Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 155 Legend!

Chapter 155 Legend!

The temperature at this time is very low, especially in Changhu Town, which is in the middle of the lake. The climate is relatively cold. If the bridge was not bombed, basically no one would come out, but the cat was sleeping in the bed.

After all, at this time, if you are not a bachelor, you are almost hugging your wife and doing indescribable things. After all, it is cold outside and the bed is warm.

It is not easy to find a navigator who can sail, even if many of these people have come out to watch the fun, after all, Fang Yun and the others have come from a wrong path, who knows if it is possible for them, after they go out, to kill the leader die?

"Boss, Marksman Bud is not at home, he should be out fishing!" The contractor sent by Ares immediately reported to him after returning.

"Is it necessary to go fishing at night?" Qilin was a little puzzled.

Ares shook his head calmly: "This is not going to the sea. Fishermen by the lake generally have fishing methods, such as setting some fishing nets in the lake water, etc. If they go in broad daylight, it is easy for people to see them lowering their nets." In this way, if someone wants to steal fish, or even has some hatred, and destroys his fishing net, then the fisherman will be miserable, and we can see from the movie that Bud's situation is not good, even if his strength is extraordinary .”

When he said this, everyone understood and admired him deeply, and flattered them all: "You are indeed an evolutionary, you know a lot."

Fang Yun curled his lips aside, what good is fishing, being a pirate is a promising career!
In the end, Ares still gave up welcoming Sorin and the others, mainly because no one dared to trust them in Changhu Town. After all, no matter how good the gold coins are, they must be worth spending.

So everyone can only choose to rest, temporarily find some water hotels to rest for the night, and then prepare for the battle during the day.


The slender Fang Yun, wearing a handsome suit of armor, slowly pushed open the door. His elegant demeanor made these chaotic contractors calm down instantly. No bottom.

Ares came out, glanced at Fang Yun who was wandering around, ignored him, but gathered all the contractors together and began to arrange tasks.

"First of all, the most important place is Bud's home. We must arrange manpower to keep an eye on his family, otherwise his children will be captured, and Bud won't even think about shooting arrows, so Hanks, Pete, And Qilin, the three of you are guarding his home, if there is an enemy attack, immediately send a signal." The three of Hanks nodded, at least Ares' opinion was not wrong.

"Watching the movie, the Black Arrow is at Bard's house, should we find it?" someone suggested.

"Don't be kidding, you know it's a movie, how could there be such a hole in the space, even if the black arrow is very powerful, but he can't be a magic weapon, I think only after the black arrow shot and killed Smaug, it was stained with dragon blood, and even Only after it penetrates its heart will it become a powerful weapon."

"The second is the tower where Smaug was shot. I'm afraid someone will blow him up. If this tower is really gone, Bard will definitely lose his shooting position, so which one of you will go here?" Ares said just now After finishing, there will be a team to accept this task immediately.

After a series of arrangements by Ares, basically every contractor will guard some places, at least not leaving open spaces that were attacked. After all, the fog this morning is very heavy. If someone sneaks up, he will definitely choose this time period, and then he He planned to lead his own team to meet Sorin and others.


"The contractor on the opposite side is very cautious, and even blew up the pontoon!" The homeless team was more domineering this time, and the whole team came here. More than 20 contractors came here, not only three powerful The deputy head and the most mysterious and powerful head also came in person.

The left hand shield is wearing heavy armor, the oval shield is firmly set on the left arm, and a chain hammer is carried in the right hand.

Standing next to him was a magician, wearing a gorgeous robe and a black staff taller than him. There was a green magic crystal on the top of the staff. Not only the staff, but also the hair and eyes were green. , he is also the deputy head of the homeless team, nicknamed Green Ghost.

Among them is a deputy head, few people have heard of his name, and even he does not like to enter the plot world with the team members, and always likes to go alone, but such a person is still the deputy head, and he must not Not to mention that he is very powerful, a weird and fierce sniper, others call him the terrifying Death Sight of the Undead!

There are rumors that there is no contractor who can escape his gun. As long as he wants to kill, the contractor will definitely die!
"Although I don't know how they blew up such a large-scale pontoon bridge, the price is definitely not small." The green ghost's eyes shone with green light, like a will-o'-the-wisp in a cemetery.

"Get ready, whoever of you will go to the orc commander to buy a few ships, since those idiots from the Black Witch team plan to intercept the dwarf team, then we will meet the contractors from the light camp." A woman's voice was soft and suddenly Appeared, but the three deputy heads all turned sideways and looked at the woman.

Obviously, she is a powerful elemental mage, an extremely weird beast summoner!
As a magician, she has many magic skills, especially the skills of ice and fire. She has mastered too many. What's even more powerful is that she can summon two prehistoric beasts at the same time, an adult saber-toothed tiger that rides under her all the year round, and There's a giant monster that doesn't summon much.

With many means, she is also a powerful evolutionary. As a summoner, she doesn't need the protection of others at all, and she has strong combat power. That's why she can convince the three deputy heads, and even willingly to follow the command of a woman.

Although Ares is strong, even if he has a quasi-evolutionary under his command, he is still not as good as facing the powerful wanderer team, so he needs to obtain the command of the contractors to resist the attack of the wanderer team.

Seeing Ares leading the team members to the upstream to meet Sorin and others, Fang Yun just put on the title of Captain White Wizard blankly. Although he is not in the sea, this title cannot exert its greatest power, but this The title allows him to breathe underwater for 30 minutes, and it also has a stronger deterrent effect, making his crew obedient. (For deterrence, see the previous article, so whether Fang Yun is on board or not, the combat effectiveness of the crew presents two extremes.)
At this moment, Fang Yun didn't know what he was about to face, but he was fearless, because he believed that as long as he stood on his own deck, the pirates under him would definitely exert more than 200% of their strength. As for why.

Just because he is the legendary captain of Pirates of the Caribbean, when he stands on the deck of the Black Sea, he is a legend!
 -. -Where is my recommendation ticket, hurry up, give it to me quickly, I am not dead yet, and I can still persist.


(End of this chapter)

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