Chapter 813 Talk
"Lan'er, come with me to the study."

Mo Chengguang looked at Mo Tianlan seriously, and brought Mo Tianlan to the study.

Mo Tianlan was a little apprehensive. Every time she saw her father, she felt a little scared in her heart. For some reason, her father's face has been cloudy recently. He was smiling one moment, but turned his back on the next moment.

Mo Tianlan nervously followed Mo Chengguang to the study.

"Father, you asked me to come here, what's the matter?"

Mo Chengguang looked at Mo Tianlan, and seeing the smile on Mo Tianlan's face, his expression became even more gloomy.

"You can still laugh."

"Didn't His Royal Highness always like you, why did the imperial decree say that you are a side concubine? It's just a side concubine, you can still laugh."

Mo Tianlan's smiling face suddenly froze on her face, seeing her father's angry look, she lowered her head sadly.

"Father, I can't do anything about this."

"His Royal Highness said that the emperor does not agree to marry me as a concubine because I am a concubine. Back then, Mo Qingcheng was a concubine because she was a concubine. I was just a concubine, and I couldn't afford to be the concubine of His Highness the eldest grandson."

Mo Tianlan said with a sad face.

Mo Chengguang fell silent immediately. Speaking of which, because Mo Qingcheng's mother left early, and Mo Qingcheng, a concubine's daughter, lived a life in the mansion that was not as good as that of a concubine's daughter, while the other concubine's daughters lived like a concubine's daughter. day.

After a long time, Mo Chengguang forgot about this matter, forgot that the daughter in front of him was actually a concubine, and even his favorite Mo Tianyao was also a concubine.

In this way, Mo Tianlan really cannot be blamed for this incident.

After all, it is not for him to make decisions about the marriage of His Royal Highness the eldest grandson, but to listen to the emperor and empress.

Mo Chengguang felt that his tone just now was a bit harsh, so he spoke immediately.

"Okay, I already know about this. Since I am a side concubine, then I should be a side concubine and nothing else can happen."

"There is also a pharmacy, remember to order some snacks, you are going to marry His Royal Highness the eldest grandson now, you must improve your reputation."

Mo Tianlan responded, feeling a little reconciled in her heart, she had already revealed her identity, but her father had no intention of letting Auntie be the head wife at all.

Mo Tianlan knew that her father's greatest hope was Mo Tianyao, but the person Mo Tianyao liked was the Twelfth Prince, and now the Twelfth Prince already had a concubine.

And she also has His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson of the emperor. Even if Mo Tianyao wants to marry, she may not marry better than herself. Thinking of this, Mo Tianlan's heart flashed with pride.

She wants to see what kind of person Mo Tianyao will marry in the end.

The Twelve Princes are the most beloved sons of the emperor. Everyone in Beisheng Kingdom knows that, and His Royal Highness the Emperor's eldest grandson is indeed the most important grandson of the Emperor. With the help of the empress, he will definitely be the prince of Beisheng Kingdom in the future.

No matter how Mo Tianlan marries at that time, she will not be able to compare with herself.

Thinking of this, Mo Tianlan felt proud for a while.

She wanted to see if Mo Tianyao's father still held Mo Tianyao in high regard when she married someone who was inferior to her.

After Mo Tianlan left the study, Mo Chengguang's face became even more ugly.

There is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Mo Chengguang planned for so many years to become emperor, so much money was capital, but those things actually disappeared out of thin air. Even Mo Chengguang's heart can't stand this kind of blow.

(End of this chapter)

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