Chapter 766

"Didn't you say that by cooperating with you, you can get the blood lotus? Where is the blood lotus now?"

"Back when I promised to cooperate with you, you promised to help me obtain the blood lotus. Now that I have fulfilled my promise, when are you going to fulfill your promise?"

The man with the black gold mask on his face gloomily looked at the poisonous girl who looked like a young girl. Today's poisonous girl has regained her youthful and beautiful appearance, no longer the wrinkled appearance.

It's just that the poisonous girl is not very satisfied with her appearance.

Her appearance was ruined by Mo Qingcheng last time, she hasn't had a suitable face for so many days, now she can only find a similar one to make do with.

However, she has no regrets, because she has found a perfect face.

Thinking of Mo Qingcheng's face, the poisonous girl couldn't help but a flash of greed flashed in her eyes. She was careless last time, otherwise she wouldn't have been poisoned by Mo Qingcheng's medicine powder.

If next time, she will definitely grab Mo Qingcheng with her own hands, and then peel off that perfect face little by little. In this way, she will have an alluring appearance.

The poisonous girl was still thinking about Mo Qingcheng, and she didn't care at all what the man in front of her said.

"We promised to help you get the blood lotus."

"But that day, your people should have seen it with their own eyes. The blood lotus was finally taken by the people of the Tai Academy, but what they got was also fake, and it disappeared halfway."

"As for the real blood lotus, we don't even know where it is. That day, no one in the crowd got the real blood lotus."

"I also know that you are in a hurry, so didn't I rush over as soon as I heard about the blood lotus?"

The man in the black gold mask was about to get angry when he heard the other party's evasion, but when he heard the other party's last sentence, he immediately looked at the poisonous woman.

"What you said is true? Is there any news about the blood lotus?"

The poisonous girl smiled charmingly, covering her red lips with her fingers, as charming as a teenage girl, but thinking that the poisonous girl is now seventy or eighty, the man felt that her action was a bit off-putting.

But now he doesn't care about these, what he cares about is the news brought by the poisonous woman.

Seeing that her actions did not disturb the man in front of her at all, the poisonous girl spoke softly.

"We are very sincere. After we got the news, I sent it over as soon as possible."

"We got news that there are blood lotus petals in the mansion of the Twelfth Prince of Beisheng Kingdom."

"Although there is only one petal, it is enough for you."

When the man in the black gold mask heard this, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"This is the news you brought over. I don't know your sincerity. Where is it? Could it be that you just told me the news?"

The poisonous woman was already a little displeased seeing the man, and knew that the man was impatient, so she said sternly.

"Didn't I come?"

"I will cooperate with you and get the petals of the blood lotus from the residence of the Twelve Princes."

The man sneered, with infinite mockery in his voice.

"Di Jiuyang is not so easy to provoke. You Xidu Kingdom are so jealous of him. Now let me provoke Di Jiuyang?"

"What's more, how can you be sure that this news is true?"

"Ten years ago, there was news that there was a blood lotus in the Twelve Prince's Mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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