Chapter 165 The Playground Crack
Three days have passed since the rescue of the junior senior.

In the past three days, Ye Feng resumed his original campus life.

Compared with fighting every day, Ye Feng still prefers this kind of ordinary life.

Plain but not boring.

After all, watching Li Yang drooling in get out of class all day long, and watching Bai Xing beating Jiang He desperately after class, he could see a good show almost all day long.

The activity room of the Broken Soul Club.

Ye Feng was sitting on a chair with a big horse, holding a mobile phone and leisurely scrolling through the campus forum.

Since the battle in the body prison, it seems that his reputation in school has improved a lot.

Of course, even if some people didn't like Ye Feng before, most of them were junior students.

But now, even the third year, Ye Feng is respectful and far away from him.

Xiaoyu didn't really join the Broken Soul Club, but said that he would graduate with only one year left, and had no plans to transfer to the club.

Ye Feng felt very sorry for this, and told Bai Xing to train Jiang He harder.

In the forum, apart from discussing Ye Feng, the posts only discussed the space rift in the school.

Relatively speaking, there are more posts discussing space rifts.

[Where did the headmaster go?What is the world in the crack in the playground space? 】

[The headmaster is missing, but the school has no attitude. Is this a distortion of human nature, or is the headmaster missing? 】

[The sky cannot live without the sun, and the country cannot live without the king!The headmaster is missing, so it's time to elect a new headmaster and lead us to glory! 】

In the past three days, the posts occupied the front page of the forum. The first two posts seemed normal, but the third post was really just letting go and playing to death.

What's worse, the third post was posted by Jiang He because he lost a bet with Bai Xing.

Ye Feng looked at the first three posts, and clicked on the first one casually.

This post should have been written by a third-year student who entered wasteland at that time, and it almost explained the whole process of the matter in it.

Mostly they just entered the wasteland, hunted and killed animals, and then the principal suddenly disappeared, and then he was besieged by outsiders.

Until Ye Feng and the nine-member team appeared.

However, this post did not explain the situation of the battle at that time, but simply said, "One more thing, Ye Feng is really awesome."

But what surprised Ye Feng was that there was actually a sketch portrait of an outsider in this post, and it looked lifelike.

The replies below this post are all mourning for the mentor who died at that time, and there are no jokes or other questions.

After Ye Feng simply left a sentence, he closed the post.

Life and death are too heavy, for him, he may just sacrifice a few mentors.

But for some students, it is like losing another parent who has given them great help in life.

The style of the second post is obviously much more relaxed than the first.

"Why is the principal missing, but the school didn't take any action? Even my tutor didn't say anything, and he was as cheerful as usual in class every day."

"Is this too normal? It's so normal, but it's a little abnormal?"

A question of the soul was sent out in the post.

Admittedly, the tutors at the school didn't seem to care at all about where the headmaster went.

Even Mu Susu, after Ye Feng left the body prison, never mentioned anything about the principal again, and went to and from get out of class as usual every day.

Everything is too normal.

It was like the brief calm before the storm, so calm that it was depressing.

The comments in this post are not as serious as those in the first post.

Among them, the reply that was promoted to the home page analyzed the reasons for this situation in detail.

"As the soul of a school, the headmaster will definitely cause an uproar if he disappears, but everyone knows that it seems that all the instructors have forgotten the existence of the headmaster.

There are only two possibilities in this situation, either the headmaster is not in danger, or... the headmaster may have died.

Of course, I personally guess that the principal should be in no danger, or that he is performing some secret mission at all, so the school doesn't panic at all.

Just imagine, the principal leads the students into the body prison and disappears on the way.

As a principal, you must not make jokes with the lives of students. This is the bottom line of a principal, so there must be a reason for the principal to do so.

Maybe the headmaster is planning something bigger, even too big for us to know.

According to my inference, the headmaster is very likely to be in a space rift, and his plan is likely to find the real secret of the space rift! "

After reading this person's reply word by word, Ye Feng was greatly shocked!

The whole article, except for the last sentence, is actually all nonsense!
The principal is indeed in the space rift now, and he is not planning anything, but simply can't get out.

If he, Ye Feng, didn't bring the remnant soul to the principal, it's very likely that the principal would have to stay in the space rift for a lifetime.

As for why Ye Feng didn't bring the remnant soul to the principal immediately, it was because Mu Susu told Ye Feng that the time was not yet ripe.

As for when it will mature, we need to wait for a while.

Although Ye Feng was puzzled, he still chose to trust his mentor.

My heart was full of doubts, but Ye Feng could only quietly wait for the time Mu Susu said to come.

Anyway, with the principal's mysterious strength, even if he stayed in the space crack, there would be no danger.

Just let the old man hide for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Feng closed the post, and turned his attention to the third one, which was also the one that gave him the most headache.

"The principal is the soul of a school, without the principal, can it still be called a school?!"

"Now that the principal is missing, we need to elect a new principal to lead us!"

"I initiate a petition in my own name, and I recommend Ye Feng, the president of the Broken Soul Club, to be elected as our new principal!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

After switching the forum to the background, Ye Feng dialed Bai Xing's phone number.

From time to time, Bai Xing's panting and Jiang He's wailing could be heard on the phone.

"What's the matter, Ye Feng?" Bai Xing's voice was a little confused.

Ye Feng pondered and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just think you are too hardworking."

"Harm, it should."

"That's right, by the way, are you practicing against Jiang He?" Ye Feng pointed out the theme, "Punch me twice, this kid owes me too much."

"Don't worry! I'll make it clear for him!"

On the phone, Bai Xing patted his chest for assurance.

Switching back to the forum, this post itself is just Jiang He's joke.

But I don't know if the student has something wrong with his brain, and he pushed this post to the front page.

The replies were even more exaggerated than the post itself.

"Actually, when Ye Feng entered school, I didn't like him very much. Moreover, the gap between Ye Feng and the old principal was huge. Ye Feng was only a freshman, and his grandeur and outlook on the overall situation were not one-tenth of the old principal's. Therefore, I Choose Ye Feng!"

"Secondary, Ye Feng is the one everyone deserves!"

"+1! If Ye Feng isn't the headmaster, the North doesn't care!"

"Ye Feng is the natural principal. The North cannot lose Ye Feng, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem!"

"Are you all tired of living?!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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