Chapter 678
"Brother, long time no see, Miao Er misses you very much."

When Zuo Miao saw Di Jiuyang, she immediately stepped forward happily. Although a delicate smiling face was reserved, the message between her brows betrayed the most true thoughts in Zuo Miao's heart.

Di Jiuyang frowned slightly, his eyes turned cold when he looked at Zuo Miao: "What are you doing here?"

Zuo Miao didn't care about the indifference in Di Jiuyang's words, and immediately said with a smile: "Senior brother, it's been a long time since you saw me, why are you still like this, I'm here for a very important task, and I'm here to see you Brother, do you know what the task is?"

Di Jiuyang looked expressionless, obviously not interested in Zuo Miao's words.

Seeing that Di Jiuyang was still like this, Zuo Miao didn't feel annoyed, so she immediately said with a smile: "I came here to investigate one thing, that is, to investigate a faction of Xidu Kingdom. It is said that a faction of Xidu Kingdom is here. , and the secret purpose is to kill the contestants of the Tai Academy participating in the competition, so I came to the capital specially to investigate the news."

Di Jiuyang didn't speak, but Mo Qingcheng was a little more curious, and said a little strangely: "If it is to protect those people, shouldn't it be going to the Taiyuan Academy to protect those people? Why did you come to the capital, and there is no Taiyuan Academy in the capital?" .”

Zuo Miao took a look at Mo Qingcheng, although she didn't really want to talk to Mo Qingcheng, but Di Jiuyang was here, Zuo Miao couldn't let Di Jiuyang annoy her, so she explained in displeasure: "That's because they still There is a very important target, and that is Mr. He, He Yiming, who almost lost the West Poison Kingdom, he lives in the capital, and the purpose of the West Poison Kingdom people is to kill him."

It was only then that Mo Qingcheng realized that the other party's goal was He Yiming, so wouldn't that mean that He Yiming is very dangerous now?

However, there is no need to worry about He Yiming's safety. The Tai Academy has now become a Jishi Xuanhu medicine shop, because there is a master of mechanism skills in it, so this master, when he is idle, does not miss some mechanism techniques. So the current Jishi Xuanhu Pharmacy has a very strong defense ability.

If people who don't know the agency go in, there is really only a dead end.

Zuo Miao stared straight at Di Jiuyang with a pair of eyes, and the admiration in her eyes could be seen by anyone without eye problems.

Mo Qingcheng glanced secretly at Di Jiuyang, and Di Jiuyang looked at Mo Qingcheng worriedly: "Do you feel tired, go back to your room and rest!"

Mo Qingcheng bit her lip and nodded, Di Jiuyang pulled Mo Qingcheng and walked into the room, while Zuo Miao watched Di Jiuyang take Mo Qingcheng away, bit her lip unwillingly, her eyes were full of gloom .

The butler stood aside, and suddenly sighed helplessly in his heart: Fortunately, my lord did not marry Zuo Miao. This girl looked pretty good just now, but after getting closer contact with her, she was very uncomfortable. Before, she looked domineering. After arriving at their prince, his attitude immediately changed. This little girl is not simple!

But the butler is just a servant after all, he can only look at Zuo Miao, and said with a smile: "Miss Zuo, our concubine just came back and went to the barracks, maybe I'm a little tired, otherwise Miss Zuo"

(End of this chapter)

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