Chapter 811 An Hour

"From now on at noon, I will have people close the laboratory for an hour. During this hour, if you pass by, they will not let you in."

Di Jiuyang didn't raise his head and opened his mouth.

Mo Qingcheng's hands pawing the food stopped immediately, and then he spoke unconvinced.

"I still have a lot of things to do. Are you reasonable or not?"

Di Jiuyang just stopped talking, don't think he doesn't know, Mo Qingcheng just wanted to rush to the laboratory after eating, but after eating in a hurry, his stomach should feel uncomfortable after a while.

Moreover, he wanted to get rid of Mo Qingcheng's habit of not eating at noon.

No matter what Mo Qingcheng said, Di Jiuyang remained silent, and in the end Mo Qingcheng had no choice but to finish his meal honestly.

She also understood that if she didn't eat well, the hour at noon would probably restrict her from entering the laboratory.

How can this be possible!
After Mo Qingcheng finished his meal, looking at Di Jiuyang's face, he couldn't help but get angry, got up and went out.

Di Jiuyang didn't coax Mo Qingcheng either, he absolutely couldn't get used to such things.

On the other hand, Di Zihang asked Mo Tianlan to come out, and Mo Tianlan was very happy these two days, she knew that there must be something good about Di Zihang asking her to go out.

For example, he asked to marry her.

Mo Tianlan had been waiting for this day, thinking that Mo Qingcheng was going to marry the Twelve Princes who were about to die, and would not be a widow in the future. At that time, Mo Tianlan didn't know how proud she was, but she didn't expect it.

After Mo Qingcheng got married, the twelfth prince was healed, which made her always be the first to see Mo Qingcheng.

Mo Tianlan was already unconvinced, and now that Di Zihang came to see her, she guessed that he must be talking about marriage.

Mo Tianlan was happy in her heart, and she dressed up well before coming out to meet Di Zihang. When Di Zihang saw Mo Tianlan, he looked at Mo Tianlan's smiling face, but the smile on his face was a bit forced.

It's just that Mo Tianlan, who is so self-satisfied now, doesn't see the forced smile on Di Zihang's face at all.

She came to Dizihang reluctantly, and her steps were a little hasty.

"Your Highness, you invited me over, do you want to talk about our marriage?"

Di Zihang nodded, stretched out his hand to stroke Mo Tianlan's long hair, and spoke with a smile.

"Lan'er, did you marry me because of my status or because of who I am?"

Di Zihang's sudden words made Mo Tianlan a little confused.

How is it so good, Di Zihang would ask such a question.

But anyway, they were going to get married, Mo Tianlan naturally didn't want to make Di Zihang unhappy, so she looked at Di Zihang with an extremely affectionate gaze.

"Your Highness, what I like is you, not your identity. Even if you are an ordinary person today, I am willing to marry you."

The love on Mo Tianlan's face was impossible to ignore.

Di Zihang laughed immediately.

"So, if you can stay with me, no matter what I ask you to do, are you willing?"

Mo Tianlan felt that today's Di Zihang was very strange, but Mo Tianlan couldn't tell what was so strange, but she still nodded.

"Of course, Lan Er is willing to let Lan Er do whatever she wants as long as she can be by His Highness's side."

Anyway, Mo Tianlan was able to say sweet words and so on, and said some nice things without spending any money.

Di Zihang nodded, and also looked at Mo Tianlan affectionately.

"Lan'er, you understand my feelings for you, but now, if you want to get married, you can only marry you with the etiquette of a side concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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