Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 12 Rivendell

Chapter 12 Rivendell
Because according to the plot, there were only wargs and no orcs were found. Fang Yun, who was a little gloating, just wanted to find another elite warg to open fire. In the next moment, his pupils instantly became bigger, and his heart beat crazily. It was dangerous!He jumped off the tree trunk directly, but what he never expected was that.

There was a piercing sound of piercing the air, and the black-lacquered arrow was lost in the air, piercing through the body armor on his body, blood spattered from the wound, and Fang Yun in mid-air was directly hit by the huge penetrating force on the other side. After falling from a tree, a nearly half-meter-long black arrow stuck in his abdomen.

Hanks stared wide-eyed. He didn't expect this fake elf to be so unlucky. He was shot in mid-air. The plot has changed a bit, but the glory of MT is still there. He hurried over and set up his shield.

"Smoker Elf, are you dead? You didn't make a sound."

Fang Yun, who got up from the ground, coughed a few times, spat out a mouthful of blood, and pulled out the arrow on his stomach with his backhand. The three-edged blade on the arrow hooked the flesh and blood in his body. The pain of concentration could not be completely weakened. , It was also the first time for him to suffer such a serious injury, and he was in a cold sweat for a while.

"Hint: You have been attacked by an arrow from an 'elite' half-orc. You have received 139 points of attack. Since you are wearing body armor, you have blocked 15 points of damage for you, and 8 points of defense have blocked 33 points of damage for you. In the end, you The damage received is 91 points."

"Reminder: The arrow's missing attack has caused tearing on you, (5 points of life per second), lasting for 3 seconds."

Fang Yun was directly stunned by this blow. He only had 160 health points in total, and half of his health was shot with one arrow. I feel that my fighting skills are still not enough, such a high perception, but I can't react quickly with my body, this is not the performance of an excellent fighter.

Fortunately, Fang Yun is a novice following the plot, and the plot will not change much. So Lin and others cut melons and vegetables, so they were wiped out. The half-orc elite who almost shot through Fang Yun directly let Gan Doffer was killed in seconds.

The task just now has been completed, and I got 500 common coins and 2 potential points again. When the killing key is not unlocked, I will immediately chase after me.

The brown-robed wizard Redagast let the rabbits run fast and lured away the wolves who were chasing them. They also started a crazy running journey. Fang Yun felt the benefits of body digitization at this time, 3 seconds After the bleeding state disappeared, all the cells in the whole body seemed to be activated.

With an extremely fast feeling, he was recovering his body crazily. With a constitution of 16 points, he could basically recover 8 points of health per minute.

Elves are best at things like running, and they followed Gandalf extremely dexterously. Of course, they would not forget to grab Hanks. His movement speed is not bad, but compared with a group of elites, bosses, and golden plot characters Bi, it's still a bit slow, after all, he rushed over regardless of the danger when he was in the most danger, of course he would give him a hand in this situation.

The attack of the wolf, on behalf of the Lonely Mountain team, was discovered, and Gandalf sent a burst of anger at Thorin.

According to the plot of the movie, they were discovered by the orcs a long time ago, but Fang Yun carefully studied the plot, and Sorin told the seven dwarf kings about the expedition, but both humans and dwarves are greedy. In need of benefits, it stands to reason that the half-orcs discovered the team very early, but only came to attack at this time, which is obviously wrong.

It is very likely to be other dwarf kingdoms. I don't want Thorin to take back the Lonely Mountain. After all, the Lonely Mountain has endless gold. As long as the dragon is killed, the wandering king of the mountain will return to his homeland and become an extremely powerful force in Middle-earth. , and those wandering dwarves, other dwarf kingdoms had a great chance to collect them. It is very likely that some dwarf kings told the orc Asog who had a deep hatred with Thorin about the Lonely Mountain team.

There was basically no danger along the way. Fang Yun was spotted by forty or fifty half-orcs again, but he still ran into the valley.

The light is right in front of your eyes. After leaving the valley, everyone was shocked by everything that came into view. Like Rivendell in the fairyland, it appeared directly in front of your eyes. Several waterfalls on the top of the mountain slid down directly, and were filled with mist. The elf houses are all on the mountainside, and you can see the waterfall next to you almost as soon as you look up.

The trees were covered with yellow-green leaves, which fell into the water one after another. The whole Rivendell is in the Imlaris Valley, and there is a big river at the foot of the mountain. There are only a few carved stones on the way to Rivendell. The bridge can pass.

"Oh, Schett, why didn't I bring a camera." Hanks muttered to the side, shocked by the beautiful scenery.

"Shut your stinky mouth, dirty human." The elegant and proud half-elf scolded him disdainfully, with a serious look on his face, making Hanks want to ride on him and expose his ugly face .

The same was true for Fang Yun, his heartbeat kept speeding up, and the familiar breath came, which made him want to run over.

Everyone passed the stone bridge and walked over. Sorin's reluctance was very interesting, but he finally compromised.

Although there was a slightly unpleasant meeting with King Elrond and others, the temptation of dinner still solved this group of dwarves who only knew how to eat.

The way the elves said it was so annoying, Fang Yun couldn't help but twitched.

King Elrond was also a half-elf. Before he saw the dwarves, he took a look at Fang Yun. He had night-colored hair, star-colored eyes, a silver crown on his forehead, and a brown and elegant elf armor.

But he was really good at talking, and said to Thorin, why did I kill orcs with your grandfather, fight side by side with your grandfather, kill many orcs, and kill pirates with your father.

Although King Elrond spoke in a flat tone, the elves are so low-key that they are simply showing off, telling you dwarves scum bluntly: "I boiled your grandpa to death, boiled your grandfather to death, boiled your father to death, of course And you, and in the future, your son, your grandson, from generation to generation..."

As you can imagine, Thorin had no good tone at all.

King Elrond sent Thorin and the others away, glanced at Gandalf, then stared at Fang Yun, with a strange look in his eyes, he waved and said, "Come here."

Hanks looked excited, hoping that King Elrond could expose Fang Yun as a fake elf, and then beat him up severely, and deducted 10000 universal coins from him, saying that he affected the identity of the elves. Kick him down the river valley and tell him to fuck off, Hanks just watched, and then realized...
"Inyetye-mela" (how are you, poor child) King Elon patted Fang Yun's shoulder lightly, a familiar feeling was instantly activated, and Fang Yun subconsciously said the same sentence: Saesaomentienlle? (Very good, nice to meet you.) 'Elvish'

King Elrond waved his hand, waiting for Hanks, who was watching the excitement, and was taken away by two elf warriors with his arms crossed. Although Gandalf was not taken away, King Elrond looked at him , also beckoning him to leave, the gray-robed wizard shrugged helplessly and left.

(End of this chapter)

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