The black-bellied emperor: the only enchanting princess

Chapter 826 Encountering Nangong Xingchen

Chapter 826 Encountering Nangong Xingchen
Mo Qingcheng and the others continued on their way, and they didn't meet a single person for three days.

So walking inside, the terrain became more and more steep, and the beasts became more ferocious.

On the way, they met the white tiger and the black bear. After confronting each other, the white tiger and the black bear retreated knowing how powerful these people were.

And Mo Qingcheng and the others didn't intend to kill the other party, so they walked across the other party's territory peacefully.

It's just that a few people didn't go far, and the wild boar ran over from a distance. With a body weighing more than 200 kilograms, the ground around it trembled twice. The wild boar didn't stop, and rushed towards Mo Qingcheng.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, why did the wild boar rush towards Mo Qingcheng directly.

But now is not the time to think so much, Chang Tian immediately drew out his long sword, stepped forward, and rushed directly towards the wild boar.

Di Jiuyang had already protected Mo Qingcheng behind him, seeing the wild boar rushing towards Mo Qingcheng, his eyes darkened!
Naturally, the wild boar was not Chang Tian's opponent, and after a while, he had already suffered a lot of injuries.

The pain made the wild boar regain some sense. He looked at Mo Qingcheng, refused to leave, but took a few steps back in fear.

It is the nature of animals to perceive danger, but wild boars refuse to leave.

Mo Qingcheng had some dark lines, she looked at the wild boar staring at her, she saw in the wild boar's eyes the fascination, yes, the fascination.

Chang Tian also felt very strange, looking at the wild boar that hadn't attacked, he opened his mouth in doubt.

"Princess, are you wearing something that attracts wild boars?"

Mo Qingcheng's eyes fell on Mo Qingcheng, and Mo Qingcheng himself was depressed.

"I don't have anything on me!"

Di Jiuyang swept Mo Qingcheng as if, because Mo Qingcheng was in his arms, a faint fragrance hit, and Di Jiuyang's cold eyes flickered.

"What kind of incense did you use on your body?"

Mo Qingcheng was still wondering if he had something he couldn't bring with him, but when he heard Di Jiuyang's words, he was stunned.

"I didn't use incense."

Mo Qingcheng doesn't like incense very much, so he never uses it.

Moreover, she is a doctor, and she usually deals with herbs a lot, and most of her body has a faint medicinal fragrance.

Di Jiuyang's eyes darkened.

"You have a faint fragrance on your body, which smells very good."

It does not smell like a floral fragrance, but it is refreshing.

Mo Qingcheng himself didn't feel it, so he raised his sleeve and smelled it, but there was no special smell.

However, when she got closer to her skin, she could smell a faint fragrance.

"Strange, this smell is not from the clothes, but from me."

Mo Qingcheng didn't know what was going on, so he could only use his spirit to communicate with Xiao Qinglong.

"Little Qinglong, do you know what the fragrance on my body is?"

Like a big brother, Xiao Qinglong was wandering in the space with the little purple dragon. Hearing Mo Qingcheng's words suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and then blinked his eyes.

"What scent?"

After Mo Qingcheng told the story, Xiao Qinglong finally understood.

"It should be the smell of the blood lotus. The blood lotus is a treasure bred by heaven and earth. It is planted in the space. You are closely related to the space. You must be contaminated with this smell."

"Treasures of heaven, material and earth are fatally attractive to those fools without intelligence."

(End of this chapter)

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