Chapter 684
"Okay, long time no see, you still know how to tease me, you are not pretty anymore."

Princess Caihe looked at Zuo Miao, and immediately smiled.

Zuo Miao sat down with Princess Caihe, and directly explained the purpose of her visit today. Princess Caihe was hesitant, but she had already guessed Zuo Miao's intention in her heart, but she still revealed this matter to Zuo Miao Yes, I didn't expect Zuo Miao to be so calm.

How could it be possible for a person living in the palace to have no city at all!

Princess Caihe did not grow up in the palace, but her mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

From the first day of contact with Zuo Miao, Princess Caihe felt that Zuo Miao might be useful in the future, but she didn't expect that Zuo Miao really needed to clean up Mo Qingcheng.

Princess Caihe likes Di Jiuyang, not for a day or two, but Princess Caihe is not stupid, seeing that Di Jiuyang is somewhat different from Mo Qingcheng, so Princess Caihe never looks for Mo Qingcheng Qingcheng's troubles, and Mo Qingcheng has not been in the capital for more than two years.

But as long as Mo Qingcheng existed, she was afraid that Mo Qingcheng would snatch Di Jiuyang away one day, so she wrote to Zuo Miao, and the meaning was revealed in the words.

Originally, Zuo Miao would come to the capital right away, Princess Caihe wanted to use Zuo Miao to test Di Jiuyang's attitude, but Zuo Miao had been silent for a whole year, and suddenly came to the capital.

Zuo Miao looked at Princess Caihe's hesitation, she calmed down a bit, blinked her eyes, and chuckled lightly: "Is there anything hard to say?"

Princess Caihe immediately shook her head: "It's not that there is nothing hard to say, but His Highness the Ninth Highness treats the Seventh Miss very unusually. I have never seen my cousin treat a girl so well. This is the only one."

"However, speaking of it, the two were originally asked to marry Mo Tianyao because of the imperial decree, but at that time there was a plague in Shili Town and Mo Tianyao was in Shili Town, so Mo Qingcheng was allowed to marry."

Princess Caihe spoke intermittently, directly omitting some important plots in it, and Zuo Miao automatically thought that Mo Qingcheng was shameless and married Di Jiuyang instead of his sister, and suddenly said angrily: "I really didn't expect that, She is such a person, but didn't the third senior brother know all this time?"

Will a person as smart as the third senior brother be deceived by Mo Qingcheng's tricks?
Zuo Miao felt a little unbelievable.

Princess Caihe immediately gave a wry smile when she heard the words: "At that time, His Royal Highness was seriously ill and unconscious. How could he know these things? When His Royal Highness recovered from his illness, Mo Qingcheng had already married into the palace, and a woman married into the palace. It’s all gone, if you are kicked out, there is only one dead end.”

Princess Caihe didn't say the latter words, but Zuo Miao had already fully understood.

Mo Qingcheng absolutely wanted to marry Di Jiuyang, and Di Jiuyang only kept Mo Qingcheng in the palace out of responsibility. If he really liked someone, how could the two be separated for more than two years!

"Caihe, why didn't you know to come out and stop it!"

Zuo Miao couldn't help being a little angry, Princess Caihe clearly knew that she liked the third senior brother, but she didn't help her to stop their marriage, this incident made Zuo Miao feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Princess Caihe let out a sigh of relief, if she could stop it, she would not write a letter to Zuo Miao and let Zuo Miao come to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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