Chapter 210 Losing Your Life
After a week of training, Ye Feng's physique has improved much compared to before.

A week later, when the teacher in front of Ye Feng punched him, Ye Feng could still stand still.

Of course, although Ye Feng didn't move, Ye Feng knew that it hurt in his heart.

"I feel that the results of your training these days are very good. I feel very satisfied as a teacher. If there is nothing else, you should hurry up and go there."

After saying this sentence, the person in front of him also showed a look of indifference.

Ye Feng still didn't know what the teacher meant by these words, but after asking again and again, he understood that the teacher wanted him to enter the forest again.

After Ye Feng understood the teacher's hint, he was still a little speechless.

"Then you can just tell me directly, do you need to say it so secretly?"

After throwing away this round, Ye Feng took this time's team and left.

This time the teacher gave Ye Feng an order, just to let Ye Feng live alone in the wild for a period of time.

This is the order given to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng understood this simple request, he also smiled happily. It seems that this time the matter can be easily resolved.

It's just that Ye Feng just lingered for a short time before he noticed something strange.

Ye Feng could feel the sound of footsteps around him, and the sound of footsteps was not only human, but also many footsteps.

If you listen carefully, you can hear that at least ten or more people are rushing towards Ye Feng.

After feeling so many people, Ye Feng immediately panicked and became nervous.

It's normal to be nervous, after all, Ye Feng also knows that only people from the school come up this mountain, and only people from the school have this entrance to enter.

Or they asked others to come in, since they went up the mountain either to get rid of the ghosts, or to arrest Ye Feng and Ye Feng's teacher.

But depending on the situation, they must be arresting Ye Feng and Ye Feng's teacher now. After all, these ghosts have not killed anyone in the school under Ye Feng's control recently.

The school has never sent anyone over. Since there is no conflict between the two parties, if the school sends someone over, it must be to deal with Ye Feng and Ye Feng's teacher.

After seeing this scene, the person in front of him showed a particularly nervous look, and really didn't know what to do in the next second.

Although Ye Feng didn't know what to do in the next second, but Ye Feng, who owns a whole hell, heard this sentence, and immediately showed a particularly impassioned look.

"Don't worry, we are united as one now, if the people in the school still want to do something to us, then we don't mind completely eradicating them."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Feng felt that the gang of ghosts under him were still very bloody, and his blood boiled instantly.

"After we are taken away, as soon as Ye Feng disappears, we will also disappear. The relationship between us is to live and die together. In addition, we don't want to see everyone wiped out by people from the school."

After a lot of discussion, everyone understood that their fate was in their own hands, and in the next second, these people would gather all their strength to deal with the people in the school.

In addition, Ye Feng also realized that the teacher may have sensed that the school had sent people over early, otherwise it would be impossible to send Ye Feng out.

Ye Feng said that this time the task given to him by the teacher was so aimless. It was planned for a long time. After Ye Feng figured this out, his mood became heavy.

I didn't expect that the teacher was really a real person, and he directly pushed Ye Feng into such an awkward position. Who knows if the school will shoot a very powerful person.

But in the teacher's words, it is necessary to stimulate Ye Feng's potential in the constant desperate situation.

Ye Feng has no time to think so much now, Ye Feng can feel that these people are getting closer and closer to him.

After figuring this out, Ye Feng took out the mysterious ruler in his hand without hesitation.

The mysterious heavy ruler in Ye Feng's hand is not a vegetarian, just waving it casually a few times can make people directly shot to death.

Sure enough, just after walking a few steps, Ye Feng met two students whose grades were as high as Ye Feng's.

After seeing Ye Feng, the two of them could be said to be very happy. They are of the same level, and the two of them still have the upper hand. A great achievement.

After figuring this out, the people in front of them also locked on Ye Feng tightly with a particularly happy look.

"Okay, okay, we can hurry up and fight with Ye Feng now, and Ye Feng's energy will be exhausted by then, and it is estimated that another small team can also gather here."

When Ye Feng heard the conversation between the two of them, he was full of self-confidence, but Ye Feng felt that their confidence was too blind.

Ye Feng waved the mysterious ruler in his hand, and waved it over without saying a word.

How could these two people have imagined that Ye Feng's explosive power was so high that he flew into the air directly.

In the middle of the air, when Ye Feng came down, he used the weapon in his hand to land hard.

Such a great power has been completely exposed by the two of them. After all, Ye Feng not only has strength, but also is very agile, so that the two of them have no time to dodge.

The two flew directly over, and when they landed on the ground, they were already ten meters away.

The other two people also fell to the ground.

Ye Feng could see these two people falling on the ground clearly. After they fell to the ground, a mouthful of old blood gushed out directly.

"Why is this kid so strong? The two of us are indeed no match for him. If there is nothing else, let's hurry up and run away!"

It's a pity that the other person is gradually dying. He can't even speak words now, so he just closed his eyes like this.

The remaining person also understood that this time he couldn't escape from Ye Feng's hand no matter what, he couldn't get angry and murmured, and in the next second he hit him hard on the head, and this guy fell directly here.

They really shouldn't have participated in this operation and even lost their own lives.

(End of this chapter)

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