Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 172 He's Blooming Brightly

Chapter 172 He's Blooming Brightly (6 more)
After the bloody battle, the elf warriors are full of energy and energy. They are also wise and brainy like other woodland elves, but they have been ordered to obey the command of Fang Yun, the elf prince. In their minds, they did not follow the wrong person, and achieved great results.

This will also further condense their will to fight and exert stronger fighting power.

Fang Yun and the others, who were all cavalry, were faster. They had already arrived in Hegu Town long before Ares and the others came back.

Thranduil was sitting on the throne frowning at this moment, with the dark magic stone suspended in his hand, he seemed to hate this kind of thing, and would not even touch it.

"Just one dark magic stone doesn't mean that the orc army has arrived!" Thranduil said in a flat tone, not having Fang Yun's identity, so he changed his attitude.

"But Your Majesty, there are still orc flags and hundreds of orc heads here." Fang Yun felt bad, because at this moment, Gandalf hadn't arrived here yet.

Thranduil, who squinted his eyes, shook his head: "There are only a few hundred orcs. There are 4500 elves behind me. So what if thousands of orcs come?"

When Fang Yun heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. His status was not enough. He even thought that this guy might not trust him, so he brought the heads of those half-orcs, but he still didn't believe what he said. , if Gandalf was here, it would definitely make Thranduil no longer speak so wildly.

"Forget it, I'm still exchanging some elven warriors." Fang Yun said this, and Thranduil's expression changed for the better.

At this time, there is no other way but to prepare for the battle according to the direction of the plot, but what worries Fang Yun the most is, if Gandalf has not come here, is it possible that the wanderer team is going to stop him?
Although Gandalf is powerful, he was imprisoned in Dol Guldur for an unknown number of days, and was attacked by dark magic all day long. In Dolf's hands, it may also be greed. Gandalf has a lot of powerful equipment and props.

It can be said that Gandalf was the weakest moment in the six movies on the way here, otherwise he would not be able to release even a magic skill on the entire battlefield.


"You said that Gandalf is rushing here, and he might be ambushed by some powerful mercenaries?" Thranduil questioned.

But Fang Yun nodded with great certainty, and even took out the title of apprentice magician to prove the relationship between the two.

"Hmph, you underestimate your teacher too much. Although this old guy says that wind is rain all day long, and his language is never accurate, even in your eyes, he never does anything.

He even wields a broken long sword all day long, but no matter what he says, he is also one of the strongest people in the entire Middle-earth world, and he doesn't shoot, it's just that someone restricts him from doing it casually, if someone really wants him It is undoubtedly that the egg hits the stone, but you will see the strongest magic in Middle-earth. "

Thranduil disliked Gandalf very much, but he was able to explain it to Fang Yun patiently. Hearing what he said, Fang Yun suddenly realized, and even looked forward to it.

It will be interesting to see how much the Rangers team will suffer if they actually try to intercept Gandalf.


"Let's go, go back!!" The elemental mage looked horrified, the exquisite and slim magic robe had long since become tattered, and the saber-toothed tiger under him only ran a few hundred meters with her, and died immediately!
"Why, how is it possible, the plot has completely changed!!" Left Shield was so shocked that he was speechless.

But at this time, the elemental mage, leading eight or nine members, didn't dare to turn back at all, but fled here desperately, because behind them, there was a figure releasing light!

As the white light gradually spread, it seemed to turn into a small sun. The corpses under the feet instantly turned into ashes, and a contractor who could not move not far away turned into a pile of bones.

A wave of surging air spread to the surroundings. He was suspended in the air, and the surrounding ground became extremely shattered. Trees were uprooted and flew in all directions. In almost 5 seconds, everything within a radius of [-] meters was razed to the ground. !
His eyes glowed with white light, and Gandalf, who was like a god, slowly landed on the ground. The blood on his clothes was shocking, almost permeating his magic robe.

But his aura at this time was vigorous, like an abyss, like the sea, and the contractors in the distance were all trembling, especially when Gandalf took off the tattered gray robe, their eyeballs were all shrinking.

"Gan, Gandalf is blooming light!" The elemental mage was stunned, she was so powerful that she couldn't even speak smoothly, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran back quickly.

Except for the 5 people who supported the Black Witch team, all the other 14 people came here. They had already beaten Gandalf to death, but they never expected that there would be a shocking turning point.

"Damn it, it's Hanks, an idiot, he's going to die!" Undead Deathsight clenched his fists. Originally, the durability of his sniper rifle was blown by the sharp archer Bud, and it was finally repaired. As a result, Gandalf was blown away again, and he was directly faced with the problem of lowering the quality. How could he not be angry.

"They will die, they will all die!" The elemental mage seemed to be roaring, her eyes were full of viciousness, and then she crushed the black leaf in her hand. The leaf was as black as ink, as if soaked in an endless abyss, It is filled with the breath of dark magic.

Gandalf looked over thoughtfully, for some reason, his face gradually became gloomy.


Fang Yun exchanged 71 elf knights again, leaving 3000 common coins, but the number of cavalry has reached 150, and there are 40 cavalry and archers. In this Middle-earth world, they are all powerful mobile troops.

Under his arrangement, let them all go to rest, and it was the first time for him to sit face to face with Ares and others to start a battle meeting.

But at this moment, whether it is Ares or others, all of them are sad. The contractors of the light camp are almost dead or injured. Of the more than 50 contractors, only 25 are left!
This has to include Fang Yun and the other three. When A Ruisui saw Fang Yun, the fake elf, coming, he snorted coldly: "If you hadn't lied to us about the general currency, how could the Light camp have fallen into such a situation?"

"1000 common coins per person is a lot, how much more combat power can you have?" Fang Yun curled his lips in disdain, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and asked again.

Qilin coughed dryly, and quickly stood up: "Bosses, this is not the time for a war of words. If we don't discuss a plan, we will lose the main mission! Gandalf hasn't come yet, if we don't cooperate, we will lose." Already."

"If you lose, you lose. Will I be afraid? At worst, use some tricks, so what if you fail the main task, don't worry, I just don't know, what will happen to you, a fake elf?" Ares was very angry at this time, seeing Fang Yun's handsome face almost has the urge to tear him apart.

Captain Fang drew out the elf long sword that was shining with golden light, making people's eyes widen involuntarily, and they all shouted in their hearts, "Oh my god, a golden plot weapon?"

But at this moment, he sneered: "I don't have to pay the price at all. I am an elf. I just need to establish a relationship with King Thranduil, and he can protect the three of us from being restrained by the main task. If you don't believe me, just try it." Try, if you lose, you will lose, whoever is afraid of whom."

The other scattered people were a little speechless. The way these two vent their anger is more like bragging, but if you brag like this, isn't our group of scattered people doomed?

As a result, the two of them just looked at each other without bowing their heads.

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(End of this chapter)

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