Chapter 694
"Senior brother, do you really want to treat me like this? Mo Qingcheng has nothing to do, the worst thing is that she is unhappy and scolds back. Why did you take Hong'er's life because of this matter? Senior brother, you don't know how Hong'er treats me. How important I am, why are you doing this to me?"

Zuo Miao looked at Di Jiuyang in disbelief. He didn't believe that Di Jiuyang would really kill Hong'er. Hong'er was a maid who grew up with him. The two had a deep relationship, and Di Jiuyang knew it all. .

But Di Jiuyang didn't care at all, his tone was still indifferent, he didn't take Zuo Miao's words to heart at all, with an indifferent expression on his face: "She may be important to you, but this king's concubine is more important to this king, you will What is this king's palace, come and go freely?"

Zuo Miao didn't open her mouth this time, because she saw seriousness in Di Jiuyang's eyes. She hadn't seen such a Di Jiuyang for a long time. Although the previous Di Jiuyang was so indifferent, his eyes were full of enthusiasm. What kept the temperature, now only the ice remains.

Hong'er looked at Zuo Miao, tears flowed out immediately: "Miss, you save this servant, I don't want to die!"

Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao ran in from the outside at this time, and knelt in front of Di Jiuyang: "My lord, if you want to punish, just punish us. We let Miss Zuo in. Everything is our fault." .”

Di Jiuyang looked at Zuo Shuangshuang and Zuo Jiaojiao, and said in a cold voice, "You guys are so courageous. It seems that the punishment last time didn't make your memory long. Since you want to follow Miss Zuo so much, from today onwards, You just follow Miss Zuo and leave."

Mo Qingcheng stood aside and did not speak. This is Di Jiuyang's own business, so let Di Jiuyang handle it by himself.

However, Mo Qingcheng still couldn't bear to take a life like this, couldn't help but tugged on Di Jiuyang's sleeve, and said lightly: "Forget it, just drive them out, and don't come to the palace again in the future." gone."

After all, it is a human life, there is no need to kill a person just because of a few words.

Di Jiuyang gave Mo Qingcheng a helpless look. Such a kind-hearted personality will eventually suffer in the future.

However, Di Jiuyang still couldn't bear to refute Mo Qingcheng's words. In fact, no matter how ruthless Mo Qingcheng's attack is, except for those who are heinous and those who want her life, Mo Qingcheng will not be ruthless, at most It is to teach the other party a lesson.

Di Jiuyang knew in his heart that Mo Qingcheng was just a paper tiger.

But he will protect Mo Qingcheng well, and will not let Mo Qingcheng suffer any harm.

"Okay, since the princess has said so much, let these people leave! Those who don't follow the rules today will all be sent to the dungeon."

After Di Jiuyang's words fell, An Yi's expression changed, and then he went to carry out the task silently.

This time, those who didn't know who the mistress in the palace was were all cleaned up by the hidden guards. The rules of the palace were very strict and they were never merciless.

And Mo Qingcheng's status also rose because of Zuo Miao's incident, even the housekeepers looked a little higher.

In the past, the housekeeper thought that the prince just liked Mo Qingcheng very much, but now it seems that he is not only fond of Mo Qingcheng, but also cares about the princess. In the future, these servants should also serve him carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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