Chapter 724 Gloomy
Mo Tianlan nodded.

"Mo Qingcheng has gone, and she is still the Twelve Princess, but Mo Qingcheng seems to have offended Princess Caihe, and Princess Caihe deliberately held a banquet to deal with Mo Qingcheng."

Mo Tianlan said everything she knew, but she found that after Mo Chengguang knew that Mo Qingcheng had offended Princess Caihe, there was a strange smile on his face.

Mo Tianlan was a little scared in her heart, she always felt that being looked at by Mo Chengguang's eyes made her feel gloomy and uncomfortable.

Mo Chengguang noticed Mo Tianlan's evasive eyes, and immediately smiled and said, "Tianlan, what's wrong with you? You seem to be very afraid of your father?"

Mo Tianlan's body trembled suddenly, and she quickly shook her head: "Father, you are Lan'er's father, how could Lan'er be afraid of you!"

Mo Chengguang nodded, stood up, walked to Mo Tianlan, and patted Mo Tianlan on the shoulder: "You are right, you are my father's daughter, and my father did all this for your own good. Want to deal with Mo Qingcheng? Father will help you."

Mo Tianlan looked at Mo Chengguang suddenly, and found that Mo Chengguang didn't mean to be joking at all, so she nodded immediately.

"Father, if you are willing to help me, you can definitely deal with Mo Qingcheng."

After Mo Tianlan finished speaking, her voice changed: "But father, how are you going to help me?"

Mo Tianlan finds it strange that Mo Chengguang didn't care about these things before, no matter what happened, he would not interfere, but now he actually told himself to deal with Mo Qingcheng, could it be that his father also discovered that Mo Qingcheng is the prime minister's mansion? disaster?
Mo Chengguang's face turned cold immediately: "If you shouldn't ask, don't ask. I naturally have my own considerations. From now on, you just need to do what I say."

Mo Tianlan nodded fiercely. Just now, because Mo Chengguang helped her deal with Mo Qingcheng, she was careless and careless.

Ever since Mo Qingcheng left to go to Taiyuan Academy, Mo Chengguang didn't know what happened, he was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma. Afterwards, he suffered a serious illness. After recovering, his temper became a lot gloomy. His eyes became extremely terrifying.

Even this daughter, Mo Tianlan, felt terrified when her father looked at her with gloomy eyes.

Of course, Mo Tianlan didn't know why there was such a change. In fact, Mo Chengguang had always wanted to be the emperor, and everything was ready, even the dragon chair and dragon robe, but for some reason, they were all thrown away. up.

These are the capital of Mo Chengguang as the emperor. It doesn’t matter if the dragon robe and chair are lost. Discovery is obviously impossible.

But this incident is really weird and there is no way to explain it. There is no last pearl left in the whole room. Mo Chengguang's emperor's dream for more than 20 years has been smashed to pieces now. Mo Cheng Of course Guang couldn't stand it anymore.

Mo Chengguang walked around the ghost gate and felt that this incident was weird. He suspected that this incident was done by Mo Qingcheng. Mo Chengguang had no way to deal with Mo Qingcheng in the Imperial College. Now that he is back, Of course Mo Chengguang would not let Mo Qingcheng go.

However, before he made a move on Mo Qingcheng, Mo Qingcheng provoked himself first. If that was the case, Mo Chengguang would not be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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