Awakening on the Mid-Autumn Festival, starting with a hundred times the crit!

Chapter 135 Burned out paper money, describing the haggard A-level!

Chapter 135 Burned out paper money, describing the haggard A-level!
Jiang Chang reached out with one hand, wrapped in thick fog, and brought him a strong discomfort when he didn't touch Ye Feng.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Feng's legs suddenly exerted force, and he slid back a step, widening a safe distance.

Seeing this, Jiang Chang frowned, and said slightly displeased: "Don't give up? Do you really think you can beat me?"

Ye Feng didn't care at all, and said cheerfully: "There is one more trick, if you can catch it, you will win."

After the words fell, Ye Feng recalled that when he was feeling that day, he saw paper money all over the sky.

"Ding, it is detected that the host is casting paper money ballads, and the burning efficiency is forty times critical!"

Following the sound of the system, Ye Feng only felt that the power in his body was pulled out by something.

This strand of praying power floated upwards, straight into the sky.

Jiang Chang, who was not far away, finally stopped hesitating, black smoke erupted in vain, filling Ye Feng from all directions.

A piece of withered and yellow paper money fell from the sky, dangling, without attracting anyone's attention.

With the appearance of paper money, Ye Feng only felt that his limbs suddenly lost control.

It was as if the body no longer belonged to him at this moment, the whole body, only the parts above the neck still had intuition.

The one who felt the same way as Ye Feng was Jiang Chang who was planning to defeat Ye Feng with one move.

When he felt the strangeness in his body, Jiang Chang's heart skipped a beat, and when he felt bad, he said in horror: "What kind of skill is this? Why can it affect the A-level?!"

Ye Feng really wanted to spread his hands and explain why he didn't know why, but he couldn't control his hands at all, so he could only say calmly: "I don't know."

Under the watchful eyes of the two, the paper money from the sky finally fell to the ground.

And what followed was paper money all over the sky, enough to cover the sky and cover the world.

Every piece of paper money that falls on the ground consumes a trace of prayer power in Ye Feng's body.

And every trace of Ye Feng's prayer power lost will also cause Jiang Chang to lose the same amount of prayer power.

The paper money fell on the ground, and spontaneously ignited a strange and gorgeous flame, illuminating the entire world in a blink of an eye.

The uneasiness in Jiang Chang's heart became more and more intense. He clearly knew that this was Ye Feng's method, but he couldn't do anything to resist it.

Apart from being able to feel the loss of praying power in his body, all he can do now is stare at Ye Feng angrily.

But when he felt that the prayer power in Ye Feng's body was also losing, he felt at ease again.

Now his cultivation base has briefly entered A-level. Although the amount of prayer power in his body is not as majestic as the real A-level, it is not comparable to a B-level 3-star.

Half of the paper money fell down in an instant, and a raging fire ignited on the ground.

With the burning of the paper money, the prayer power in Ye Feng's body lost almost half in the blink of an eye.

"This exercise should be a means of fighting for life, right?" Jiang Chang looked at Ye Feng, who was already looking a little ugly, and said unavoidably.

"But do you think you, a B-level 3-star, can have more prayer power than me, a fake A-level?" He wanted to break Ye Feng's psychological defense.

"Stop screaming, believe it or not, I will take out the book of life and death to mark you now?!" Ye Feng shouted.

Jiang Chang was silent. Although he was stronger than Ye Feng, he felt it was better to keep a low profile before the book of life and death.

Don't win the game at that time, but lose your life, so the gain outweighs the loss.

Not long after, the praying power in Ye Feng's body has gradually dropped to the bottom, and the one who fell to the bottom with praying power is that heart.

But Jiang Chang was no better than Ye Feng to take it there. In the black smoke, one could see that his face was a little yellow at the moment.

In the next second, Ye Feng finally couldn't hold on, and staggered and sat on the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Chang laughed, and said, "I told you earlier, with the amount of your prayer power, how could it be possible to consume me to death?"

With the exhaustion of the prayer power in Ye Feng's body, the effect of the paper money ballad also ceased.

And those fierce ghosts summoned by Ye Feng, at this moment because of Ye Feng's prayers, they were exhausted, so they had to be taken back into the gate of ghosts unwillingly.

Ye Feng was exhausted and could not fight anymore, Jiang Chang was not good-looking, and the black smoke on his body had also faded by seven or eight points, and he could already vaguely see his face.

Compared with Ye Feng, he looks even uglier.

His face was haggard, and his walking steps were a little shaky.

"Admit defeat." Jiang Chang walked towards Ye Feng step by step.

There is not much prayer power left in his body, but at least he still has the power to fight.

Although compared to before, he is a little weaker now.

But dealing with a powerless Ye Feng is still effortless.

"You have no prayer power in your body, so such a fierce ghost will also disappear. I think I should win." Jiang Chang walked up to Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng condescendingly.

Ye Feng raised his eyes, nodded unwillingly and said: "Indeed, I should be at the end of my rope now."

"Then why didn't you admit defeat?" Jiang Chang asked puzzled, but now he was not in a hurry.

Ye Feng was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Jiang Chang again, and asked with some doubts: "I have a question, are you also awakened on the Ghost Festival?"

"That's right, why are you asking this?" Jiang Chang didn't understand Ye Feng's question.

"Then you can summon more than 30 ghosts?"


"Where's your contract ghost?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"My contracted ghost just now..." Jiang Chang stopped in the middle of his sentence, and his pupils shrank violently.

His contracted ghost spirit was only slightly stronger than Li Gui, and he had already been defeated by a single blow when he besieged Ye Feng just now.

But now Jiang Chang suddenly discovered a problem, that is, Ye Feng, who is also in the Ghost Festival, has not summoned the contract ghost from the beginning to the end!

You must know that when summoning a ghost, prayer power is needed as a medium.

But summoning the contracted ghost does not require an intermediary, the original contract is already an intermediary!

"That's a pity, I still want my contract ghost to fight yours." Ye Feng laughed, and then said lightly: "Xin'er, come out and beat someone up."

As soon as the words fell, Xin'er, who had a watery appearance, jumped out from behind Ye Feng, blinked her eyes, and looked at Jiang Chang in front of her.

After seeing Jiang Chang, Xiner was obviously aggrieved, looked at Ye Feng, and complained: "He is so weak..."

"Next time I will find you a stronger player, and I will definitely let you play to your heart's content." Ye Feng promised again and again, but it was obvious that Xiner didn't believe it.

"That's how you lied to me last time." Xin Er pouted, although she said so, she still punched Jiang Chang in front of her.

That white, tender and soft fist seemed like a child's weakness acting like a baby, but Jiang Chang knew in his heart that he really couldn't bear this punch.

"Forget you, I admit defeat!" Jiang Chang staggered back and shouted hastily.

Ye Feng signaled Xin'er to stop, and said with a smile: "Hey, luckily I'm better at it."

(End of this chapter)

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