Chapter 836 Mother
The Ghost King laughed immediately.

Laugh out loud.

The maid outside was suddenly surprised.

Ever since the ghost mother fell ill, has he ever seen the ghost king smile.

The maid didn't understand what was so special about this woman that she could make the Ghost King laugh so much.

Mo Qingcheng didn't feel anything!
Although the other party seems to be very kind.

But Mo Qingcheng didn't forget that the other party was the ghost king.

The ghost king laughed for a while and then put it away, his aura changed, and his whole person became gloomy and cold.

"I invited Miss Mo here because I want Miss Mo to see my wife."

Mo Qingcheng was surprised.

The ghost mother has been in a coma for many years.

This is no secret.

The people of the ghost clan want the blood lotus just to save the ghost mother.

But now he calls her over.

Mo Qingcheng thought it was too ridiculous.

"Ghost King, although I am a doctor, I am not a god."

The Ghost King spoke incomparably domineeringly.

"The king invited Miss Mo here because he naturally believed in Miss Mo's medical skills."

"Mo Qingcheng cured a disease that no one else could cure."

"For example, people from the General's Mansion, and people from the Yun family."

Mo Qingcheng understood that the other party must have investigated her clearly.

Healing diseases and saving lives is a bounden duty.

Mo Qingcheng did not refuse, but this way of inviting people is really unlikable.

The Ghost King brought Mo Qingcheng to the back of the attic.

The environment behind is more elegant, but also darker.

Mo Qingcheng followed the Ghost King into the room.

Seeing the Ghost King push open a door and walk in, he deliberately relaxed his pace.

Mo Qingcheng walked in right after, and as soon as he walked in, he smelled a fragrance.

It's a medicinal scent.

Inside the space, Xiao Qinglong was shocked.

"It's Wen Yu who is ranked sixth."

Wen Yu!

As the name suggests!

It is a soft jade.

But it has the function of warming and nourishing human bones. Ordinary people lie on it and prolong their lives.

If a sick person lies on it, he will recover within three years.

Not only that, but it also makes your bones stronger.

Wen Yu is not an ordinary jade, but a warm jade that has been forged by the sun in a place of extreme sun and formed after thousands of years.

Born with incomparably precious and magical power.

It can remove the coldness of the human body.

Mo Qingcheng walked forward, and before he got close to the ghost mother, he saw the ghost king sitting on the stool next to the ghost mother.

Naturally, he took the handkerchief and wiped the ghost mother's face.

The ghost king approached the ghost mother, whispering comforting words.

"This time I hired a very powerful doctor for you."

"I'm sure she can cure you."

'I know you don't like being interrupted all the time. "

"Don't worry, if it still doesn't work this time, I won't bring anyone here again."

"Just trust me this time, okay?"

The ghost king coaxed in a low voice, as if he was afraid that the ghost mother would be unhappy.

However, the ghost mother was expressionless and lifeless, so there was no expression on her face.

The ghost king talked to the ghost mother for a while before turning his head.

There was no tenderness towards the ghost mother on his face, only coldness and gloom remained.

"Come here!"

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward and put his fingers on the ghost mother's wrist.

The pulse condition is stable, normal and strong, without poisoning or illness.

A person, unconscious, must have a problem.

Mo Qingcheng at least thought that he would be able to see what the problem was, but whether it could be cured was another matter.

However, now, she found that the ghost mother was clearly fine.

(End of this chapter)

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