Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 174 Battle of Xuefeng!

Chapter 174 Battle of Xuefeng! (addition for Xiao Yuner)

The cold wind was bleak, and for some reason, heavy snow fell from the sky, but the rows of golden armored elf warriors behind them remained unmoved. Even though the half-orcs had low intelligence, they would not be afraid of life and death.

In the middle of the night, few high-end plot characters were present, and no one knew what was going on here, the battle between life and death.

A contractor was mixed in the torrent of steel. When the two sides collided together, only pieces of hot blood were left splashed on the ice. Although there were few elf warriors in golden armor, the two sides fought together At that time, it had been divided into a straight line. Looking from a high altitude, one side was golden and the other side was black, and a fierce collision was taking place.

The scene of this scale of war is not too big, but there are still some contractors who are not used to such an exaggerated and bloody scene. Almost every step forward, there will be sharp knives coming from different directions!

But Hanks is worthy of being a natural core MT. He is standing in the middle of the battlefield so upright at this moment, and countless half-orcs in black armor are rushing towards him, but he is not afraid.

Using the skills on the ring, the giant dragon shield, the round silver shield, tripled in size in an instant, swung forward swiftly, and the super shield blow directly repelled the half-orcs tens of meters in front, like dominoes , were overturned to the ground one after another, the huge impact was astonishing.

A phantom of a huge dragon that seemed to be shaped and invisible suddenly appeared, and I saw this huge monster, coiled in front of the torrent of golden armor, and appeared behind him again.

As Hanks yelled: "Kill!"

The dragon head behind him suddenly spread its wings out of thin air, and let out an earth-shattering roar towards the black orcs!

I saw the black clouds dissipating, the white snow flew upside down, and the ice surface shook loudly!
And a more shocking scene appeared, Ares suddenly jumped up high, brandishing a long sword like a god of war, and slashing down vertically, a brilliant sword aura appeared, and the orcs more than ten meters away were all split in half by the sword , The ice surface under his feet cracked more than ten meters long in an instant.

The huge impact caused the water flow under the ice to explode more than ten meters high, knocking out how many orcs were flying.

And the many golden-armored elf warriors behind them also jumped over the heads of their companions at this time. Regardless of the frightened orcs, the scimitar went down and took away a piece of human head.

Almost in a short moment, the battle results brought by the two MTs were simply sensational, because their performance was unstoppable and imposing, how could the elf warriors following behind be timid and cowardly?
A series of skills dyed the air brilliantly, and soldiers fell on the icy ice. Almost instantly, rows of corpses fell on the ground, elves, orcs, and even some contractors.

Arthur was also holding an epee, and the elf warrior who approached him was not stabbed to death by him at all, but was slapped away by him. The heavy sword body, violent power, and even a few consecutive blows could knock out an elf warrior. To pieces.

After seeing the arrogant Arthur, Ares brazenly used his charging skills, pulled out a straight line on the ice in an instant, and slammed into Arthur's body straightly. With his incomparable skills and strength, wherever he passed, People turned on their backs, and many half-orcs were thrown into the sky, and then fell heavily on their companions.

Even if Arthur, who is an MT, was hit by Ares, it was like being hit by a truck on the highway. His breastplate was instantly dented, and blood spurted wildly. He didn't know how many orcs were killed. .


The war mode can be called the burial place of the contractor, and Fang Yun is also covered in blood at this time, but fortunately, his attributes are high enough, his life value is enough, and he is still a miraculous priest.

However, there is an advantage in the war mode. When the contractor is behind the crowd, it is difficult for the enemy's long-range contractor to target himself.

But there are enemies everywhere, not melee powerhouses, but ordinary contractors, who are basically hacked to death without a few knives.

Only the Black Witch team is guarding here, and they are not Fang Yun's opponents at all. After all, in terms of contractors alone, there are more than a dozen people more than them, and they have no evolutionaries. Although Satan's daughter repelled Ari Si, rescue Arthur away, but it can be seen that Arthur has no strength to fight at this time, one thigh has been cut off, if there is no precious medicine.

Arthur can only linger in this world, waiting for victory or death.

In less than 10 minutes, there were more than 1000 orcs, and there were less than 300 left. However, Ares and others stopped because the ice between the two sides suddenly shattered, forming a 3-meter-wide The natural obstacles of the ice surface, and the panting river below the ice surface, also made them dare not move rashly.

The Daughter of Satan gasped heavily, and the two trolls couldn't come to the ice for support, otherwise, the ice would be crushed.

They were beaten badly, if she didn't cast spells, she would be beaten to the snow peak by them.

There are only 150 elf warriors left, also covered in blood, waiting for Ares to give an order, whether to choose to jump over and overthrow them directly.

The 3-meter natural barrier is an obstacle for the orcs, but for the elves, not to mention the standing long jump, they can also pass with a run-up.

Just when Ares was about to give an order, there was a gunshot behind him, and the moment they turned their heads.

I saw a flame soaring into the sky, rushing towards the Xiaoxue Peak, and almost instantly, a large flame covered the Xiaoxue Peak, and Pete could only bring 20 or so elf shooters, and hurriedly jumped down the mountain , barely escaped a catastrophe.

"The homeless team is behind!" Pete yelled, and the faces of Ares and others turned black instantly, but Pete said with a smile: "There are only 9 people, but there was a sniper just now, who was shot by me. What kind of idiot is the death-sighted undead."

The commanding heights were wiped out in an instant, but Pete also killed the sniper on the opposite side. I have to say that this is something worth celebrating, but now that he is being attacked by two sides, the situation is really not good.

"You said we only have 9 people, what about these?" The elemental mage who climbed to the top of the mountain snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, three huge trolls came up, and almost every step they took made the ground tremble.

They have rough skin that can almost withstand sharp weapons such as swords, and the huge mace in their hands can take away at least one enemy every time they are swung, which can be called the heavy firepower on the battlefield of cold weapons.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of elemental mages. At first glance, there are only 8 people left?" Ares walked in front and sneered.

"You only have more than 100 elf warriors. Look at where you are. Are your feet hard?" In front of the elemental mage, a fire snake suddenly appeared, spinning around her.

The faces of all the contractors changed drastically. At this time, they came to the very center of the ice. If they were pinched here and the ice suddenly shattered, they would suffer heavy losses, and even their entire army would be wiped out.

Following the elemental mage, the flame snake gradually grew bigger and bigger, and everyone felt a trace of despair.

But Fang Yun sneered: "Looking at your tattered appearance, I know that Gandalf almost wiped you out. Turn around and look behind you, idiot!"

At this time, the wanderer team also heard Qi Qi's footsteps, and one after another elf warriors in golden armor appeared, and the one walking in the front was actually Sorin, the King of the Lonely Mountain!
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(End of this chapter)

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