Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 115 Ivory Winchester

Chapter 115 Ivory Winchester
As Fang Yun continued to choose bullets and firearms, a guy finally appeared that made him ecstatic. Seeing the ivory white gun body, Fang Yun smashed the viewing glass with his fist, and easily took out this artwork.

This is a Winchester ivory shotgun. The model is unknown, but it can be seen that this kind of gun is custom-made by some wealthy businessmen. Although I don’t know how this ivory gun appeared in a gun shop. .

But for Fang Yun, who likes firearms, even if he can't take them with him, he can still play with them.

What's more, this Winchester is a blue-quality shotgun, which is more powerful and has a longer range than ordinary shotguns.

The basic attack power of this gun can reach 10 attack power within 200 meters, and it also has the ability to repel and slow down.

The magazine has 7 bullets, and it attacks once every 3 seconds, but this is already very good for Fang Yun. After his Desert Eagle has no bullets, this thing can also burst out damage instantly.

"Aw..." A low and hoarse roar suddenly sounded from the door of the gun shop, and the three of Fang Yun were startled suddenly. A zombie with tattered wounds on his face and some rotten arms was about to enter from the door of the gun shop shaking.

Fang Yun lowered the assault rifle raised by Pete with his hand, and shook his head at it. This is the first time he has seen such a thing as a zombie. He no longer has the skill of "insight", so he needs to rely on close combat to test the foundation of zombies. Attributes.

Just in case, Fang Yun found a tactical glove from the gun shop, walked forward, and punched the zombie on the forehead. The huge force made the zombie take several steps back and hit the wall straight.

"Hint: You have not caused effective damage to low-level zombies, but you have obtained the basic information of zombies."

Zombie (Normal)
Height: 6.1 feet
Weight: 86 kg
Power: 7
Stamina: 9
Agility: 5
Perception: 10
Wisdom: 2
Spirit: 1
Charisma: -5
Passive ability: Immortality, no head blown, T-virus undead, zombies undead.

Passive Ability: Infection, being scratched by zombie teeth, nails and other parts will cause T virus infection. The higher your physical strength, the less likely you will be infected, but even if you are not infected, you will still suffer from virus damage , causing 1 bleed damage per second for 30 seconds.

When a contractor is infected, 1 point of stamina can be maintained for 1 hour without corpse transformation.

Passive ability: ? ? ?
(Explanation: If there is no antidote, after being infected, unless you return to the killing space, you can join the zombie army after the time is up, and you don’t have to return to the killing space to work hard.)
After Fang Yun saw this passive attribute, his whole body was in a bad mood. He kicked over the zombie, took out the Desert Eagle, and raised his hand to give it a headshot.

After he sent the message, the faces of the two of them changed slightly, especially Pete, whose face instantly turned black. Those who didn't know thought he had been bitten by a zombie. At this time, his physical strength was less than 20 points. If you are infected, don't you only have a dozen hours to live?

"Damn T-virus, priest, your healing skills are legendary, is it possible to resist the infection of T-virus?" Pete ran to Fang Yun's side and asked nervously.

Captain Fang shrugged and shook his head: "I don't know, you can try it, and then I will treat you. If it can really treat the T virus, I guess I can make a lot of money in this world..."

Pete, who ate a poop, rolled his eyes at him. The blue quality M4A1 in his hand, the bolt had already been pulled, and he always looked around cautiously, for fear that something would suddenly appear.

Just as they finished collecting the weapons they used, there were suddenly many sounds of sudden braking outside. Fang Yun looked through the gap, and his expression changed instantly.

Because there are 4 black SUVs outside, nearly 15 special forces members suddenly descended from above. They are all elite fighters from the umbrella company. Everyone is wearing standard body armor and is covered with grenades. They move neatly Yousu, not at all the trash in the movie.

What's more, the reason why the umbrella special forces in the movie are so good is that the opponent is too strong. Isn't it easy for the protagonist to deal with this group of elite scum?
"Finally, it has attracted the attention of the Umbrella Company, but their number is not large, and they are probably attracted by other contractors." Fang Yun turned sideways and looked at the sky through the window. Fortunately, he did not find the helicopter.

"Go through the back door. I found that the back door can go out. Try not to annoy the Umbrella Company. Let them not catch up with us. Try to let them abandon us and leave." Hanks hurriedly ran over from behind.

Fang Yun and Pete nodded, and quickly ran towards the back door. As a flash bomb was thrown in, Fang Yun closed his eyes and opened the back door with Hanks and others. With his back to the flash bomb, there was still a White light flashed, but fortunately, it did not cause instant blindness.

"Gogogo, catch the alive, catch the alive!" A group of special forces members broke through the window and broke out the door. Seeing Fang Yun and the three fleeing through the back door, they also began to chase after them.

Although this group of people said that they were catching people, they originally used motor guns, but they missed the three of them.

But seeing Fang Yun and the others run farther and farther, regardless of the boss's order, they directly pointed the sight at Fang Yun and the other three, and instantly opened fire.

"CTMD, why don't these stinky pens really shoot, the stun guns that were agreed, and the ones who were agreed to catch the living, Pete, please get out of here!" Fang Yun pushed Pete, making his whole body Smash the glass and tumble in.

Fang Yun followed closely behind, followed by Hanks, who was carrying a lot of bullets. Fortunately, this guy had a shield. Although he was shot to a certain extent, it was not a problem for him, especially when he used a magic shield. There are also many skills that increase defense. At this time, the defense is greatly enhanced, and a healing technique is given to it.

Just watching the muscles behind Hanks begin to heal, copper-yellow bullets were squeezed out directly.

"If you don't fight back, I really think I'm a weak chicken." Fang Yun glanced at the special forces outside the window, and shot back, with a loud 'bang', one of the special forces was shot in the head. The instant damage directly exploded, coupled with the powerful crit, the death of the whole person was cruel and terrifying.

Listening to the noise outside the window, the three of them knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time. They broke through the door and walked through the corridor at high speed. As they entered some streets and alleys, the group of special forces chased after them again. I can't go to them, so I can only look around. After all, they are elite special forces members, and they can play with guns. It is really a bit difficult to run past them.

What's more, the various monitoring instruments in this era are not so developed, and even remote-controlled unmanned aircraft are rare. Although it is only a dozen years away from 2017, the gap is still too huge, otherwise the crime rate in the United States will be too high. Can't stay high.

"Roar..." A zombie with teeth and claws suddenly appeared in the darkness, and as a blue light flashed, the zombie's head rolled and fell to the ground, and a pool of disgusting black blood sprayed everywhere.

Fang Yun lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and they could only avoid the attack of the Umbrella Company. Fortunately, these people withdrew suddenly. Yun Du wanted to go on a killing spree.

The exhausted three squatted in the dark alley, took out simple high-calorie food, and started to satisfy their hunger. If this model continues, Fang Yun thinks that within three days, they will not have any rest.

The atmosphere was a little gloomy at this time, but with more and more zombies, there were more and more gunshots in the entire city of Rakun, and the whole city began to become dangerous.

 =. = Vote, if you don’t vote, you will lose your motivation, and you can’t see the recommendation votes, and your whole life will become dim.Three chapters today~

(End of this chapter)

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