Chapter 148 Entering the Rift in Space!

The next day.

The sky in the distance seemed to condense a touch of red light, but the entire sky was still occupied by black.

After arranging Li Gui's wake-up service, Ye Feng got up lightly.

After the celebration banquet last night, Ye Feng and Bai Xingjiang discussed together and planned to enter the rift this morning when the students didn't get up.

Otherwise, it would be bad if it attracted too much attention, and people would panic.

After washing up and taking half a month's worth of dry food, Ye Feng hurried to the playground.

Bai Xing and Jiang He, carrying backpacks, had already stood on the playground and waited.

Ye Feng took three steps and made two steps, stepped forward and said, "I didn't expect it to be so early."

Before Bai Xing could speak, Jiang He pointed to the backpack behind Ye Feng, and said in shock: "President, why are you carrying the backpack?"

"Dry food." Ye Feng took it for granted, but immediately looked at Jiang He, who was empty-handed, and complained: "You think you are going on a trip? Even if you don't bring a tent, you still have to bring some dry food, right?"

"Ah?" Jiang He was shocked, and asked: "Are we going for many days?"

"At least I shouldn't be able to come back until you starve to death." Bai Xing said quietly from the side.

"Ah?" Jiang He continued to be shocked, and hurriedly said: "Then you wait for me, I will go to the canteen to buy some biscuits and mineral water."

Ye Feng quickly reached out to stop him, and said with a smile, "Forget it, I brought enough food for the three of us, so there's no need to go."

When Jiang He heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "It's still the president who loves people, and he is indeed the president!"

Bai Xing snorted coldly, and said helplessly: "Compliments are all compliments, don't point fingers at Sang and scold Huai!"

Jiang He just wanted to refute, but seeing Ye Feng signaled him to shut up, he swallowed the sentence anyway.

Just when Jiang He thought Ye Feng was going to say something, he found a enchanting figure approaching not far away.

Mu Susu walked towards the three of them slowly, and seeing the three of them who were so relaxed, she smiled and said, "Are you two going together too?"

Jiang He nodded, and said: "We are afraid of the danger of the president. After all, as the top fighting force in the club, it is unreasonable for me not to protect the president."

Mu Susu shook her head helplessly, and said, "Then you, a top combatant, don't even bring dry food?"

Jiang He was stunned for a moment, his thoughts changed sharply, and he said: "I am in charge of the battle, and the logistics work should be left to the president."

"You." Mu Susu was helpless, and immediately looked at Ye Feng, and said seriously: "Have you decided?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then said seriously: "Teacher, please help us open the rift."

Mu Susu nodded, and then took a step forward, walking towards the corner of the playground where the space crack was stored.

Although it is only a wave of the principal's hand to open the space rift, after all, Mu Susu's strength is not as good as the principal's.

So when Mu Susu opened the space rift, he had stated that it would take at least 10 minutes.

While looking at Mu Susu, Ye Feng said boredly: "Jiang He, you said yesterday that you were going to disappear for a while, why didn't they ask you why?"

Jiang He smiled disdainfully, and said proudly: "After all, I am a mysterious man, and they are already used to it."

Ye Feng nodded and stopped asking.

On the contrary, Bai Xing glanced at him and said with a smile: "Then why did I hear that someone in our club is going on a blind date? And the blind date lasted for several days?"

Jiang He was shocked, and looked sideways: "Who? Are you in such a hurry to go on a blind date at this age?"

Bai Xing shrugged and didn't answer.

During the chatting time of several people, Mu Susu finally opened the space rift.

In the corner of the originally empty playground, a huge pitch-black energy gate appeared at this moment.

Feeling the strange aura gushing out from the door, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "After entering this door, life and death are really unknown, and it's too late to regret it now."

Bai Xing remained silent, but he took a step forward and walked towards the space crack.

Jiang He followed closely, and said with a smile, "Come on, if I regret it now, unless I drop out of school, I won't be able to hold my head up for the next three years."

The space crack is actually a space formation.

Under Mu Susu's gaze, Ye Feng plunged headlong into the crack in space.

Bai Xing followed closely behind, and Jiang He was the last one.

Seeing the indomitable posture of the three of them, Mu Susu felt that in the coming years, people like these three would be needed.

When the fluctuation of the space crack gradually subsided, Mu Susu also put away the melancholy in her heart, and hid the space crack again.

After doing all this, Mu Susu left the playground without looking back.

But the few students who hid in the corner and watched the whole process were unwilling to leave for a long time at this moment.

A post titled "Ye Feng and the club enters the space rift" rushed to the front page of the school forum early in the morning.

In the post, in addition to introducing in detail what happened in the playground this morning, several photos were taken.

There is also a photo, which is like a posing.

Ye Feng stepped out of the space rift step by step, but turned his head around, looking directly at the camera.

"Ye Feng just came back from winning the championship, why did he go to the Space Rift in such a hurry?"

"No, why is Ye Feng able to enter the space rift? Didn't you say that you will wait for the wasteland reclamation team to come back before letting people go in to practice?"

"Obviously their mentor let them in. If you discuss it with your mentor, you can go in too."

"Understood, now is to line up with my mentor, and strive to enter the rift in the afternoon."

"Ye Feng is really busy. He just won the college league championship, and he didn't take a few days off after returning to school, so he went to the space rift to continue his training non-stop."

"Otherwise, do you think other people's league championships are picked up? Of course those who work hard can succeed, and those who don't work hard are still here to watch others succeed and post comments."

"Squeeze, if you don't work hard, you won't even catch up with the headlines. If the host didn't get up so early, you wouldn't have caught the first-hand news."

Host: "I just went all night last night and came back a little earlier..."

Ye Feng's behavior was being discussed enthusiastically on the forum.

And in the club group of the Broken Soul Society, the chats are also in full swing at the moment.

[Xu Mo: I said why these three people were mysterious yesterday, and their relationship was stolen. 】

【Tian Lulu: Why did you ask Jiang He to go and not me? !Could it be that I am worse than Jiang He? 】

[Minister of Foreign Affairs-Li Yang: You can't think like that. After all, the three of them are all men. In this case, you only need to bring a tent. 】

[Tian Lulu: I can also sleep in a tent with the president!I am not a feudal person! 】

[Tianmeng: Lulu, stop wishful thinking. 】

【Mu Qingxue: +1】

[Wang Yang: +1]


[Tian Lulu: I wrote it all down, you laughed at me, I gave you two punches! 】

[Tian Meng: I don't know when the president and the others will come back. 】

[Li Yang: Can't bear it?If you really can't bear it...]

[Tianmeng: Do you want to take everyone to the crack? 】

【Li Yang: No, I mean I can give you a photo of the president...】

[Tian Meng: Get out! 】

(End of this chapter)

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