Chapter 803 Eat breakfast together
Di Yuanmin was very surprised by Di Jiuyang's arrival, and then asked Mo Qingcheng to sit down happily.

"Just right, I'm about to have breakfast, you should have some too!"

Di Jiuyang seldom enters the palace, every time he enters the palace must be for some reason, but even so, Di Yuanmin also hopes that Di Jiuyang can find him for more things.

Di Jiuyang did not refuse, and sat down with Di Yuanmin to have breakfast.

This is a rare thing, father and son rarely sit and eat together.

While eating, Di Yuanmin looked at Di Jiuyang and spoke slowly.

"Is there something wrong with entering the palace this time?"

When Di Jiuyang heard the words, he opened his mouth casually.

"Nothing special, just to tell you that the queen's natal family is too arrogant, it's time to suppress it."

Di Yuanmin frowned upon hearing this.

"The Queen's Patriarch has a lot of entanglements. If they are easily moved, it may cause you trouble."

Di Jiuyang spoke disdainfully.

"For so many years, I haven't touched them, and they haven't troubled me less. It's okay to watch them jump around before, but now it's annoying."

Di Jiuyang made no secret of his dislike for the empress, and his words were even more indifferent.

Di Yuanmin always knew that the empress was making little moves, but Di Jiuyang didn't pay much attention to it, watching the empress jumping around all day like a clown.

Now, Di Yuanmin was a little surprised to see that the queen was going to be dealt with suddenly.

"Did something happen?"

Di Jiuyang said coldly.

"Just blindness."

Those who dare to touch him will seek death.

Di Yuanmin stopped talking immediately, after all his son finally had a meal with him, and Di Yuanmin didn't want to make Di Jiuyang unhappy.

He has no opinion on how Di Jiuyang is willing to deal with these matters.

In the empress' bedroom, Di Zihang was sitting upright on a chair with a cup of tea in hand, but Di Zihang didn't drink it.

He came here because of Mo Tianlan's affairs, and it was only suitable for Grandma Huang to remain silent after hearing his words.

This made Di Zihang not sure what Grandma Huang meant, did she agree or disagree?

The queen took a sip of tea, then glanced at Di Zihang, and felt that it was almost done, so she spoke slowly.

"You really want to marry Mo Tianlan."

The reason why the queen didn't answer Di Zihang immediately was because she knew Di Zihang's temperament. If she objected when Di Zihang just spoke, Di Zihang would definitely refute her words.

But give him a cup of tea time to calm down, and he will think carefully about what she said.

Di Zihang knew that Grandma Huang disagreed, but Mo Tianlan had already handed over her innocent body to him, so at this time, he had no choice but to marry.

"Grandma Huang, I must marry her."

Di Zihang's attitude is firm.

The empress glanced at her fingers, and said casually.

"Before, this palace took a fancy to Mo Tianlan because of her good reputation, high talent and learning, and she is the prime minister's daughter. If you get married, the prime minister's mansion will be your support."

"But now, do you know why Grandma Huang disagrees?"

The queen's son is gone, and she has high hopes for this grandson, hoping that he can take the position of prince, so it is natural to consider the interests of Di Zihang.

After hearing this, Di Zihang shook his head.


Mo Tianlan is still Mo Tianlan, nothing has changed, Di Zihang doesn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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