Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 120 T Virus Liquid

Chapter 120 T Virus Liquid
Seeing this bottle of blue T virus stock solution, Fang Yun's heart still beat unconvincingly, but the most hateful thing is that there is no mission in the killing field, which means that he can violently kill people and directly snatch the T virus stock solution , but the three of them might kill Kane in this meeting room, but they couldn't escape anyway.

There are hundreds or even hundreds of special forces members in the entire Umbrella Hospital. No matter how powerful the three of them are, they will not be able to escape, and they will even wake up the evil god of revenge in advance.

But what Fang Yun was most worried about was that he handed over the body of the participant to the other party, but the other party refused to give the T virus stock solution, so what should he do?
So he sneered: "How do I know whether this T-virus stock solution is real or not? I'm not a scientist. Give me a set of instruments, and I can't verify its authenticity."

Kane seemed to have expected what he said a long time ago, and said lightly: "Don't you want to become a test subject, inject it!"

The three of Fang Yun were stunned for a moment, but they were also a little cautious. This thing is considered to be the stock solution of the T virus. If there is no resistance, Fang Yun will just inject it like this, and it might turn into a zombie directly.

Basically, every combatant will have a plan for the original solution of the T virus, but these people will definitely not inject it directly, but return to the killing space to use it. After all, even if there is a problem, they can spend the general currency to let the killing space treat themselves For treatment, if there is no such prerequisite, there are absolutely not many people who dare to inject the stock solution of T virus.

But the stock solution of the T virus in front of him appeared here, and Fang Yun really couldn't refuse this temptation.

"Oh, by the way, you can inject half of the T virus stock solution instead of all of it, which will increase your strength and reduce the possibility of mutation, but if you don't inject the other half within 48 hours, then Whether you will become a zombie or not is completely uncertain." Kane said slowly, obviously he was sure that he would not give up this thing.

Fang Yun turned his head to look at the two of Hanks, feeling blessed and suffering together: "Don't you two try to inject half of it?"

The two quickly shook their heads, especially Pete's complexion suddenly changed: "Haha, you just have to try this thing, we won't accompany you, and one T virus stock solution costs 10 super soldier corpses, and 3 can't be 30 Corpse."

Pete's statement also made Kane nodded. If the three of you want to inject, you can also inject half of each person, and then get 30 corpses.

Not to mention increasing their strength, when they kill ten people, the red dot will become much bigger. If they want to kill 30 participants, they will definitely turn red and black, or they will be besieged collectively.

After Fang Yunsi thought about it, Mader fought hard, and he had a gold medal for avoiding death, so what are you afraid of!
"Come on, let me try this T virus stock solution!"

Kane nodded, three or four doctors in white coats walked in from behind the door, each wearing a mask, and made everyone take a lot of steps back, even Pete and Hanks did the same. It will not mutate people. Some umbrella fighters hold their rifles tightly, for fear that this super soldier will mutate into a zombie. This kind of zombie must be more powerful.

As the T virus stock solution got closer and closer to him, Fang Yun also touched this guy, and the following spatial prompt also appeared.

T virus stock solution
Rarity: dark gold plot props
Origin: Resident Evil

Material: Developed from Progenitor Virus
Role: evolution

Effect: All attributes: +5-10
Effect: After successful infection, it will be immune to 99% of diseases and viruses, and this effect has a limited area.

Effect: There is a certain chance of gaining telekinetic power.

Side Effects: Infection
Timeliness: After surviving the instant mutation, it will take 48 hours to confirm whether it has successfully evolved or been infected.

(Explanation: The extremely powerful T virus stock solution is not equal to the mutated T virus produced by being bitten by zombies. This kind of dark golden plot prop will cause severe pain after you inject it. You evolved successfully.)
I really confirmed that this thing is the real T virus stock solution, but Fang Yun has a thought that he doesn't want to inject it. Who knows if the gold medal for avoiding death will work? If he really becomes a zombie, the gold medal for avoiding death is to rebirth himself. Or clone another self?
If he really cloned himself, wouldn't he really be dead?

In the end, Fang Yun took a deep breath, pulled the clothes off his arms, and one of the doctors wiped the skin on his arms with disinfectant, picked up the T-virus stock solution and applied it.

For a moment, Fang Yun really felt like running away, goosebumps all over his body, but with the injection of the blue T virus stock solution, even if it was only half.

Although the intense pain caused his eyes to widen, Fang Yun held down the doctor's hand while he was still calm, and injected the remaining half tube of T virus stock solution directly into his body.

This shocking change caught everyone by surprise, but Fang Yun also knelt on the ground directly, and Kane calmly waved his hand to tell the many special forces members not to act rashly, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, as if he had expected this scene long ago .

Fang Yun dared to do this because he was naturally not afraid of the Umbrella Company firing directly. They needed a test subject, and a living super soldier test subject was much more precious than ordinary people. They would definitely not kill him directly, nor would they kill him. Get rid of Hanks.

But what he didn't expect was that Kane had tampered with it, and after he had all the injections, he heard a news.

"Hint: You have been injected with a nano bomb with a remote control device."

But Fang Yun hadn't had time to digest the news, the pain of peeling skin and cramps all over his body made him wailing, the changes, swallowing, shocking changes of every cell, all made him roll all over the ground in pain, with blue veins all over his body Suddenly, the pain made him want to tear his skin hard to see if there were tens of thousands of ants biting his flesh and blood in his body.

Seeing the bleeding from Fang Yunmao's mouth, Hanks and the two had nothing to do about this scene. Fang Yun planned to do this, and he had already talked about all the possibilities in the temporary team, but he didn't expect that the injection of the T virus would produce such a shocking effect. exaggerated pain.

"Ah..." Fang Yun clenched his fists, knelt on the ground and beat the ground non-stop. What is shocking is that Fang Yun smashed pieces of hard floor tiles, and even made a big hole. .

The pain is so severe that it has already broken through the limit of weakening the pain by 30%.

Fang Yun's crazy behavior, his eyes were bloodshot, and his unconscious appearance finally made Kane a little scared. He hid sideways behind many special forces. He didn't want to face a zombie turned into a super soldier.

Apart from pain, Fang Yun had no other feeling. His body seemed to be being torn apart, and it was more painful than traveling through the space. After an unknown period of time, he lay on the ground, his body twitching constantly, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Seems like it's about to turn into a dead body.

However, Fang Yun kept struggling like this, but several hours had passed, and Hanks and Hanks had received the killing sensor again. After seeing the three-dimensional map, the corners of their mouths twitched, no one dared to It's close to here, but it's interesting to find that there are dozens of people near the hive, as if they are planning to sneak into it.

When some participants saw the three red dots on Fang Yun from the map, they all laughed and thought that these three people had been arrested...

One of the scientific researchers twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's been so long and he's still alive. It's amazing. I wanted to inject him with an anesthetic, but who would have thought that he would do it directly..."

"The instant mutation shouldn't take so long. Could it be that he failed?" Kane frowned.

"I don't know. As a super soldier, his consciousness is much stronger than that of ordinary people. He can become a super soldier. I don't know how many experiments he has done. Maybe there is a contradiction between the same virus in his body and the T virus, which will make him His pain is so exaggerated, otherwise the mutation would have ended long ago.” Researchers have never seen such exaggerated changes in ordinary people after receiving injections. Like Fang Yun’s pain, ordinary people would have died long ago, but he has not Dead, still half dead.

 -. -Let me rate it with 5 stars, 7.9 points, it looks so embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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