Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 131 Going to the Hive

Chapter 131 Going to the Hive (Modified!)

But after the killing sensation appeared, Fang Yun and Hanks took a deep breath.

"Grandson, these bastards are too fierce, there was a big fight in the first half of the night." Hanks was dumbfounded, there were only 50 red dots on the killing sensor map, and basically every red dot became bigger or darker Quite a few, out of 200 participants, there were only about 50 left at this time.

Among them were three or four people, who were so red and black, including Fang Yun, and this kind of combatants generally had a killing value of more than 10 points.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so obvious. After all, Hanks' 4 kill points are only crimson.

For this kind of black-colored combatant, the general contractor sees this scene in the killing sensor, and if he is close, he can't wait for his parents to give him two legs, so he has to run away quickly, after all, he can kill This step has not yet returned, it must be powerful and has no scruples.

"I didn't expect that the two of us could scare others away." Fang Yun sighed a little. A three-person team was only 4 kilometers away from them. After seeing Fang Yun and Hanks, they all went out quickly in less than 10 seconds. He drove away quickly.

But no one dared to come over, and Fang Yun and Hanks finally breathed a sigh of relief. After two days and two nights of fighting, even a short rest could not relieve all the fatigue in the body.

Especially after Fang Yun was injected with the T virus stock solution, even though he ate and drank a lot in the umbrella company, his body was still tense, and now he just wanted to sleep well.

Fang Yun simply made a few small traps with thin ropes and shotguns, then went up to the second floor of the church, dragged out a wooden bed, and fell asleep. I can't help but think that no one will come here.

Even if they really come to attack, if there are few people, they will die. Just like this, the two of them are really snoring,......

Fang Yun didn't wake up until the morning of the last day. He dialed Hanks and took a breath to remove all the traps. After a good night's sleep, the two of them were really in high spirits. Isn't it just a fight? It's okay to fight all day. !
"It's the last day, and the plot is in full swing." Hanks walked to the window and saw zombies swaying one by one. Although the number is still rare at this time, there is a cemetery behind the church. The half-decomposed corpse wakes up.

Fang Yun nodded. He once asked Killing Space how many zombies he could get for universal coins, but he was told clearly that even if you kill [-] zombies, you won't get a single universal coin.

"It's really stingy, but I'm really looking forward to the Licker. This thing has a high attack and strong defense, but it's only relatively speaking. It should be easy to take down." Hanks and Fang Yun studied it carefully, and the Licker His agility and strength should be strong, but his physical strength is relatively weak, so it won't be too strong.

After all, the main fatal injury of Resident Evil is the T virus infection. They are digitized, and the infection rate is relatively small, especially Fang Yun. The T virus can no longer infect him. Thinking of this, he is a little excited.

As if thinking of something, Fang Yun clapped his hands to make a decision, and said to Hanks: "Go to the hive, these people must have the urge to do something when they see Nemesis and Alice. With a kill value of 3, the possibility of their cooperation is very high, but they stay on the ground, let's go to the hive."

Hanks short-circuited, and replied with a hint of embarrassment: "Brother, you are not afraid of contracting the T virus, I am afraid, even if you know the opposite side of the laser channel, even if the red queen is very attractive, even if the bottom is the final place, but the hive at this time Is it safe?"

Fang Yun frowned, but stretched it out instantly, and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, although the laser channel is dangerous, the Red Empress motherboard is a good thing. Let's think of a way."

"Although we don't know why this group of participants retreated from the hive, as long as there is a slight chance, we should go to the hive to try."

Hanks finally nodded. If he really got a bottle of T virus stock solution or an antidote, or else he got a red queen motherboard, even if he was really infected with the T virus, he would not hesitate, because applying for a return space is also salvageable. what.

As for where the hive is, I have already learned the details through the three-dimensional map of the killing sensor.

As soon as the door was opened, the sound of "creaking" attracted a few extremely ugly zombies, but the zombies who had just been infected with the T virus were not threatening, and the two easily cut off their heads, and the black blood flowed all over the place.

I found the car that drove yesterday, and drove slowly towards the hive. In the early morning, Rakun City was in chaos, and the residents of the entire city were in panic. They were afraid of being bitten by infected people on the street.

There were too many gunshots, smashing, and disturbances. When they passed by a supermarket, a young man with a gun slammed into their car, which was a shot.

Fang Yun was so scared that he thought he was being raided again. Looking at Lakun City, which was gradually becoming a dead city, Fang Yun had no solution. Although he knew that the T virus had an antidote, who knew when the antidote would be developed? Yes, even under the hive, if there really is an antidote.

That is definitely a super awesome hidden mission.

Almost everyone in the United States owns a gun. This country has the highest gun ownership rate in the world. When zombies actually appear, they will not be as bad as in the movie, because the movie is mainly exaggerating, exaggerating the relationship between the protagonist and How powerful the supporting role is, that's why the civilians are useless.

At this moment, many Americans are aware of the horror of this infectious disease. If someone really wants to bite them, they will basically just take out a gun. Thousands of people are often too busy to deal with it, and they will not come to make trouble. .

Gunshots are being fired everywhere in Rakun City. By the time Fang Yun's car came 1000 meters away from the entrance of the hive, there were already 30 bullet holes in the door.

"It's so unlucky, mob." Fang Yun lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and threw it into the sewer. Feeling that there was no methane gas, he removed the manhole cover and jumped in first.

He took out an oversized flashlight at random, and with the night vision device on his head, he was ready to go to the hive.

"Schete, it stinks!" Hanks frowned and followed into the sewer, his boots were covered in sewage, and mice with green eyes ran around.

"Let's go, stay far away, I hope the entrance is not closed." Fang Yun and the two dare not approach the entrance of the hive directly, for fear of being discovered by the combatants or the umbrella company, so they can only move forward slowly through the sewer.

Although the taste is not very good, because there are beehives underground in Lakun City, the sewers are well established. It will definitely not be just a crude pipeline like in China. After going down, you can only walk on your knees or even crawl.

Fang Yun held the flashlight, glanced at the compass, and pushed forward with Hanks, because they not only found the garbage in the sewer.

It was also found that there were traces of battles in many places, and even some corpses remained. Although it seemed that they were left a few days ago, they had to be cautious.

Because that horrible wound was definitely left by the licker.

 If anyone wants a side role, you can open a post to say it yourself, please don't make an extremely powerful character, after all, Captain Fang is also a little trash now, you want to replace the protagonist by making such a strong side role.

(End of this chapter)

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