Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 112 The Hive

Chapter 112 The Hive
As a major city invested and constructed by Umbrella Corporation, Rakun City has done a good job of beautifying the environment, and there are also a lot of Umbrella employees in this city.

The traffic flow is not bad, at least according to the number of people in the United States, or for people who currently own vehicles, urban transportation is quite convenient.

The speed of Fang Yun and the three of them is not too slow. As the driver, Hanks drove slowly and did not intend to enter the city center directly. No losses occur.

"There is a gun shop on the opposite street." Pete patted Hanks on the shoulder and told him to turn around. Fang Yun also became interested. After all, this is a biohazard, and the best way is to use bullets to deal with zombies. The zombies in the second part have just been infected by the T-virus, their movement speed is slow enough, and their defense is very low. As long as the marksmanship is accurate enough, headshots can solve it.

If only this is not terrible, the most fearful thing is his transmission speed. There have been sporadic infections around the whole city. After being bitten, according to the physical fitness, the average person will die within 3 to 8 hours. completely mutated.

It can be predicted that after 3 days, Rakun City will be surrounded by zombies. Hundreds of thousands of zombies are scattered all over the city. This kind of number is daunting.

What Fang Yun is most afraid of is the T virus. This thing is no more than my legendary virus. At least most people can be immune to infection. When their contractors enter it, the Killing Space can be assimilated and given an identity, but the immunity of the T virus , except for Alice, it seems that everyone else needs to use drugs to control the virus to maintain the strength given by the T virus.

The contractors of Killing Floor will basically understand the plot, but it is useless to know these plots. What you need is how to participate in the plot, how to develop a good relationship with a protagonist, and some unexpected side tasks. But for the participants in the killing field, they have no chance to obtain this information at all, and everything depends on their own strength and temporary coping ability.

As the BMW's engine sound went off, the three of them did not enter the gun shop, and the whole city was about to collapse. The police went everywhere to catch the infected. Naturally, they didn't need to go through other channels to find guns.

Hanks opened the car door first, found the pizza shop closest to the gun shop, and after looking around for a while, he called Fang Yun and the two to go over.

However, two people appeared suddenly, a strong and powerful white man, and an Asian young man with sharp eyes. Ordinary citizens saw them and had no other feelings, but the killing atmosphere intoxicated by the killing space was instantly caught by Fang Yun and the two of them. captured.

This embarrassing situation caused the two sides to stalemate in an instant. Standing at the door of the pizza shop, they did not dare to start a war rashly. After all, a sudden fight on the street would definitely attract the attention of the police. Even if the police were performing various tasks, they still If you don't understand the horror of the T virus, you will definitely draw out the police force to deal with those fighters who dare to kill people in the city center.

Fang Yun silently made a gesture of invitation, and he exchanged glances with the young Asian among them. Although this man was not physically strong, he could see that his muscles were full of explosive power. The most eye-catching thing was his calloused pair of Fist, at this time Fang Yun has already confirmed that this kid is the boxer in Pirates of the Caribbean who almost killed him.

"Have some pizza and chat?" The boxer looked at Fang Yun unnaturally, and suddenly smiled.

"It's better to eat more, it might be your last meal." Fang Yun walked into the pizzeria cautiously as if joking.

The boxer was not angry, and followed in directly, but after seeing Hanks and Fang Yun gathered together, his complexion changed the same as that of the white man, and the whole situation reversed instantly, but this was not the time to run away.

He lived in Daxing'an Mountains since he was a child, and he knew that when facing a wild beast, he must never reveal his back to it, otherwise it will make him feel that the enemy is weak, and it will arouse the enemy's ferocity.

"Wang Longhu, please give me more advice!" The boxer clasped his fists at Fang Yun and smiled.

"Hello, you can call me pastor." Fang Yun suddenly remembered something, asked everyone to sit down, and asked Pete to ask for some pizza.

"Priest? Do you know how to heal?" The white man was a bit surprised, and his tone was a little disbelieving.

Fang Yun looked at Wang Longhu indifferently, and he also gave the white man a look: "He is indeed a priest, Garvey. In the last story world, I was lucky enough to meet the priest."

Pete and Hanks looked at each other. They had never heard Fang Yun say such a thing. Fang Yun coughed lightly to reassure them. After all, it was very unpleasant to meet this boxer. Such an embarrassing thing, how could he say it.

Wang Longhu gave Fang Yun an inexplicable look. Fang Yun looked around, and a white light flashed in his hand. Immediately afterwards, he announced the information of the healing technique. Garvey and Wang Longhu glanced at the information, and instantly His complexion changed suddenly.

"Elementary Legendary Healing Lv4, Priest, what do you want to do?" Wang Longhu is obviously the leader of the two-person team, and asked cautiously. After all, according to his thinking, if the other party wants to start a war, there is no need for it at all. The information about the healing technique was revealed. Although there was no information about the cooldown of the skill, Wang Longhu was shocked by the exaggerated healing ability.

It was because of this healing technique last time that he was worried about this magician, but after seeing this healing technique, he realized that this ability is really too powerful.

"Do you think it's easy to kill?" Fang Yun asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"You should have watched the movie Resident Evil 6. I think most contractors will watch various movies when they are bored, especially movies about the end of the world like Resident Evil. What is the underground hive in Lakun City? , I think everyone understands, don't you have an idea to find out, the perfect T virus stock solution is a super prop that can make people evolve." Fang Yun's mouth was full of madness, and he pointed with his finger strangely. underground.

Pete and Hanks have no idea what routine Fang Yun is going to play. Is it possible that they really want to change the plot?
If you really want to change the six consecutive movies like this, I don't know how difficult it is to exaggerate. Fang Yun's words made the other four people change their colors instantly. I really don't understand what he means.

"Then you want to cooperate to enter the hive?" Wang Longhu asked after swallowing.

"Bingo, that's it. You pay 2000 common coins each, and I'll treat you and sign a contract. I think the five of us have a chance to sneak into the hive. After all, there is no one guarding it at this time, only a group of people running around. Zombies, although there are some lickers, but these monsters also rushed to the ground smelling the human breath, I think we may not have the opportunity to go there." Fang Yun calmly looked like a lunatic.

Wang Longhu and the white man Garvey looked at each other, then at the gun shop, and turned around to leave. The two of them didn't want to cooperate with this kind of lunatic. The five of them went to the hive, and it was like hitting a stone with a pebble. As for the gun shop's weapons, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are too many gun shops in American cities, so just find another one.

Pete looked at the steaming pizza and had no appetite at all. He wondered, "What do you mean, are we really going to enter the hive?"

"Hive? I don't even know where it is, how do I get in?" Fang Yun sneered.

 Recommended ticket digging. .


(End of this chapter)

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