Chapter 736 Tracking
Seeing Bai Qingquan limping away, Mo Qingcheng couldn't help but tease him.

"It's not that I agreed to act in a play, the kick just now didn't look like acting in a play."

Di Jiuyang looked back at Mo Qingcheng and sneered.

"It's not acting, he has to die here."

"My lord, I have shown mercy."

If it weren't for the sake of Bai Qingquan's usefulness, he would definitely make Bai Qingquan regret being born in this world.

Dare to be in front of him, Xiao misses his woman, and doesn't even look at how many lives he has!
Mo Qingcheng touched his nose involuntarily.

Before Di Jiuyang's kick, Mo Qingcheng was close enough to hear the sound of bones breaking from Bai Qingquan's body.

If it was any heavier, I'm afraid Bai Qingquan's little life would have to be confessed here, so is it still merciful?
They didn't arrest Bai Qingquan, they just wanted to use Bai Qingquan to find the master behind Bai Qingquan.

If Bai Qingquan did such a thing in modern times, it would be because Di Jiuyang's identity cannot kill people.

But now in ancient times, if Di Jiuyang wants to solve a person, he doesn't need to waste so much thought.

Bai Qingquan is a villain, and a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, he dared to provoke Di Jiuyang directly, it must be because he had something to rely on behind him, otherwise, with Bai Qingquan's cautious temperament, he would never have done such a thing.

Bai Qingquan was really careful when he did things. When he walked a few steps forward, he had to turn around to see if anyone was following him.

No wonder Mo Qingcheng sent people to follow Bai Qingquan before, but nothing was found every time. It seems that the people she sent out were discovered by Bai Qingquan.

Bai Qingquan walked a long way and stopped in front of a courtyard.

Before opening the door, he looked around to make sure that no one was following him, so he opened the door and went in.

After Bai Qingquan pushed the door and went in, two people who looked like ordinary people poured out from the courtyard, guarding the door.

But judging by the opponent's aura, he was definitely a martial arts master.

It seems that the other party is really vigilant and doesn't miss a chance.

Mo Qingcheng took a look with his head, and then spoke helplessly.

"What should we do now?"

"The other party is really too vigilant."

Di Jiuyang said calmly.

"Is there a bug in your space!"

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, she directly used her mental strength to check it out, but she didn't expect that there really was a bug, but the expensive price required all the medical ethics she had accumulated during this period of time to be used.

But in order to find out who the person behind Bai Qingquan was, Mo Qingcheng exchanged it directly.

With the bug, the rest is easy to talk about.

Just let Xiao Qinglong send it in silently.

The other party was on guard against people going in to eavesdrop, and would not notice that Xiao Qinglong went in to eavesdrop.

After Xiao Qinglong received the task, he went directly. Now that Xiao Qinglong has recovered some mana, it is easy to deal with these ordinary people.

But Mo Qingcheng didn't want Xiao Qinglong to reveal his identity.

After all, she is not that powerful yet, and if Xiao Qinglong is exposed, it will be very dangerous.

There are all kinds of people in this world, and there are all kinds of occupations.

But there is a kind of person who makes a living by catching dragons, and they are called dragon catching masters.

For example, there are many legends about ghosts, and no one knows if there are any, but ghost hunters still exist.

(End of this chapter)

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