Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 150 Blessing!

Chapter 150 Blessing!

Many contractors rushed on their way in the dark. The team of more than 50 contractors was not small. It was smooth sailing in this small town. It was not until they left that the bewildered hotel owner crawled out from under the table.

Fang Yun didn't know the route of Changhu Town, but it didn't matter. This guy said directly and righteously: "Although you are soldiers hired by Gandalf, your performance makes me not optimistic."

"Especially the vision problem. It's hard for me to guess. If I hadn't come, would you have been able to find Changhu Town?"

Many contractors secretly thought that this guy is really narrow-minded, and they will cause trouble for them when they come up, but they completely think that this is the difficulty of the plot. After all, if they want to really join the plot mission, there may be some troubles.

Fortunately, Ares quickly said: "Your Highness, please rest assured, I know the route of Changhu Town."

Then Fang Yun nodded proudly, put on a black cloak, and slowly followed at the end of the team. The rain at night made people feel very cold, and it was also very tiring to drive at this time.

The contractors got together and chatted about things while on the road, but they didn't dare to talk too loudly about the problems of Killing Space and the plot world. After all, there was a powerful plot character behind them, and they might have to deduct the common currency .

Fang Yun is like a lonely wolf, who disdains to walk with humans, hangs at the end, no one knows what he is thinking, the whole night of the journey, they all feel that this elf is too difficult to get along with, it is completely a watcher, as if for the sake of Monitor where they come from.

Seeing the blue canvas gradually unfolding in the sky, Ares came over wearily and looked at Fang Yun: "Your Highness, we should take a short rest. Although the soldiers are strong enough, they still need to restore their energy to the peak , will not be afraid to face all dangers.”

The contractor who was covered in muddy water was already drenched from head to toe, and the heavy rain in the second half of the night became more and more urgent. Many people planned to rest, but the "His Royal Highness" who followed behind was so unhurried, and there was no way to see the need. It looked like it was at a standstill, that's why I persisted until now.

"Eat something, and then go on your way!" Fang Yun put away the waterproof cloak, and the battle armor on his body was not stained with muddy water, which made others envious. Then he climbed lightly on a big tree and leaned against the trunk to rest.

"This B ah, pretending to be round." Hanks shook his head and sighed.

Pete nodded in agreement.

But Fang Yun ignored them, and as these people began to eat, Captain Fang blinked his eyes, walked among the many contractors, and said with admiring eyes: "Through last night, I can see that you are indeed not ordinary. Mercenaries, your tenacity and perseverance prove that you are not ordinary human warriors, I have stretched out from my heart, and feel that you are facing light and justice."

Whether Ares or other contractors stood up excitedly, thinking that a side mission was coming, they nodded in affirmative hastily, and looked at Fang Yun with a righteous face. As for the dark heart, no one will expose it. But their faces alone can definitely make the characters in the plot feel that they are honest and just fighters.

The 'Prince' seemed to be quite happy after seeing them stand up, and then he said: "The Lonely Mountain needs your support on this trip, and Sorin can't be harmed, he must be protected to complete the task of taking back the Lonely Mountain, but You will face danger, although I will accompany you, but as the darling of nature, I don’t want to see any of you die, if you are in need, you can come to me and accept my blessing.”

After Fang Yun finished speaking, he turned around and went back to rest under a tall tree. The contractor was a little confused. The prince BB chattered for a long time, but there was no task reminder.

Although Ares was puzzled, being the first to eat crabs always took advantage, and blessings or something might limit the number of people, so he walked directly in front of Fang Yun: "Your Highness, no Know what blessings you will have?"

Fang Yun showed him with a smile, magic shield (increasing defense by 6 points for 8 minutes), and healing (recovering 254 points of health), although there was no cooling effect, Ares couldn't help being excited.

8 points of defense is equivalent to an increase of 16 points of physical strength. Although it only increases defense, it is still a big increase, and there is such a powerful healing technique that can restore 254 points of health.

"I don't know what your Highness needs?" Ares, who is a melee fighter, has such a powerful auxiliary elf behind him, saying that everything is something to be happy about, so he asked hastily.

Fang Yun, who had a change of mind, ate the 'golden stock solution' and his strength increased greatly. He felt the beauty of becoming an evolutionary, but the attribute points exceeded 50 points (wearing equipment or props), instead of becoming 50 points naked. This kind of breakthrough The limit method is limited, and each contractor can only break through the upper limit three times.

But after Fang Yun felt the strength of the evolutionary, because the intelligence reached 57 points, the increase in various skills was also greatly enhanced, and he was eager for the increase in strength. At this time, he would not cheat them hard. Will be willing.

"The blessing of the magic shield is 1000 common coins, and the blessing of healing is 2000 common coins. However, the healing technique will only bless the most vulnerable warriors. I swear in the name of my father, as long as I continue to fight with you, I will continue to bless you all." Fang Yun's face was full of righteousness, and Ares was not too disgusted when he heard such a charging price, but he didn't understand why there was no task prompt, but this guy actually paid him The oath was made in the name of the father, but Fang Ares believed it a little bit.

After all, Middle-earth is a magical world, and the oath must be very effective, especially for such plot characters with magic, even royal elves, it is even more impossible to swear indiscriminately.

Moreover, the healing technique is extremely important to him, and it can save a lot of life potions. What's more, this thing doesn't need redundant movements. The prince only needs to wave his hand behind, and it doesn't delay his battle at all. Many, dozens of healing techniques are used, which is much more valuable than 2000 common coins.

The most amazing thing is that this effect can alleviate all kinds of negative effects, and can also restore the damage of broken bones. It is simply too strong.

Ares hurriedly took out 3000 universal coins from the space and handed them to Fang Yun. He sighed in his heart that there would be no tasks if there were no missions. Anyway, this elf swore to his father, so he couldn't be too shameless and cheated them of the universal coins instead.

And Captain Fang smiled like a crescent moon: "Ares, I am very optimistic about you, and I believe that I will be by your side in your future battles."

The main reason is that Fang Yun doesn't know what Ares is thinking, otherwise Fang Yun will definitely tell him in his heart: "My father is not a local, and he is not an elf. I swear to him that it will have no effect at all."

Someone here paid the money, and the other contractors were naturally unwilling to be lonely, and came to inquire one after another, especially the Hellfire Club had the most members, and Hanks and the two were naturally no exception, but no one would know if they paid or not.

Almost all the contractors sighed when they saw this elven prince with super assist ability: "Killing Space finally showed kindness and gave them a super support, especially the support who can heal."

And the eyes were not friendly at all, but at this moment, everyone thought that such an elf prince was a good prince, much better than a prince who could only shoot bows and arrows.

Because of the different charges, generally long-distance requires the boost ability of magic shield, but healing is urgently needed for every melee combat. Unfortunately, there are only 10 places for healing, and the last three places even have several contractors vying for it. .

Fang Yun said that the one who pays the highest price wins is the only way to solve this problem that is prone to civil strife. In the end, everyone has gained something, except for some poor people who can’t even afford the blessing of a magic shield, but no one cares about it. these contractors.

One of the contractors swallowed his saliva: "Boss, why don't we take out a loan from Killing Space, borrow some common currency?"

"Forget it... If this plot world ends and we haven't returned it, then it will be wiped out." Their heads hurt a little, and although their eyes were envious, they had no other choice.

 -. -Finally let Fang Yun start to cheat.

(End of this chapter)

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