Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 15 Goblin

Chapter 15 Goblin
"Watfak, look, a rock as big as a house is flying over!" Hanks, who was overly nervous, took out a one-handed shield and put it on his head. Fang Yun wanted to laugh when he saw it.

The incomparably loud bang of "Boom" almost deafened everyone's ears, and they could only shout nervously.

Hundreds of kilograms and thousands of kilograms of stones fell from their heads. Fang Yun's courage after practicing for so long was finally able to play some role. Although some unavoidable small stones also fell on them, they only dropped a few dozen points Blood.

The sudden fight between two stone giants hundreds of meters high made Fang Yun feel that they were just in pain, or they had lived too long and wanted to die...
As for the 'insight' technique, does Fang Yun have any thoughts on it...
Although the upper limit of the attributes of both plot characters and plot creatures is 50 points, according to the D-level difficulty, their own strength is also weakened as a whole, and the same is true for stone giants, but the blood volume of stone giants... how much, Does the stone giant have any special ability to increase defense...

In short, this kind of extremely dangerous plot, as long as you follow the protagonist's pace, basically you can't die. Except for bad luck, Killing Room should not give the contractor the difficulty of dying, and his novice world is unexpectedly in the Lord of the Rings World, this difficulty is a bit unexpected, but it is purely because I have some connection with it.

Hanks looked at the big stones passing by beside him, and secretly rejoiced that he handed the Philosopher's Stone to Fang Yun, otherwise he would definitely die here with Lv7 bad luck.

Fang Yun and the two also passed the most tense and exciting scene without any danger. After all, it is a novice world, so it is right to follow the main mission. In the future plot world, the degree of freedom will be great. I told him that after the newcomers have passed through several plot worlds, in most plot worlds, the contractor and the protagonist have no relationship, and they have to spend a lot of thought, and there are very few opportunities to get together.

"This cave looks very safe. It looks like we can rest for a while." Just as one of the dwarves was about to pick up the flint, Fang Yun cast a fireball technique, illuminating the entire cave that was invisible to the eye.

"That's true, but it's better to be careful. After all, there are people or other things living in the caves in the mountains." Fang Yun said lightly, he took Sorin's words.

But Sorin nodded generously, feeling that what Fang Yun said was right, he himself was very cautious, but the burden of going to the lonely mountain was on his shoulders, making him breathless, and his thinking was a little confused.

At this moment, because of the joining of Fang Yun and others, the hobbit has not been paid attention to, and no one has ridiculed him. When everyone is sleeping, he has no intention of running away.

Fang Yun always observes the elven sword in his hand, waiting for the appearance of goblins, and don’t try to change the plot. This kind of main plot, if it really changes, might greatly increase the difficulty, and the contractor is not familiar with the plot, and will lose The right time, place and people will make it difficult to deal with future crises. Of course, whether you want to change the plot depends mainly on whether you are strong enough. If you are strong enough, you will naturally not be afraid of changes in the plot.

"Bang, click." There was a violent ground splitting sound, and the elf sword in Fang Yun's hand emitted a faint blue light, but it was so late.

"Get up quickly, take your weapons, soldiers, there is an enemy attack." Thorin had already stood up, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Be careful with your feet!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone fell down like dumplings. In mid-air, they saw hundreds of disgusting goblins rushing towards them. They were several heads shorter than dwarves, with yellow-green skin and only a fig leaf on their bodies. Of course, there were some A few of them were not wearing anything, Fang Yun took a lot of effort to see such a few little birds...
Although the others didn't have time to react, Fang Yun and Hanks were already prepared, and they stood firmly on the single-plank bridge of the trap.

"Earth Guardian!"

Hanks' shield exuded a khaki-yellow light, and the small one-handed shield instantly became huge, and it hit the ground heavily, dusty and powerful, making Fang Yun feel that he still underestimated him. The leader, or MT, can't be too weak even if he is weak.

Goblins like deformed monsters, although they saw such a huge shield, they couldn't stop their greed for flesh and blood. Hanks slammed into it with a 'bang bang bang'. Hanks blushed and gritted his teeth without retreating. There are already other goblins rushing from the side,

Fang Yun took out the Silver Sand Eagle, pointed the muzzle of the black hole at the group of goblins running over, and directly hit a 'Rage Sand Eagle' which cost 50 MP.

What does it feel like to shoot 7 bullets in two seconds? The empty cave made seven loud noises in a row. The four or five goblins around Hanks were pierced by huge caliber bullets, as if they had exploded. Flying across, mixed with white brains, almost all sprayed on Hanks.

"FUCK, why the hell can't you shoot earlier, I'm going to be disgusted by the smelly goblin blood." Hanks turned his head, there was still yellow-white liquid flowing down his bald head, his eyes Really full of resentment.

Fang Yun shrugged helplessly, shook his wrist secretly, it hurt so much, and then used an insight.

Goblin (common level)

Height: 0.8 feet
Weight: 33 kg
Power: 7
Stamina: 3
Agility: 5
Perception: 2
Wisdom: 1
Spirit: 1
Charisma: 1
Equipment: iron knife or bow and arrow, attack power 13~24
Passive ability: ? ? ?
(Explanation: A group of small yellow-green trash, but there are also fighters in the small trash, such as elite trash, boss trash...)

"Insta-killers, don't be cowardly, fuck them." Fang Yun put away the Silver Sand Eagle and pulled out the dim dawn. He was finally able to show his melee power against this kind of scum, heh.

Sorin and the others had just stood up at this time, looked at the two of them, filled with gratitude, picked up their weapons and joined the battlefield.

"Reminder: fight side by side with the dwarves, rush out of the goblin cave, and kill 100 goblins, otherwise 1000 common coins will be deducted."

"Accompanied mission rewards:
Every time a goblin (ordinary) is killed, 1 points of common currency will be rewarded, and 10 point of reputation will be rewarded.

Kill a goblin (elite), 30 common coins, and reward 5 reputation points.

Kill goblins (bosses), 100 common currency points, reward 20 prestige.

Killing the goblin (king) rewards 5000 common coins, 1000 reputation points, 5 potential points, and 2 merit points. ” (reward issued separately)

I don’t know what the merit value is, but it must be a good thing. After accepting the task, Fang Yun secretly planned, if possible, he must spend a wave here before leaving, to see if he has a chance to kill the goblin king.

"Come on, kill these ugly little monsters." Fang Yun took the lead, stepped on Hanks' shoulder, jumped high, and the silver elf sword shone with light blue brilliance. Cracking the bodies of the three goblins, the green-yellow blood sprayed on the elf armor, and it actually slipped off. It seems that this is also a passive ability.

"Kill these little dwarves, how dare you plot against the dwarf grandfathers." One of the dwarves picked up the battle ax in his hand and rushed over. In an instant, fighting was everywhere on the single-plank bridge, with blood and limbs splashing.

(End of this chapter)

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