Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 169 Revealing the Card

Chapter 169 Revealing the Card (Come to Qidian to subscribe! 3 more)
And just when Fang Yun was planning how to buy the elf warrior, Hanks suddenly sent a message that a contractor had bought a blue plot weapon from Thorin.

Dwarven heavy-armored fighters can also be exchanged, and they are cheaper than elf fighters, but they need to wait until the dwarf army arrives before handing over the purchased dwarf fighters to themselves.

Fang Yun suddenly realized that equipment is very easy to build for dwarves, and there must be a lot of good equipment in the lonely mountain, even countless equipment, so even if the prestige is the same, the grade that can be purchased will be upgraded by one grade.

But buying equipment is the most stupid way now, and he will not choose dwarf warriors. Even if dwarf heavy armor soldiers are powerful enough, they can't ride horses. Although blue sheep are powerful enough, he still doesn't like dwarf warriors...

Whether in the world of Lord of the Rings or the real world, cavalry always have an innate advantage against infantry, especially horses in iron armor, plus elf warriors, that is simply a sharp weapon in the cold weapon era.

Fang Yun also felt a little helpless when he saw a group of contractors rushing to the lonely mountain, planning to buy equipment.

Fortunately, half of the contractors were not tempted by this kind of temptation. They got together, probably as a team, and planned to work together to buy elf fighters to achieve the greatest results!

At this time, Fang Yun also felt his head swell, and he really didn't know what to do.

Thinking of the dark camp of so many strange monsters, Fang Yun wanted to curse. This group of guys not only includes goblin mercenaries, but also half-orcs, and even more awesome, there are also a group of enchanted trolls , no longer afraid of the sun, at this level of difficulty, trolls are at least level 3 legendary creatures.

If they really want to be exchanged for a few more, the light camp doesn't have to mix, just surrender.


"What to do, what to do!! There are so many half-orcs. No matter what, the light camp is in a deadly rhythm. Relying on giant eagles is too foolish. We must find a way!" A famous contractor seemed to have collapsed. , yelling.

Ares frowned, told the man to shut up, and then said lightly: "At this point, there is actually nothing to say. The most important thing is to buy elf fighters and increase the number of troops, but I also need some arrangements. All remote contracts Or, from now on, all of you will keep your strongest skills, and the Battle of the Five Armies will focus on the trolls, is this okay?"

Including Pete, the remote contractors nodded. Obviously they also like this kind of big guy, and obviously the rewards will be more.

"Hanks, have you and Pete exchanged for elf warriors?"

"Uh, it's all spent..." Hanks looked embarrassed. Of course, this was all an excuse, because he and Pete had already handed over the Universal Coins to Fang Yun, a total of 23000 Universal Coins!
"..." Ares was speechless, but no matter whether Hanks lied to them or not, he couldn't say anything more. After all, Hanks and the others are not their team members, and he still needs Hanks' help .

"All members of our Hellfire Club jointly purchased 100 elven shield warriors. We plan to attack a banner with the whole regiment, and try our best to support the battle with battle. If we can go on smoothly, we can also be able to fight in the Battle of the Five Armies." Summon a large number of soldiers, and I think this is also the advantage that space gives us!"

"So, Hanks and Pete, are you interested in joining my team and killing them together!" The intention of Ares' invitation has been clearly revealed.

These words made the single contractor jealous and envious, but Hanks shook his head and rejected Ares!
Qilin had just joined the Hellfire Club, and felt that Hanks and Pete had great prospects, so he walked over and said, "You two have spent all the common coins and haven't bought elf warriors yet, and the Battle of the Five Armies is very difficult, even if you personally No matter how strong you are, you still need teammates!"

After some persuasion, the two of Hanks still refused, which made the members of the Hellfire team look very ugly, and some contractors said ugly things, such as ignorance of what is good and bad, and their hearts are higher than the sky!
The two of Hanks remained unmoved until Fang Yun came on a tall horse and led two armored horses!

"Aris, I, Hanks and Pete are going to take care of one flag, your team is going to take care of another one, and the others are going to take care of one flag. If the damage is not too big, we will get together and see if there is any damage. It’s impossible, let’s solve the flag established by Asog!” At this time, Captain Fang was smoking a small cigarette, followed by rows of neat elf cavalry, which made all the contractors dumbfounded.

Ares sorted out the language for a long time, and looked at Fang Yun for a long time, but he still didn't speak.

As a result, Fang Yun said indifferently: "I know how to click the little method of becoming an elf, so I just fooled you into ordering common coins. As for being speechless now, we should work together now, right?"

Many contractors immediately understood what was going on when they heard it, but Fang Yun's face-changing skills are too powerful, right?
But how could they be willing to be cheated by Universal Coin? Some people yelled: "Return our Universal Coin."

The team members behind Ares were relatively calm, and no one yelled at them, but they all took out their weapons and were ready to fight at any time!
As a result, Fang Yun just stretched out his hand lightly, and the elf archers behind him all missed their arrows at them!

"Hehe, good, good, you are powerful enough, you know healing skills? Are you a magician?" Ares looked at the three of them with a sneer, and he was so out of breath. If they didn't hurt each other, it would definitely cause internal damage , and finally lead to the failure of the mainline task.

So they started to fight with each other. For the sake of the overall situation, they definitely wouldn't fight!

"Haha, since I can heal, I am naturally a priest. You feel deceived by me, but the battle line is so long, even if I am a plot character, how can I take care of it? What's more, as long as you give me the contractor of the common currency, I will But everything has been taken care of in place, if you don’t believe me, if you check the battle information, at least I have thrown away a magic shield, I am still very loyal.”

Ares flipped through the battle information, and his face turned black. This kind of shielding method specially used by assassins was used by the priests, and they were played by them as plot characters.

"Pastor FUCK YOU, go to Teme El Yunze, don't let me meet you in the next plot world!" Ares glanced at him, turned his head and left with the people, Fang Yun didn't stay here any longer , although Gandalf is coming soon, but he has no time to wait for him.

He led 100 elf knights, 40 elf cavalry archers turned their heads and left, and these people, even if they were bought at a 6% discount, would still need 50400 universal coins, even if Fang Yun borrowed 23000 from Hanks Universal currency, at this time there are only 1800 universal currency left!

You must know that elves can ride horses. Fang Yun is not as rich and powerful as Ares. He bought the most valuable elf shield warriors, and there are still a total of 100 of them.

But Fang Yun also successfully formed the largest cavalry army on the entire battlefield!

When elf warriors are on the battlefield, they are always the neatest. They wear golden dazzling armor, and everyone's eyes are like lightning, like the bravest but calmest warriors!
And the beginning of the Battle of the Five Armies will also be started by them!
Before leaving, Fang Yun also drank the essence of Smaug's heart!

All attributes +3-8 points, Captain Fang was lucky to get strength +8, physical strength +6, agility +7, perception +6, wisdom +7, intelligence +8, charisma +6 attribute values!
 Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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