Chapter 788 Starting Price

One million taels of silver!
The price is not too high.

After all, it is a well-preserved ginseng that has been around for a long time. Of course, it is not a thousand-two ginseng, but it is still there for hundreds of years.

The people who came to the training ground, except those who watched the excitement, were not short of money. They didn't care how much money they spent, but they cared about things that would come in handy when they were in danger.

As a result, the price of ginseng soon reached 20 taels.

Seeing that some people hesitated, Yue Binyu immediately spoke.

"Look at this ginseng, the overall preservation is very complete, and the doctor at our auction has personally inspected it. The value of this ginseng is much better than ordinary ginseng."

"As long as you have a breath, you can hang your life."

"Everyone should know that you only need one slice of ginseng, which is worth several thousand taels of gold. Even if you buy it back and store it away, someone will come to you to buy it when you need it."

Some people were immediately moved by Yue Binyu's words, so they asked for another price, and the ginseng was directly bought for 50.

The last bidder was a person with 55 silver. Mo Qingcheng didn't know him, but judging by his identity, he knew that it must be unusual.

Finally, of course, is the main event.

That is Huiqi Pill.

This is something more valuable than ginseng. As long as you have a breath, you can hang your life for a month, which is equivalent to buying an extra month of life!

The starting price is 20 silver.

Mo Qingcheng was also shocked when he heard the words.

Although she knew that Huiqi Pill contained a lot of precious herbs, but one pill sold for 20 taels of silver, and everyone rushed to buy it, which was too huge a profit.

Mo Qingcheng lowered his head and discussed with Jia Youcai who was beside him.

"Tell me, if our pharmaceutical factory sells Qi Pills, will it make more money?"

Jia Youcai also knew Mo Qingcheng's ability, but Master Mei became famous too early, even He Yiming couldn't match it. When Master Mei led the team to compete with Xidu Kingdom, there was nothing about He Yiming!

"This qi elixir can only be refined by a seventh-rank alchemist, and I heard that when Master Mei refined this elixir, he failed twice. This time he succeeded, the medicinal materials are rare Two copies of the rare medicinal materials were destroyed, and the silver is more than 20 taels."

This is also the reason why the starting price of Huiqi Dan is so high. If you do good deeds, you can't lose money!

When Mo Qingcheng heard the words, she didn't say anything more. She also refined the elixir, and the prescription was given by He Yiming. As for what level of alchemist she was, even Mo Qingcheng herself didn't know.

Anyway, those alchemy recipes are not particularly complicated, she can refine them, but everyone said that Huiqi pills are not easy to refine, Mo Qingcheng felt that she might be thinking too simple.

At this time, Huiqi Pill has been auctioned for 80 taels.

This is a unique price, a high price of 80 taels, and the price is still rising.

Mo Qingcheng's abandonment heart suddenly became active. No matter how difficult it is to make such a profitable elixir, she must succeed in refining it.

Although Mo Qingcheng also likes Huiqi pills, she still doesn't have much interest in Huiqi pills. What she is interested in is refining Huiqi pills.

In the end, Huiqi Pill was auctioned off by Renyi at a price of 120 million taels.

It was none other than Jia Youcai who took the Huiqi pill.

(End of this chapter)

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