Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 157 The most embarrassing sneak attack.

Chapter 157 The most embarrassing sneak attack.

Fang Yun knew that he would not go on so smoothly, but he didn't expect these bastards to be so radical!
"RPG, fuck him!" The left-handed shield gave an order, and a black buddy beside him sneered, paid a lot of common coins, took out super heavy firepower, and shot out with the rockets, pointing straight at The Black Sea shot away.

"Turn, make a sharp turn!!" Fang Yun yelled, these guys are too violent, I use 17th century artillery, you guys use 21st century rockets, it's shameless!

But even if the huge Black Sea made a sharp turn, it didn't work. The fast rocket hit the cabin directly. There was a loud bang, and the entire hull seemed to be falling apart. A huge fireball exploded from the side of the Black Sea. open.

The huge shock wave directly blasted Fang Yun who was relatively close. Many pirates on the deck shouted in horror and were directly blasted into the water.

Captain Fang hurriedly got up, ran to the railing, lowered his head, only to see a big hole was directly blown out of the side hull, and the cabin below the deck was in a mess.

"Head! Thirteen gunners were killed, and three cannons were broken. The brothers are all stunned!" Taylor was dumbfounded below the deck.

"How is the hull? No water has entered? Can the gunpowder be blown?" Fang Yun quickly calmed himself down. Although RPGs are powerful enough, they certainly cannot be used indefinitely. Not to mention how expensive a round of warheads is, just Use restrictions are enough for them.

"The gunpowder is fine, they are hidden in the deepest place, and they can't be blown up at all, but if this kind of 'cannon' comes a few times, the brothers will completely lose their fighting spirit. It's recovering."

Hearing this news, Fang Yun heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his hull is strong enough, and his quasi-legendary ability: Spirit of the Black Sea can integrate the souls of dead people into the hull and strengthen the hull. After Fang Yun left, the group of pirates I don't know how many people were burned, killed, and taken away. There are so many souls in the hull, and the entire hull has long been as hard as iron.

"Grass mother, let me charge up and kill them at an angle. I don't believe he has so many shells." Fang Yun roared with red eyes, and the black sea turned the huge hull, drawing a white wave on the lake, turbulent ride the waves.

I thought that an RPG, even if it didn't blow up this wrecked ship, would have to be blown in half, but that's the truth, they were wrong.

Hearing the mighty roar of the pirates, they all looked nervously at the elemental mage.

"If they want to die, let them die. Fight hard, I will open the shield, and you will bombard me until this broken ship is smashed!"


At this time, the fog had dissipated long ago, and there was always a huge roar on the lake, which attracted many people, but no one dared to row over. It was almost nine o'clock in the morning, no matter the contractor or the local residents, They all stared straight at this exaggerated scene.

A huge dark pirate ship frantically used artillery to attack a small ship, but someone on that small ship used magic to form a huge ice barrier to resist the attack.

What's more interesting is that there were counterattacks on the boat and in the water, all kinds of magic, gunshots, and even grenades were thrown over.

And a group of pirates on the deck, one by one, was in a daze, holding medieval muskets, facing the group below, and the firepower of more than 200 pirates was not small, especially the artillery.

Several members of the homeless team were killed after being set on fire.

Several contractors in Changhu Town watched this scene with binoculars, and they always felt that the style of painting was a bit abrupt, because many people were holding high-tech weapons, but the opponents only used artillery to attack.

"Fuck, fuck, what the hell is this RPG?"

With a sound of "Boom!", a huge flame ball appeared again, and the entire Black Sea shook greatly, and many people on the deck fell down.

"Oh, Falk!"

"This broken ship is so resistant to beatings. An RPG made a small hole in it, but the cabin is on fire!" A quasi-evolutionary stood on the high platform and shook his head in amazement.

"MD, this is Fang Yun's Black Sea?" Hanks gasped. It was so powerful. Although the cannons were noisy and the rain was small, it was a pity that the momentum was scary enough.

"It's amazing. Facing the whole team of homeless people, they can fight like this. There is no one else." Pete set up the Gauss sniper rifle, looked at them through the scope, and waited for the enemy to arrive. As for the group of guys , and want to play a sneak attack, that's really impossible.

As time went by, the two sides fought for nearly an hour before Fang Yun's wrecked ship wobbled away. The whole hull was almost torn apart. Moreover, there were still a lot of bullet holes. Suffering 4 rounds of RPG in a row was the biggest damage. Fang Yun really couldn't fight anymore, but the delay at this time was completely enough.

Unable to persist, not only the problem of the hull, the biggest problem is the death of more than 80 elite pirates, and their artillery attacks are always not strong enough to deal obvious damage, which makes the morale of the pirates very low.

Fortunately, Fang Yun had a better way of dealing with this group of wounded pirates. He had a lot of gold, silver and jewels in his captain's cabin, so he took out a few boxes and distributed them. They were still good crew members.

Being tortured like this by a pirate ship in the seventeenth century, the homeless team was convinced. It was the first time they were so angry, and there was nothing to reason about.

At this time, they were completely exposed to the eyes of the light camp contractors. How could it be possible in the past? This was not a sneak attack, but a head-on confrontation.

I can only row the boat and walk back slowly, hoping to come to this surprise battle with the orcs next time.

There are many souls in the Black Sea, and it is estimated that the hull can be restored. Fang Yun no longer worried, comforted them, and let them run to the middle of the lake, waiting for his signal.

The contractors of the light camp were thoughtful, obviously, this warship belonged to their side, but they were really curious, how did this big guy come here, was it arranged by the contractor, it can't be a union Homegrown pirates from The Lord of the Rings, right?
But no matter how much this group of people think, they can't guess that it is Fang Yun, the plot wizard.

Captain Fang was not working for nothing, at least he killed two contractors. Looking at the killing key in his hand, he couldn't help but smiled secretly. These two guys were also unlucky. The men set fire, and then let him headshot him with the Desert Eagle.

In a word, I'm so aggrieved!

The damage caused by Fang Yun's rogue methods is quite miserable. The entire Black Sea needs to be repaired for at least a few days, especially since 11 cannons were blown up. Fortunately, these things can still be bought with gold coins after they return to the Caribbean Sea. , and there is no need for Fang Yun to bother too much.

But it doesn't mean that the role of the Black Sea is only this time to stop the enemy, and tomorrow's battle of Smaug is the most critical! ! !
  -. -Children's Day on June [-]st, please subscribe to buy candy.

(End of this chapter)

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