Chapter 157 Forget about killing, go to the rescue!

The sound of fists colliding with flesh echoed in the room.

Jiang He no longer knew how many punches he had thrown.

All he knew was that his fists were a little numb.

On the other hand, the outsider seemed not to have been harmed at all.

If it weren't for the fact that his fists had always landed on the outsiders' wounds, Jiang He would have felt that his fists would not have caused the opponent to feel any pain at all.

Withdrawing his fist, Jiang He heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Ye Feng and the two helplessly, and complained: "You two know how to watch?! My hands are sore!"

Bai Xing spread his hands and said with a smile: "I see that you are having a good time playing, so I am sorry to rob you."

When Jiang He heard it, he was stunned on the spot, and forced himself to put on a smiling expression, "Then I really thank you for your thoughtfulness...but I don't have the energy now."

"Okay, I'll do it instead." While talking, Bai Xing rolled up his sleeves and planned to take over Jiang He's job.

Ye Feng groaned, looked at the motionless body of the outsider, nodded and said: "Then I will go up together, just beat them to death, let's hurry to find those seniors."

Before Ye Feng could make a move, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Stop hitting... I can satisfy you whatever you want, just let me go..."

The voice seemed to appear out of nowhere, Ye Feng looked around sideways, and finally fixed his gaze on the alien on the ground.

"It's you talking to me?" Ye Feng looked at the outsider and said word by word.

After speaking, Ye Feng was stunned again, looking at the otherworlder who was not moving, he found that he was really used to it.

After repeating the question just now in my mind, the weird voice sounded again, "That's right, it's me, what are you here for?"

"I'm looking for people like me." Ye Feng stretched out his hand to stop Bai Xing who was about to punch, and then continued in his heart.

"I know where they are! I can tell you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's eyes lit up, knowing that the group of seniors must be besieged by this group of aliens.

"Tell me where they are!" Ye Feng said emphatically.

"Okay, but what can you exchange for it?" The outsider offered his chips.

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, thought carefully for a few seconds, and then replied: "Can I not kill you?"

"...This chip is not enough, what else?" The outsider continued.

Hearing this, Ye Feng snorted coldly, but did not answer immediately.

Seeing that Ye Feng stopped moving and stopped Bai Xing's fist, Jiang He was a little puzzled and asked, "What's the matter, Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng shook his head and explained: "He knows the positions of our seniors and sisters, but he said that we need to exchange chips for this information."

Hearing this, Jiang He immediately became furious, and said angrily: "He thought we were negotiating business with him?! Still wanting chips?"

Bai Xing nodded, and said angrily: "I've been the most ruthless in my life when others threatened me. At worst, I'll go find it myself, and I'll kill myself."

Ye Feng didn't speak, but asked the outsider lightly in his heart, "What chips do you want me to give you?"

"I want the bodies of these two people!"

Ye Feng was happy when he heard it, and replied: "Yes! But if you want this chip, the first chip will be void."

The outsider was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Ye Feng gave Bai Xingjiang a look, and the two of them were in full swing, and they started their big plan to beat others.

"2000 meters northeast of this place!" I don't know if he was afraid of being beaten to death, but the outsider finally let go.

Ye Feng nodded, motioned for the two to stop, and said with a smile: "I said, they are 2000 meters northeast of this place."

Hearing this, Bai Xing was slightly overjoyed, and couldn't wait to say: "Then let's go there now!"

Jiang He quickly pulled Bai Xing back, and said with a look of resentment: "The emperor is not in a hurry, and it will not be too late to beat this guy with me to death."

Bai Xing looked sideways at Ye Feng, and after questioning with his eyes, he nodded and continued to wave his fists.

"You said you wouldn't kill me!" The growling voice of the outsider echoed in Ye Feng's mind.

Ye Feng nodded slowly, spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not honest, especially when making agreements with people from other worlds."

The outsider stopped talking.

But Ye Feng couldn't be sure that the other party just didn't speak. Anyway, he was shaking his fist vigorously now, even if there was a sound, he couldn't hear it.

It wasn't until Ye Feng saw that the outsider was already so angry that Ye Feng stopped the other two.

"I'm going to the northeast now. If I'm not there, I'll come back and tell you to shut up forever." Ye Feng said to the outsider word by word in his heart.

After speaking, without the other party replying, Ye Feng took a step and planned to leave here directly.

Bai Xing and Jiang He also followed Ye Feng's pace, and Jiang He expressed his regret as he walked.

Before the three of them entered the top floor, the extremely weak voice of the outsider resounded in Ye Feng's mind again.

"It's 5000 meters due south, I guarantee it's absolutely true this time!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng stopped in his tracks, shook his head and said with a smile: "Now it's the south again, and this alien seems to be dishonest."

Jiang He nodded and said angrily, "We are asking for directions sincerely, but this haul is not honest!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang He and Bai Xing walked towards the alien angrily, and beat them violently with their fists.

This time, until the outsider completely lost his breath, he didn't speak again.

Ye Feng took a few steps forward, looked at the aliens on the ground, and after thinking about it, he said to Jiang He Baixing: "You two go up first, and I will follow right away."

"What are you doing?" Jiang He asked suspiciously.

"You don't have to worry about it, just go up first." Ye Feng said with emphasis.

Jiang He wanted to say something, but was quickly dragged away by Bai Xing.

Under Ye Feng's gaze, the two successfully entered the top floor along the beam of light.

After the two left, Ye Feng slowly squatted down and looked at the body of the outsider.

Then open up the system space and try to pack the outsider into the system backpack.

Since the outsider is dead, theoretically speaking, it can naturally be put into the system backpack.

Sure enough, when Ye Feng tried to put the outsider into the system space, the body of the outsider suddenly turned into a stream of light.

After confirming that the body of the outsider had successfully entered the system backpack, Ye Feng got up and slowly rushed towards the top floor.

The body of this outsider might be useful at that time.

Even if it is useless, it can be used for research after leaving the world of the body prison.

At least it might be possible to discover why the bodies of outsiders are so powerful.

He had a hunch that if the secret of the strength of the outsider could not be solved, then in the future battles between the seasoned warrior and the outsider, the seasoned warrior would definitely not be able to deal with the outsider alone.

Even a foreigner of the same strength needs several seasons to solve it!
(End of this chapter)

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