Chapter 816

Along the way, Mo Qingcheng did meet a few groups, but everyone saw that they were strangers, and they all looked defensive, and Mo Qingcheng and the others had no intention of talking.

So they all went their own way, but they lived in peace.

In the mountains, because the roads are difficult, we can only walk.

After climbing a mountain range, the closer they got to the inside of the mountain range, the more they walked in, they found that there were fewer and fewer people, like those small groups in groups of three or four, which gradually disappeared, leaving only a few Large groups.

The depths of the mountains are more dangerous. Some groups of small forces are unable to defeat large beasts. Naturally, they can only find some smaller ones outside. If these people are large and powerful, they can continue to play and walk around inside, maybe there will be more monsters. When encountering big ones, they can eat them with their numbers and strength.

They walked for a long time, and they were already a little tired, so they planned to find a place to rest. They just found a better place to rest, surrounded by flowers, and there was a big stone in the middle, so they sat down and rested is the best.

It is undoubtedly very good to find such a place in the mountains.

But just as they were standing next to the stone, a group of people also came over, but the other party was obviously stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect that there would be anyone here. This time, Mo Qingcheng and others came out, and there were only four people in the group.

Besides Di Jiuyang and Mo Qingcheng, only Shui Xiu and Chang Tian were left.

There were four of them, but there were more than a dozen of them on the other side, and none of them seemed easy to provoke.

Chang Tian just glanced at it, then looked away, not paying attention to the other party.

Although there were more than a dozen people on the other side, there were not many martial arts experts at all, and they were just mercenaries around here, not enough to threaten them.

The person on the opposite side stayed not far away, but did not come over. After a while, a man in white robe came out from the crowd. He looked like a rich man, dressed in white robe, but spotless.

When the other party saw the man approaching, they immediately shouted in unison: "Young master."

The young man nodded, but he was in his 20s and had good looks, but his narrow eyes were full of calculations, making it extremely uncomfortable for people to see.

The young man saw Mo Qingcheng and his group, and immediately led them forward. Before they could enter, Chang Tian stopped them.

"Excuse me, our young master and wife are resting, what's the matter with you?"

"If you have nothing to do, please don't bother us."

The expression on the young man's face remained unchanged, but the middle-aged man beside him spoke.

"We don't care where your young master and madam want to rest, but this land is ours, so hurry up and leave here."

Chang Tian frowned.

"This is a mountain range, and the land here is not under your control. It is something that has no owner. We rest here, why should we leave?"

Chang Tian obviously didn't expect that the other party's unreasonableness was even more excessive than he imagined.

The middle-aged man sneered, looked at the weak Chang Tian, ​​and opened his mouth extremely arrogantly.

"If you tell you to leave, you should leave as soon as possible. Everyone here knows that this is our base."

(End of this chapter)

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