Chapter 108 This Damn Place Is So Big!
He picked up a broken tooth by chance, and did not stop Ye Feng from continuing to explore.

Quan Dang's bone tiger just now was just a small episode, and Ye Feng didn't take it to heart.

Follow the small stream all the way to the depths of the valley.

Observing left and right, Ye Feng also found that the deeper the valley, the thicker the gray mist became.

At first it was just like a layer of veil, but after a while, the veil became much thicker.

The so-called information point never appeared.

This has to make Ye Feng suspect that this so-called information point may be hidden.

It is even possible that there may be only one information point in the entire valley!

This valley seems to have been quiet for too long, Ye Feng just entered this valley not long ago, and already found that there seems to be a little restlessness in this valley.

Some animals who came to drink from the creek were also panicked by Ye Feng's sudden appearance.

Of course, after seeing Ye Feng, some animals, instead of being afraid, came up to see what Ye Feng was.

The only pity is that these animals don't seem to be edible, so Ye Feng just whipped dozens of them away.

However, after walking for more than half an hour, Ye Feng did not meet any other contestants.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Feng thinks that firstly, this valley may not be the venue for everyone, it may only be the venue for the players in Group B.

As for the second guess, Ye Feng felt that it was still a little unrealistic.

That is, the scale of this valley may have exceeded his likeness.

All contestants are on the same stage, but the stage is too big, so it is not easy for two contestants to meet each other.

Ye Feng still tends to be the first guess. After all, all the contestants are competing for the first place. It would be a bit ridiculous if he didn't meet other contestants until the end of the competition.

With this thought in mind, Ye Feng was not in a hurry anymore.

Thinking that he is a newcomer, and he will not be able to find the information point for a while, so it is better to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment first.

So Ye Feng plunged into the jungle without saying a word.

At this time, Ye Feng's advantages became prominent.

He summoned half a hundred ghosts and let them act as his eyes, wandering in all directions.

Ye Feng sat where he was, patiently waiting for the news from the ghosts.


Same valley.

On the edge of a pool not far from Ye Feng.

Li Yang picked up a stone and threw it into the pool, and the voice announced the depth of the pool.

"I never thought that a good college league would start with Survival in the Wilderness."

Beside Li Yang, Bai Xing looked around, frowning slightly, "The environment here is a bit abnormal, and it's so quiet that it's scary."

Hearing this, Li Yang suddenly became a little scared and said, "Don't scare me, Vice President Bai."

"Explore the surroundings first to see if we can meet other contestants, and then we will find a way to join Ye Feng and the others." Bai Xing made a plan.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Yang had an expression of "I think you're right".

Not far from the two of them, Tianmeng followed behind Tian Lulu, and the two slowly groped forward step by step.

When you look carefully, you can also find that the clothes on the two of them are a little damaged, and the clothes that were originally clean and tidy are also a little dirty at this moment.

"I don't know what the others are doing now." Tianmeng looked at the dark forest ahead, her voice trembling.

Tian Lulu didn't look back, she groped forward cautiously, but said softly, "I don't know about the others, but the president and vice president shouldn't be in such a mess like us."

Tianmeng was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then said pessimistically: "I don't know if we can find the president and the others, this place is really big."

Tian Lulu had a completely different mentality. When she heard this, she immediately retorted: "What's there to sigh about? How big can it be? Isn't the ultimate goal of the league still for the contestants to kill each other?"

Tianmeng heard it, and said weakly: "Lulu, is it too cruel for you to say that, we are just competing, not really fighting and killing."

Tian Lulu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Look, the creatures here seem to be inedible. When others are extremely hungry, they can do anything."

Tianmeng was taken aback for a moment, and felt that what Tian Lulu said made sense, but after thinking about it, she probed again: "Isn't it possible to retire?"

"Ask the president, would he rather go hungry or retire?" Tian Lulu turned her head, eyes full of determination.

Tianmeng didn't make another sound, and she knew the answer to this question in her heart.

But they were wrong in the end.

Ye Feng is already thinking of retiring from the competition.

Looking at the information sent back by the ghosts around him, Ye Feng felt that this match was completely meaningless.

There is no sign of any contestant within a radius of nearly a kilometer.

Although I saw a lot of animals, they were all strange animals.

I don't know if I can beat Ye Feng, but Ye Feng knows that these animals are so damn inedible!
The ghosts sent out have returned one after another.

And the news they brought back was disappointing to Ye Feng.

This valley is very ordinary, there are no other people around, animals cannot eat, and there is no fruit or anything like that.

Ye Feng crawled up from the ground, helplessly taking all the ghosts back into the gate of hell one by one.

When the last ghost came back, Ye Feng planned to bury his head and walk in one direction.

While some of this might be boring, at least it's possible to run into other people.

Not long after, the last ghost appeared in Ye Feng's eyes.

But when he saw this ghost for the first time, Ye Feng froze in place for an instant, and there was a gleam of brilliance in his eyes.

I saw that the ghost had passed away intact, but when he came back now, he had no hands.

When Li Gui saw Ye Feng for the first time, he knelt down without hesitation, grabbed the ground with his head, and said: "My lord, the little one has discovered a secret realm, and the little one has been guarded by the monster who guarded the secret realm before he can explore it." Tore both arms.

The little one didn't dare to hesitate, for fear that he would be beheaded by the monster, and even the information would not be sent back. "

When Ye Feng heard it, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked: "What kind of monster is it? How strong is it? Where is it?"

Li Gui raised his head, and there was a trace of fear on his blue-faced and fangsed face.

He described everything he saw to Ye Feng carefully.

After listening to Li Gui's description, Ye Feng fell into deep thought.

Thinking about whether to take the risk of going to the so-called secret place to take a look, and by the way, meet the monster that seriously injured Li Gui with that blow.

(End of this chapter)

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