Chapter 739 Showing Loyalty

Bai Qingquan hastily opened his mouth to express his loyalty, and he clearly felt the murderous intent emanating from the other party's body.

Bai Qingquan knew that if he didn't satisfy the other party, today's little life might be explained here.

The man Bai Qingquan called his master looked at Bai Qingquan in silence.

Bai Qingquan also bent over, not daring to make any movements.

There was more and more sweat on his forehead, one was because of the injuries on his body, and the other was because of the man in front of him.

"Bada, Bata" sweat kept falling on the ground, and it was actually audible clearly in the silent room.

A long time passed.

The man snorted coldly.

"Of course I know that you will not affect my great cause."

"Otherwise, you still have the life to talk to me now?"

"Bai Qingquan, my patience is limited, you'd better not challenge my patience."

"Let Mo Qingcheng like you, there is no need to continue."

"Since Mo Qingcheng can't be used by us, and Di Jiuyang seems to really have a heart for her, then we have to make good use of this opportunity."

"Tomorrow I will send someone to help you. Since you can't use it for me, then catch her and use her to deal with Di Jiuyang."

For so many years, Di Jiuyang has never had any women around him, and if Di Jiuyang hadn't been close to women, he would not have made his mind on Mo Qingcheng.

According to his investigation, he found that Di Jiuyang really cared about himself as a princess.

Hehe, such a big weakness is exposed in front of him, if he doesn't do something, he will be sorry to Di Jiuyang.

Bai Qingquan wanted to make a sound to stop him, but on second thought, Mo Qingcheng was captured, so he could approach Mo Qingcheng, and then force Mo Qingcheng to hand over his personal space.

Now, Mo Qingcheng is protected by Di Jiuyang, so what he wants to do is simply impossible.

If Mo Qingcheng is captured, isn't he in charge of what he wants to do?

Wanting to understand this, Bai Qingquan immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips.

The man whom Bai Qingquan called his master looked at Bai Qingquan with a warning in his eyes.

"This time, if I don't do well again, I really have to doubt whether the decision to let you stay in the first place was right or wrong."

Bai Qingquan was so frightened that he hurriedly spoke.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely finish this matter."

He knew that the master was impatient, if he still failed this time, then his life would really be lost.

The master snorted coldly.

"I hope you can complete this task."

After speaking, the person left.

In the small courtyard, Bai Qingquan was left alone, and Bai Qingquan fell down on the stool.

Only then did he realize that his clothes had been soaked with sweat.

On the other side, after hearing the conversation between Bai Qingquan and the master, Di Jiuyang's expression darkened.

Mo Qingcheng knew that Di Jiuyang was worried about him, and that master wanted to catch her to deal with Di Jiuyang.

In order not to worry Di Jiuyang, Mo Qingcheng showed a relaxed smile on his face.

"Don't worry, these people have no way to catch me at all, you have forgotten my skills."

Mo Qingcheng didn't think it was a big deal, even if she was not the opponent's opponent, but she had space!

Hiding in the space, no one can find her.

However, what Mo Qingcheng didn't know was that what Di Jiuyang was worried about was the space on Mo Qingcheng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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