Awakening on the Mid-Autumn Festival, starting with a hundred times the crit!

Chapter 110 Guarding the Corpse, Entering the Secret Realm!

Chapter 110 Guarding the Corpse, Entering the Secret Realm!
The two skeletons seemed to be annoyed by Ye Feng's torture, as if they wished they could swallow Ye Feng alive.

The skeleton held a long axe, and with one axe, it slashed at Ye Feng's head.

But anger is anger, the gap between the strength of this skeleton and Ye Feng is still too big.

So Ye Feng just slid a step towards his body casually, and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

The skeleton just wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

But at this moment, Ye Feng grabbed the skull with one hand and the Yuehua dagger with the other, and his legs suddenly exerted strength.

The Yuehua Dagger flashed a silver light in the forest, and a black shadow flitted like an eagle.

The moonlight dagger glowed like a bright moon, drawing a long-lasting arc across the skull's cervical spine.

The skeleton could only withstand Ye Feng's blow, but it trembled again and fell to the ground.

At this time, the headless skeleton seemed to be planning to attack Ye Feng.

Without the flames in the eye sockets of the skull, the headless skeleton could not find its direction at all, and could only wave the spear in vain.

Trying to attack Ye Feng by chance.

Ye Feng turned a blind eye. After the skull was gone, the skeleton no longer had the ability to threaten him.

Immediately, Ye Feng sat on the spot, playing with the skull in his hand, while watching the dead bones on the ground, wanting to see if the skull continued to reorganize.

Not long after, under Ye Feng's gaze, the dead bones piled up on the ground trembled again.

The broken bones seemed to be manipulated by someone, and they began to be spliced ​​together in an orderly manner.

"Could it be impossible to kill him?" Ye Feng frowned slightly, he didn't think the skeleton could be revived infinitely.

But Ye Feng can also be sure that this is definitely not the last resurrection of the skeleton.

Sighing, Ye Feng looked at the skeleton in front of him that had already taken shape, and said helplessly, "Forget it, it's not a solution to consume like this."

After the words fell, Ye Feng stood up and took a step forward, kicking away the skeletons that were about to be assembled.

Immediately summoned two fierce ghosts, and ordered the two ghosts to kick the skeleton to pieces again after seeing the reorganization.

But thinking that Li Gui's strength might be slightly inferior to that of the skeleton, just in case, Ye Feng stepped forward and grabbed the skeleton's long axe.

Then he walked towards the headless skeleton, grabbed the spear in his hand, and kicked it to pieces.

The spear and ax were tied behind Ye Feng's back with a few straws, and finally he put the skull on the pile of bones, and then he nodded in satisfaction.

A skeleton without a weapon is not much of a deterrent to Li Gui.

In this way, Ye Feng can also explore that secret realm with confidence.

The two ghosts were guarding a pile of skeletons, while Ye Feng strode towards the gate of the secret realm.

Although it is a secret realm, Ye Feng was still a little disappointed looking at the small hole covered by vines.

But Ye Feng still pushed aside the vines and walked in.

Inside the vine is a cave with no end in sight, more appropriately, it should be a cave where you can't see anything.

very dark.

This was Ye Feng's first impression, but relying on the Yuehua dagger, Ye Feng could still see something clearly.

At least it has been able to move forward slowly.

There doesn't appear to be anything inside the cave, just a long walkway.

Ye Feng didn't know how long he had been walking, but it must have been more than half an hour.

Just when Ye Feng began to wonder if this was not a secret realm, a rustling sound suddenly reached his ears.

In the originally extremely silent cave, suddenly came this small but clear voice.

For a moment, the muscles on Ye Feng's body tensed instantly, and he tightened the Yuehua dagger in his hand, leaning against the wall, and slowly groped towards the source of the sound.

There will be rustling sounds from time to time.

And not far away, finally it was no longer dark, but a beam of light lit up.

Ye Feng carried the Yuehua dagger behind his back, looked at the bright light not far away, and quickened his pace a bit.

The light became more and more dazzling in the eyes, and the rustling voice became more and more clear.

Finally, Ye Feng plunged headlong into the light, and his eyes, which were used to the darkness, were not closed for a while.

After a little getting used to the light, Ye Feng opened his eyes to look at the source of the voice.

A huge skeleton nearly three meters high came into view.

Different from the spear and ax skeleton, this skeleton is not only extremely tall and full of oppressive force.

What's even more astonishing is that this skeleton is actually wearing a pair of armor, which looks like a general.

There is a sword at his waist, a big knife in his hand, and the arm of an unknown animal in his other hand, which is gnawing on it with relish.

But these are just things that surprised Ye Feng. What attracted Ye Feng's attention the most was the emerald green to black jade pendant hanging around the skeleton's waist.

Almost just a quick glance, Ye Feng can conclude that the most precious thing on this skeleton is this jade pendant!
While Ye Feng was looking at the skeleton, the skeleton had already discovered Ye Feng, the unexpected guest.

Without the slightest hesitation, the skeleton put the arm in his hand aside, then wiped a blade with his hand, looked at Ye Feng, and the flames in his eyes danced slightly.

Based on the pressure on the opponent alone, Ye Feng subconsciously thought that if he fought alone with the opponent, his chances of winning might not be great.

So Ye Feng did not hesitate, summoned the gate of ghosts, and pulled out a group of ghosts and Xin'er with a curious face.

Seeing a crowd of people suddenly appearing behind Ye Feng, although the skeleton wasn't afraid at all, Ye Feng's actions undoubtedly enraged it completely.

The long knife slashed across, hanging a majesty.

The big knife went straight to Ye Feng's throat, and the skeleton's hand bones also completely changed from white to pitch black at this moment.

With a look in his eyes, Ye Feng exerted force on his legs, causing his body to retreat violently.

But the big knife in the skeleton's hand seemed to have eyes, no matter where Ye Feng moved his legs, the big knife was always with him.

When the ghosts saw the skeleton attacking Ye Feng, regardless of the gap between their own strength and the opponent's, they slashed at the skeleton aggressively one by one with machetes in their hands.

Xiner moved even faster, following behind the skeleton step by step, with thorns shooting out from the cuffs.

But when these thorns hit the skeleton's armor, they could only make some tinkling sounds, but they couldn't do a little damage to the skeleton.

The long knife slashed heavily on the ground, splashing a thick cloud of dust.

Ye Feng looked down at the big knife that had been cut deep into the ground, feeling a twinge of fear in his heart.

If the big knife had been slashed on him firmly just now, Ye Feng reckoned that the "shield" shape with [-] times the critical strike might not be able to hold the knife.

Taking advantage of the time when the skeleton drew the sword, Ye Feng took a few steps back and opened a small safe distance.

With a judge's pen in his hand, he quickly wrote the word "speed".

"Ding, it is detected that the host is using the speed glyph, and the speed increase is thirty times critical!"

For a moment, Ye Feng felt that the world had become slow, but his reaction was extremely fast.

(End of this chapter)

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