The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 670 The Fastest Dressing Speed

Chapter 670 The Fastest Dressing Speed
When Di Jiuyang walked into the room, Mo Qingcheng's clothes were already put on, but the whole clothes were twisted on his body, which looked so awkward to death.

Di Jiuyang stepped forward, and Mo Qingcheng immediately took two steps back defensively. She was already at such a fast speed. Could it be that Di Jiuyang was still acting like a beast?
Di Jiuyang frowned immediately, and then with a long arm, he pulled Mo Qingcheng into his arms, with a doting smile in his eyes, hugged Mo Qingcheng and put him on his lap: "Little fool, if I really What do you want to do to you? Do you think you are safe if you put on clothes?"

Mo Qingcheng: .
Ok!She admitted that what Di Jiuyang said made sense.

But Mo Qingcheng was even more certain that if he hadn't dressed up just now, Di Jiuyang would definitely not be so easy to talk about now.

Di Jiuyang stretched out his fingers to help Mo Qingcheng tidy up the clothes on his body. The tip of Mo Qingcheng's nose was filled with the fragrance of Di Jiuyang's body. I don't know what spices he used, but it smelled really good.

In Mo Qingcheng's mind, he couldn't help but think about last night, Di Jiuyang's domineering asking and taking, his face turned red.

Di Jiuyang suddenly approached Mo Qingcheng, and Mo Qingcheng looked at God Jiuyang's smiling eyes, and immediately turned his head to the side in guilty conscience, his blushing face was really cute, making one want to bite it.

Di Jiuyang pinched Mo Qingcheng's face, and immediately said dotingly: "I'm thinking about something bad, maybe something didn't happen, you feel very disappointed."

Mo Qingcheng's face turned even redder, and this time he became a little angry. He pushed Di Jiuyang away, and hurriedly sat on the bench beside him.

You are disappointed, your whole family is disappointed!
No, she is Di Jiuyang's concubine now, she seems to be a family with Di Jiuyang, no, I can't scold this sentence in the future, if I accidentally hurt myself, I will be scolded.

When the butler entered the door, he deliberately lay down on the door to listen to the movement. The maids behind him shrugged their shoulders, but they didn't dare to laugh and could only hold back silently.

Butler, you are quite old, and you are still lying on the door of the prince with your buttocks up, pricking up your ears to listen to the voices inside, is it really okay?

The butler listened for a while, but didn't hear anything. He stood up immediately, shook his goatee, and said with a serious face: "You didn't see anything just now, do you know? If you let me know that you are talking nonsense, be careful." Hold on."

However, the guards outside the wall, on the roof, and in the bushes all raised their middle fingers silently, have they all seen it?

The housekeeper knocked on the door, and only after hearing Di Jiuyang's voice, did he bring the maid inside.

The butler asked the servant girl to put the food on the table. Mo Qingcheng was already so hungry that his chest was on his back, but at a glance, they were all things that nourish blood and nourish Qi, and the corners of Mo Qingcheng's mouth twitched.

As a doctor, if you don't know what these meals mean, Mo Qingcheng's medical skills for so many years will really be wasted.

On the other hand, Di Jiuyang nodded in satisfaction, turned his eyes to look at Mo Qingcheng, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "I should make up for it, I was so tired last night."

Mo Qingcheng quickly cast a cold glance at Di Jiuyang, but Mo Qingcheng, with shy eyes and blushing face, looked not only not threatening at all, but more like flirting.

(End of this chapter)

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