Chapter 659 Two years later
Two years later.

Ever since Wen Er said that he would take Mo Qingcheng out to practice, Mo Qingcheng has followed Wen Er and traveled throughout the entire West Poison Country and Beisheng Country. Less, but did not travel thousands of miles.

As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

Mo Qingcheng has really gained a lot along the way, and also encountered many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. It can be regarded as a thorough grasp of the basics, and he has integrated what he has learned in modern times.

These are all tempered through actual combat.

Wen Er is really a good teacher, and Mo Qingcheng has learned a lot.

"Let's go, it's been a long time since I've been back to Tai Academy, go and see your senior sisters and senior brothers."

Walking outside, Mo Qingcheng didn't come to the Tai Academy for a full year and a half. Today, he finally came back again, but today's Tai Academy is no longer the Tai Academy two years ago.

Gongxi dialect is beautiful, and Hong Ling is no longer hot-tempered, and has calmed down a lot in two years, and Danyao is no longer as silent as before, and likes to talk more. As for Dan Yao and Guan Qing, the two fell in love with each other without knowing when, and they are now recognized couples.

When Mo Qingcheng and Wen Er returned to the small courtyard, the first thing they saw was Guan Qing who was sweeping the floor. When Guan Qing saw Wen Er, a smile appeared on his handsome face: "Master, junior sister, you are back."

Hearing the sound, Hong Ling rushed out of the room, saw Mo Qingcheng, stepped forward and hugged Mo Qingcheng, and said with great interest: "Little Junior Sister, why have you been away for a year and a half, your Senior Sister and I I really want to kill you, if you don't come back, I really want to see through."

Gongxiyu was dressed in a goose-yellow coat, with a faint smile on his lips. When he saw Mo Qingcheng, he happily stepped forward and hugged him. The goddesses of the entire Taiyuan College broke their indifference: "Qingcheng, you are finally back."

Mo Qingcheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at the crowd, his eyes slightly curved: "You are almost overwhelming me so much that I can't breathe."

Hong Ling immediately let go of Mo Qingcheng, looked at Mo Qingcheng's enchanting figure, and said with a smile, "Little Junior Sister, your figure is so good, I felt it when I hugged you just now."

Hong Ling's words were directed at Mo Qingcheng's ears, and no one else heard them except for the two of them. Mo Qingcheng immediately squeezed Hong Ling's waist, and retorted with a smile: "Senior Sister's figure is even more enchanting."

After two years of baptism, Mo Qingcheng's body has completely opened up, her exquisite facial features are more three-dimensional, her bright eyes contain a touch of soft color, every part of her exquisite facial features is perfect and impeccable, she is wearing a water blue skirt , a belt of the same color around her waist, and a white undershirt inside, although simple and elegant, it is still stunningly beautiful.

Seeing Mo Qingcheng, Gongxiyu was so happy that he almost forgot: "Qingcheng, you missed the imperial doctor's examination last time. Do you want to miss it this time?"

Gongxi language, I have already taken the examination of the royal doctor in the palace, and now I have an official title, and Mo Qingcheng directly missed the previous examination because she followed Wen Er to practice outside.

Of course it can't be wrong.

"I came back this time for this matter, but there is no hurry, I can go back later!"

(End of this chapter)

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