qingcheng, do you see that my world does not have such a status in Xiaoyu'er's heart? How did you do it in the first place? Xiao Yu'er is such a lovely young girl."

Mo Qingcheng didn't know what he had done, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "Maybe it's because I'm so beautiful."

This one
Hong Ling looked at Mo Qingcheng's exquisite facial features, her rose-colored lips that were tender and tender without applying red, and the shape was still the most beautiful prismatic, fair skin, a pair of smart eyes, sometimes calm and sometimes smiling , sometimes touching, always with a pair of eyes that seem to be able to talk, so beautiful.

On Mo Qingcheng's face, it seemed that one part was so perfect that no one could find any faults, and it was the kind of good-looking that everyone recognized.

Hong Ling is a beauty in her own right. In this life, Hong Ling has never seen anyone who she has admitted to be prettier than herself, but after seeing Mo Qingcheng, Hong Ling feels that her principles have been broken.

Gongxiyu looked at Mo Qingcheng and nodded immediately: "Qingcheng is the prettiest, but Qingcheng is the number one beauty in our capital!"

Dan Yao walked to Wen Er's side and said in a low voice, "Master, after my junior sister came, I think it's really great, and I don't have to be pestered by Hong Ling to talk anymore."

Danyao felt that Hong Ling should not come to study medicine, but to study storytelling. In this case, there are many objective people waiting to listen to her storytelling every day!At that time, Hong Ling will definitely be on fire from all over the country.

Three days passed in such an uneventful manner. Elder Hu came to look for Mo Qingcheng again. Mo Qingcheng was a little surprised to see Elder Hu, because he had met Elder Hu when he first came to Tai Academy. Elder Hu should be super Those who don't like themselves are the ones.

So taking the initiative to come to the door, Mo Qingcheng didn't expect it, it was a bit unexpected, but the other party obviously has something to do!
(End of this chapter)

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