Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 109 Little Black

Chapter 109 Little Black
"Reminder: The dragon egg you bought has hatched successfully!"

"Reminder: Please name your summoned beast!"

Fang Yun glanced at the little Charmander, who was currently teasing it with his fingers. The little guy seemed to be a tiger, with such sharp teeth that he didn't even know how to bite softly...
"You can't name it randomly, otherwise, when this little guy grows up, if he is called Benben, Qiuqiu or something, he can sit on it by himself, holding the elven long sword, shouting 'Qiaoqiu' and charging..."

Fang Yun, whose complexion changed slightly, quickly shook his head. He must not use that name in the future. He saw that Charmander's scales gradually turned dark brown in color after cooling down, and they also shone with a metallic luster.

He also began to have an idea in his mind.

"Little black!!"

"Hint: Please be sure!"

"Sure, sure!! Just call him 'Xiao Hei'."

The cute little Charmander was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have a name, so he rubbed his palm affectionately, and then began to bite endlessly.

"Reminder: Because Xiao Hei's egg shell was damaged, the grade has dropped a lot, but during the incubation period, he absorbed the boiling magic magma, allowing him to regain some energy, allowing him to successfully hatch and promote."

Fang Yun, who was full of excitement, finally saw the information board.

Blackie (summoned beast)

Race: Fire dragon, legendary creature.

Origin: The world of Harry Potter.

Grade: legendary grade 5.

Age: Cub (just hatched)
Power: 13
Stamina: 15
Agility: 9
Perception: 14
Wisdom: 11
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 8
Basic ability: flying, agility +20 points (unawakened), basic ability: bite Lv1, basic ability: claw Lv1.

Passive ability: Dragon Scale Lv1, an additional 3 points of defense and 300 points of life.

Passive ability: Longwei, has a 100% deterrent effect on low-level creatures. (The cub has not awakened)
Passive ability: Legendary Tier 5 creature, since it is still a cub, now has an extra 500 HP.

Active ability: Fire-breathing Lv1: It can spray flames equal to twice its body length, and cause 2+ (intelligence X100%) dragon language magic flames to the enemy.

ability:? ? ?
ability:? ? ?

Status: Hunger (Continuous hunger will cause a decrease in favorability.)
Loyalty: 70
(Explanation: Want to raise a dragon? Or the most edible fire dragon in the legend. Well, I advise you, it’s best to keep this thing as a wild dog, otherwise it will eat you and doubt your life.)
Fang Yun twitched his mouth, no wonder this little guy was biting his own finger. He was hungry. He bought a big lump of beef directly from the space and put it in the iron basin that Xiao Hei had just hatched.

Seeing the lump of raw beef, the little guy stared straight at his eyes, took a deep breath, his stomach was bulging, and a flame came to the beef, and the five catties of beef made a "sizzling" grilling sound, and the whole beef instantly It shrunk a bit, but the little guy jumped straight onto the beef, stuck his little head into the beef, and began to eat a big meal.

"Is this a dragon..." Pete was a little unsure, Hanks also looked surprised, but behind the gaze, there seemed to be contempt...

Fang Yun wiped his sweat slightly. Although this little guy has just hatched, his attributes are already equivalent to his adult attributes. You must know that Fang Yun himself, when he first entered the killing space, did not have this attribute, and this little guy, It is understandable that he can survive so tenaciously, with such a high life value.

"If you just eat beef... it shouldn't cost much common currency, right?" Fang Yun was thinking about it, but Charmander hiccupped, licked his mouth with his small tongue, staggered to Fang Yun's side again, and began to bite his fingers head…

"How much is 5 catties of raw beef?" Hanks asked.

"Not much, 5 common currency... If we eat it, it will be enough for a long time..." Fang Yun looked at the little fire dragon helplessly, so he could only get some raw beef again, and then bought a lot of eggs, vegetables, etc. See what these guys eat.

As a result, Xiao Hei asked with his nose, pointed at the raw meat and eggs with his small black paws, and as Fang Yun put them into the iron basin, Xiao Hei took a deep breath with great difficulty, but in embarrassment, he only spat out a Black smoke, and it turned out that the gadget entered the big iron basin without waiting for Fang Yun to use the fireball technique, and ate it raw without hesitation.

"Raw and cooked are not taboo..." Fang Yun rubbed his chin, then it would be easy to handle. In the future, buy some raw meat in the real world, put it directly into the storage space, and feed it to him at that time, it shouldn't cost too much common currency.

"Hey, pastor, you are a contractor, you won't just let Charmander grow slowly, will you? Do you know how other summoners went bankrupt? They all went bankrupt because of growth potions!" Pete didn't seem too worried. , and began to explain to him.

"Know Killing Space, sell some growth potions for summoned beasts, as well as medicines for improving ranks and increasing attributes, but as long as things related to summoned beasts are undoubtedly sky-high prices, summoners themselves are crispy , basically except for charm, other attributes are extremely rubbish, you need team protection, and then use powerful summoned beasts to gain a foothold in the entire killing space, you little Charmander, if you don’t eat these potions, you don’t want it to fight in 100 years ..."

"Oh, you can also fight. After all, you are a dragon after all, and you can be a meat shield anyway. After all, you have thick blood..."

Hearing what Pete said, Fang Yun also understood a little bit. If he wants to fight, he must accelerate its growth rate. Get to know each other and increase your loyalty. Otherwise, if the favorability is lower than 60 points, you may rebel or run away.

Looking at the little charmander who was eating, wagging its tail while eating, no different from a husky, Fang Yun suddenly felt that he seemed to have found a father...

So in order not to waste the 5000 common currency, Fang Yun tried every means to increase the favorability of both parties. At this time, he regretted it very much, why didn't he take the heart of the ocean away, but thinking about Davy Jones' strength, There is nothing to regret.


"Good boy, little black, good boy, come here..." Fang Yun's eyes twitched at this moment, the three of them went out and sneaked into the black market. After returning home, the whole house almost caught fire. Fortunately, all the furniture was set on fire. Fang Yun The cloud quickly extinguished it.

Looking at the little fire dragon with an aggrieved face, he shook his head at Fang Yun, but couldn't pass.

"Come on, I won't beat you..." Captain Fang suddenly held a huge piece of raw beef and dangled in front of its eyes. Xiao Hei, who stuck out his tongue, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over with his teeth and claws open.

The raw beef disappeared in an instant, Fang Yun grabbed the little guy with one hand, and when he was about to strike, he saw his big cute eyes, and tears were about to flow down.

"Reminder: Xiao Hei's loyalty is extremely unstable, please confirm whether you want to attack the summoned beast!"

Fang Yun, whose hands were in mid-air, silently put down the little guy, then took out the raw beef and put it into the iron basin, looking at his big bed with tears in his eyes, it was all burnt out, but fortunately it was not damaged. room, otherwise the space will definitely deduct the common currency.

"When entering the story world, how do I carry the summoned beast?" Fang Yun didn't care, and bought another bed handle later, and then asked about Killing Space confusedly.

"Reminder: Summoned beasts have their own summoning space, and you can only summon them after you enter the story world."

"Reminder: As a special existence, summoned beasts need to pay a certain summoning fee according to the strength of the summoned beast each time they are summoned. Among them, you can choose short-term or permanent summoning!" (Permanent represents the time of a plot world.)
Fang Yun has long known about the stingy performance of Killing Space. After all, the strength of summoned beasts is extraordinary. It will have a great impact on both plot characters and contractors. It is understandable that there is a small fee.

At least Fang Yun thinks that his Xiao Hei should not charge too much... What's the use of a waste dragon that can only spray fire once, can it be used as a shield with one hand, it seems to be fine...

 -. -In fact, I update too much every day, which is not good for my later recommendations. More than 40 words are forced to be put on the shelves, and then there are few recommendations. However, I only have 5000 favorites. If the subscription ratio is not bad, that is, 15 to 1, 333 subscriptions are possible for this book.puff!feel like rushing

(End of this chapter)

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