Chapter 753 Challenge 8
Shi Shi came to Mo Qingcheng with a worried look on his face.

"Beautiful sister, Mu Xi is very powerful now, you must be careful in the competition later."

"The unique skill passed down by the Mu family is the Xuansi needle. When the Mu family's Xuansi needle comes out, it is the few families that are as famous as the Mu family, and they all want to avoid their edge."

"It was Master Mei who was amazed at the power of the Xuansi needle."

If the competition is something else later, Shi Shi can rest assured, but if it is the competition of Xuansi Shenzhen, it is really quite troublesome.

Mo Qingcheng looked at Shi Shi's brows almost wrinkled into a little old man because of worry, and couldn't help but pat Shi Shi's shoulder.

"It's just a competition, don't worry too much, and you have to trust me, don't worry!"

Patting Shi Shi on the shoulder, Mo Qingcheng looked at Mu Xi.

Mu Xi also looked at Mo Qingcheng.

The people around them automatically retreated a little, forming a half encircling circle, and in the center were Mu Xi and Mo Qingcheng.

Mu Xi chuckled lightly.

"Since it's a competition, I think there should be rewards and punishments, otherwise, wouldn't the competition be boring, Miss Fifth thinks!"

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, he looked at Mu Xi indifferently.

"Since Ms. Mu has already made up her mind, you might as well say it out and listen."

What Mu Xi couldn't see the most was Mo Qingcheng's indifferent look, as if today's game was nothing to Mo Qingcheng at all.

She was so serious, but the other party was so casual, Mu Xi couldn't help feeling angry.

"Everyone should know that our Mu family's Xuansi needle is very powerful. If this is the case, as long as you beat me, I will pass on our Mu family's Xuansi needle to you."

Everyone was in an uproar, hanging on to the needle, it was the unique knowledge of the Mu family, it was never passed on to the outside world, unless one came under the Mu family, one had to go through various assessments to have this opportunity.

But now, Mo Qingcheng actually has this opportunity.

Everyone couldn't help being jealous, but after a brief moment of jealousy, everyone figured it out.

At Mo Qingcheng's level, it is extremely difficult to defeat Mu Xi. No one believes that Mo Qingcheng can defeat Mu Xi.

In the judges' seat, Di Zihang's expression changed when he heard Mu Xi's words.

"What's going on here? Didn't you say that Mo Qingcheng's most powerful thing is acupuncture? What's the matter with the Xuansi needle?"

Di Zihang also knows about Xuansi needle, which is the unique skill of the Mu family.

It's just that I was only thinking about helping Mo Qingcheng just now, but I didn't remember it for a while, and now Di Zihang remembered what the wrong feeling was just now.

It doesn't matter whether Mo Qingcheng is good at acupuncture or not, but what Mu Xi has taken away is acupuncture.

Di Zihang's face suddenly became ugly, and he looked at Mo Tianlan with suspicion.

Mo Tianlan's face was a bit ugly, and Di Zihang actually questioned her because of Mo Qingcheng, a bitch.

But Mo Tianlan had already thought of Di Zihang's reaction, so she had already thought about her rhetoric.

"Your Highness, I, I forgot that the Mu family still has the unique skill of hanging silk needles, and I was only focused on helping Fifth Sister to find a way just now."

"What can we do now?"

Mo Tianlan's face was anxious, Di Zihang's eyes fell on Mo Tianlan's face for a while, then he looked away, his expression was a little ugly, he couldn't tell the difference between happiness and anger, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Mo Tianlan didn't know whether Di Zihang believed it, but now Di Zihang's expression made her feel scared, so she didn't dare to say anything more at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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