Chapter 140 MVP, Unexpected Reward!

"No way, still bring this?"

As soon as the people on the stage finished speaking, there was a lot of whispering below.

This was the first time that this happened, and the award presenter actually rewarded the contestants in private.

Although the league did not stipulate that this kind of operation cannot be done, but now that they heard it, they still felt that Ye Feng might have something to do with it.

On the other hand, Ye Feng asked curiously, "What reward?"

The person on the stage smiled mysteriously, and said: "Come on stage to receive the award first, I will tell you about the reward I gave you later."

"Mysterious." Ye Feng pursed his lips in boredom, and immediately got up to go on stage.

When Ye Feng came to the side, the award presenter looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile: "As a champion, besides being able to get rich rewards, I think you should know that you have more important gains, right?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, pondered, and asked tentatively, "The spoils of war?"

"Of course not." The award presenter shook his head and explained, "Do you know how many people paid attention to you all the way here?"

"Is this a very important gain?" Ye Feng asked with an emphasis.

"You'll find out later." The award presenter didn't give a direct answer, but then said with a smile: "No more nonsense, the next thing is the reward that belongs to you as the champion."

Hearing this, Ye Feng cheered up immediately, waiting for the award presenter's announcement.

"As the champion of this year's college league, the reward for the champion is 50 season points, 2000 soul stones, and you can choose a book of exercises at will on the sixth floor of Jubao Pavilion."

It makes sense...Ye Feng looked calm, and based on the rewards for the third and runner-up, he roughly guessed the reward for the champion.

However, the 50 festival points and the two thousand soul stones still made Ye Feng very excited.

It's like a poor boy who suddenly finds out that he has won a lottery of 5000 million yuan one day, the feeling of happiness is so strong that it is a bit illusory.

As for the sixth floor of Jubao Pavilion, Ye Feng didn't care too much. Anyway, if there is a skill to choose, it doesn't matter where you choose.

"With this card, you can go to Jubao Pavilion to collect your rewards. The 2000 soul stones and 50 season points are all in the card." The award presenter smiled and handed Ye Feng a card.

Ye Feng took it, put it in his pocket, and immediately planned to step down.

But the award presenter's voice was one step ahead of Ye Feng's. Before Ye Feng could move his legs, the voice was clearly transmitted through the microphone.

"This year's college league lasted for 22 days. During this period, we have seen too many players and everyone's hard work."

Ye Feng was taken aback, and thought to himself, is this the closing speech?
For a while, Ye Feng didn't know whether he should go down or not.

"And the league officials have selected ten most popular players in this league from the performance of all the players."

"Next, the competition will decide who is the most popular player based on the popularity of the players' support, and award popularity awards!"

"These ten contestants are Cao Changyun at No. 3365, Wu Yong at No. 3364, and No. 3362..."

When Ye Feng heard the fourth name, he felt that something was wrong.

The rankings of the players mentioned by the award presenter are all linked together.

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, the atmosphere at this moment reached a peak again.

"If I'm not mistaken, the top four most popular players shouldn't be the four that Ye Feng defeated with one-on-four?"

"Please respect the players, please remove the three words 'should not'!"

"It's too beautiful, but if nothing else happens, it seems that this award is awarded to Ye Feng again."

"Absolutely, this wave, this wave is a windfall!"

The development of the matter was guessed in the live broadcast room, and Ye Feng also understood the so-called most popular player.

The first four players should be the four top four players he defeated at that time, and the next five players were also those players who were defeated by him.

As for the last player, it was Ye Feng.

After a while, the award presenter glanced at the speech in his hand, and then said loudly:

"The player who won the most popular award in this league... B16 Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng raised his brows, stepped to the side of the award presenter, pretended to be excited, and nodded repeatedly.

"Do you want to say a few words?" The award presenter glanced at Ye Feng and motioned Ye Feng to take the microphone.

Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, first he shook his head to express his refusal, but then he thought it was a little impolite, so he pondered: "Is there any manuscript?"

Seeing the award presenter shaking his head, Ye Feng also shook his head.

"Our champion is still a little shy, so the next step is to reward player Ye Feng."

"As the most popular player, the league officials decided to reward the most popular player with [-] season points as an encouragement."

Ye Feng: "..."

That's it?

What else is the most popular, that's all the rewards?


Reluctantly accepting the award from the presenter, Ye Feng planned to step down again.

"In addition to the championship, I think everyone has their own opinion, the best player in this league."

"And the league officials have been paying attention to the game, and at the same time selected the best! The most valuable players in this league!"

"And this contestant is our champion! Ye Feng!"

"In previous leagues, only the MVP award can compete with the championship award."

"But in this league, the two most lucrative rewards are gathered on one person!"

"So according to this special situation, the league officials temporarily decided to change the MVP award to the specially approved player Ye Feng. The chance to enter the sixth floor Jubao Pavilion to select exercises is changed to enter the seventh floor, which is the topmost floor to select exercises! "

After the words fell, except for Ye Feng, the remaining nine contestants were all in a state of dementia.

Originally rewarding Ye Feng for being able to enter the sixth floor to select exercises is already envious of others.

You must know that in the entire country, the number of people who can enter the sixth floor of Jubao Pavilion to select exercises is less than fifty.

But now they suddenly heard that Ye Feng was able to enter the seventh floor to select exercises, and they couldn't help falling into silence.

It is well known that all the powerful and rare cultivation techniques are stored in Jubao Pavilion.

But everyone knows that although the items on the first to sixth floors of the Jubao Pavilion are all cherished, they are not the only ones.

But this is only for the first six floors. As for the seventh floor of Jubao Pavilion, which is the topmost floor, the meaning is completely different.

There are only five copies of exercises stored in the seventh floor, and they are the only five copies in the entire world.

To put it another way, the five exercises on the seventh floor of the Jubao Pavilion are the treasures of the Jubao Pavilion!
Now the college league actually gave Ye Feng a chance to enter the seventh floor to select exercises.

From various perspectives, Ye Feng's reward this time was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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