Chapter 700 Princess Caihe is here
It was time for another cup of tea, and Princess Caihe came. She was wearing an exquisite lotus-colored palace dress, her face was specially painted with exquisite makeup, her hair was in a neat bun, and she was wearing golden steps.

Princess Caihe stepped forward and saluted the empress, and then saw Mo Qingcheng, a look of aggrieved flashed in her eyes, but she still bent down and saluted Mo Qingcheng.

"Caihe has met the princess."

Mo Qingcheng nodded, waved his hand casually, and let Princess Caihe get up.

The queen mother is the aunt of the owner of Caihe County, and the queen mother is the royal aunt of the owner of Caihe County, and even the granddaughter of the uncle Guo. It can be said that she is loved by thousands of people.

Naturally, Mo Qingcheng would not embarrass Princess Caihe in front of the empress. Of course, Princess Caihe got up because she was very disappointed.

The empress said with a smile on her face: "Caihe! You are about the same age as Princess Mo, so you should go around the palace with Princess Mo! This is the first time Princess Mo has come to the palace! You should take care of Princess Mo more. a little."

Princess Caihe nodded obediently when she heard the words: "Yes, aunt."

The empress's words were already so obvious, what else could Mo Qingcheng say, he could only stand up and leave with Princess Caihe.

As soon as he walked out of the queen's bedroom, Princess Caihe said with a smile on his face: "Speaking of which, the last time we met, you still had to salute me. I didn't expect that when you turned around, you would call Princess Mo. Speaking of which, , is really emotional."

Princess Caihe smiled all over her face. She naturally knew why she came here to meet Mo Qingcheng today. Thinking of her aunt's words, Princess Caihe also looked at Mo Qingcheng with a certain satisfaction.

Mo Qingcheng said casually: "Yes! Good fortune tricks people, the world is impermanent, who would have thought what would happen the next moment!"

But Mo Qingcheng looked at the maid leading the way, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows. If she guessed correctly, she remembered that this maid was the maid next to the empress!
Mo Qingcheng stopped in his tracks immediately, Princess Caihe saw that Mo Qingcheng stopped in his tracks, and he also stopped in his tracks. When Mo Qingcheng saw the maid who was leading the way turn around, he asked suspiciously: "The imperial palace is so big, I haven't been there yet. Imperial Garden, why don't we go to the Imperial Garden to have a look!"

Mo Qingcheng doesn't know much about the imperial palace, but Mo Qingcheng has seen the map of the imperial palace. As for the layout of the imperial palace, the small ones don't know, but the big ones don't know!
Princess Caihe immediately frowned, and then looked at the maid, who became even more gloomy.

"Princess Mo, the Empress ordered you to take you to the Twelve Princes."

To be clear, what I said in the hall just now, the empress is not joking, and they are all smart people, so they must understand. The maid directly used the empress to suppress.

But Mo Qingcheng asked suspiciously: "Empress, don't you want me to go out with Princess Caihe? I don't want to look for the Twelve Princes. This is the first time I come to the palace and I want to have a look around."

Mo Qingcheng didn't respond to the maid's words, but directly refuted.

But Mo Qingcheng couldn't help sneering in his heart, and the light in his eyes cooled down even more.

The empress thought really well, she wanted to make herself and Di Zihang get along well, and she also wanted to make herself match Princess Caihe and Di Jiuyang, but she blindly suppressed her attitude, really I don't know if the empress is born with a sense of superiority and feels that she wants to listen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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